Sentences with phrase «other than lying»

This morning I didn't feel much like making chook cupcakes, I didn't feel much like making anything at all, other than lying on the couch skulling Diet Coke.
Make sure the physical therapist has her perform some exercises standing up so she can feel it in positions other than lying on her back.
Remember that this was the 50s where there was just about no treatment for high blood pressure other than lying down in a dark room and thinking relaxing thoughts.
Moreover, when we got the tour of the maternity ward and delivery rooms, the midwife assured us that you could choose your birthing position and that aids to birth in a position other than lying down were provided (like a birthing chair).
It's followed as a matter of course in Russia, and if there is even a small chance it might be a reality then our fuel problems are likely t be far less extreme, and the oil producers will have no excuse for hiking their prices (other than the lie of AGW of course).

Not exact matches

Because some reps are better than others at pitching different types of products, the trick lies in choosing one who best complements your particular type of merchandise and, preferably, already has experience and contacts.
SEASONED retailers in Leederville believe the area's appeal lies in the independent streak displayed by the stores and entertainment outlets rather than the chain operators that have come to dominate other high street precincts.
«You can't have 50/50 equality when one of the candidates lies more than the other candidate.»
Boise's house - flipping market potential is a bit lower than that of other cities in the top 10, ranking 80th, but Boise's strengths lie in its low renovation costs and high quality of life.
Others in the business think the secret to greater acceptance lies in building a distribution network and courting liberal - minded builders rather than targeting home buyers.
The research for this one is less clear cut, but if you're facing a potentially tough negotiation or other situation where you need to keep your wits about you, spot lies, and counter manipulation, stony - faced determination is probably better than smiles.
The CFTC contends that the CEO chose to misappropriate the funds of customers rather than invest them, engaging in Ponzi scheme - style payouts to other customers, and in turn lying about balances to cover his tracks.
Other than Post, only a handful of scientists are working on lab - grown meat; others believe the future lies in plant - based substitutes, ones so good they could fool even the most discerning palate, although Post maintains that we humans will always have an appetite for the real thing.
We, on the other hand, view it with hope: because more than anything, the events of the past few days show that the truth is getting out — the truth that capital markets simply can not exist under the authoritarian rule of central planners, the truth that the stock market is a casino in which the best one can hope for a quick flip, and finally the truth that our entire socio - economic regime, whose existence has been predicated by borrowing from the uncreated wealth of the future, and where accumulated debt could be wiped out at the flip of a switch if things go wrong in the process obliterating the welfare of billions (of less than 1 % ers), is one big lie.
ragansteve1 I couldn't reply to your comment below, but the Israeli point of view of Hamas is propaganda, and is no closer to the truth than any of the other lies.
The fallacy lies in coming to a conclusion based solely on the order of events, rather than taking into account other factors that might rule out the connection.
The generation that has lost one out of five of its members to abortion in this country seems to be more poignantly aware than any other of the tragic cost of the culture of death as well as the ever - present urgency of the need to confront its lies courageously.
What evidence do you have other than something anecdotal or rhetorical to show that this is prevalent and the pretext not a lie to make women feel afraid of the bogeyman so to speak?
The explanation of this contrast lies in the fact that historic Christian thought in this regard, as in others, has been Greek rather than Hebrew.
The funny thing is, though, that this other group knows all of the stories your family likes to tell about the deceased, and the stories they add to the mix sound more like mythic embellishments of his character than outright lies.
But the real explanation of our ineffectual preaching lies much deeper: far too many of us, far too much of the time, do not recognize the terrible truth that as preachers we are engaged in nothing other than the task of confronting our listeners with the very Word of God.
Some desires are harder to overcome than others, especially if we believe the lies of the enemy that they are okay and we were born that way and it is our nature and we must live with it.
I also was aware of the hypocrisy of how «gay» sin, or «non-virgin» sin, or other «moral» issues, were regarded far far differently than sins of omission, white lies, tax fudging, white collar crime in general (who is more sinful, the girl that has sex before marriage, or the CEO that knows his company is lax on pollution standards that affect the health of hundreds / thousands of people and animals that live nearby)
We have all chosen to lie, steal and love ourselves more than others.
«The immorality of the United States and Great Britain's decision to invade Iraq in 2003, premised on the lie that Iraq possessed weapons of mass destruction, has destabilised and polarised the world to a greater extent than any other conflict in history,» wrote Tutu.
I prefer that to lying my head on my pillow feeling that all day I was running around trying to please people and being somebody other than myself to make them comfortable.
Green with respect to other colors participates in relations such as «x is lighter than y» or «x is darker than z,» as well as in such complex extensive relations as «x lies between y and z on A,» where x, y and z represent colors and A some general term as «house.»
That is, those events which are later than others lie in the same direction as the more evolved stages of the biosphere, the more developed stages of individual organisms, the more entropic states of closed physical systems, or the events of a causal chain which can be the effects but not the causes of a given event on the chain.
It's easy to convince ourselves we're guarding the feelings of others when we're only trying to protect our own hides — and this sort of deception often ends in more complication, lying and pain than we ever imagined.
Such efforts give the lie to what is accurately described as the racist slander that black Americans are incorrigibly incapable of facing the truth about their situation, are perpetually parasitic on the larger society, and have no other strategy than to exploit white guilt in order to continue the free ride that blacks are getting on the wagon that others pull (to use Senator Phil Gramm's ugly image).
The value lies in the between — in the relation of the I to a Thou which is not an It yet is really other than the I.
As I shall make clear later, I find profound and vital truth in the experience which lies behind the dogma of the Trinity but, at the same time, I think more nonsense has been written about that dogma than about any other item of the Christian creed.
20 But if you have gone astray while under your husband's authority, and if you have defiled yourself and some man other than your husband has lain with you» — 21 then the priest shall put the woman under the oath of the cu «rse, and he shall say to the woman — «the Lord make you a cu «rse and an oath among your people, when the Lord makes your thigh rot and your belly swell; 22 and may this water that causes the cu «rse go into your stomach, and make your belly swell and your thigh rot.
Satan is called the «Father of lies» but there is no biblical evidence (other than hearsay) that Satan ever did lie.
The greed in amassing a fortune and hurting and cheating and lying to others is no less sinful than two men lying together.
Why should any rational adult accept at face value a claim that if made about anything other than religion, would be scoffed at as a lie?
How sad that rather than face their own truth with courage, they debase and hurt innocent people and lie to themselves and others.
It's more fabrication of a lie that some human beings are more worthy of resources than others.
The burden of proof lies on the one who wants to take the two masculine terms generically, and so far, you have offered no proof other than your desire to not understand them as referring to two men.
There have been suggestions that their success has lain simply in their having out - hustled the mainline broadcasters, while others have suggested that their success lies in having grasped the essential nature of the medium — more clearly than the mainline broadcasters — and communicating within those terms.
David Barton is nothing more than a «for hire» Christian extremist who has created lies about our founders and supplies these lies to ultra-right-wing members of Congress and others.
Where we and others of greater authority than ourselves in the Church, differ from his view lies in the assessment of exactly what is defined and what is not.
Instead, my question is this: why is it easier to lie about each other than to learn from each other?
The primary factors which bear on the question seem to me to be five: (1) the churchgoing habit in these churches is earlier and more persistently associated with religion; (2) the emotional accompaniments of worship are more vivid and dramatic; (3) greater demands — or at least, greater consciously recognized demands — are made on church members; (4) more concrete instruction is given in Christian doctrine; and (5) in spite of some false notes, other notes are struck which in certain great essentials lie closer to the heart of the Christian gospel than the usual liberal emphasis.
On the other hand, many of us who are called into ministry or humanitarian work are tempted to believe the lie that our work is more important than that of others.
Quoting anything else but their Bible would never reach their ears, But arguing with the Bible just reinforces that mentality that truth lies in their anthology than in other religious anthologies or even non-religious writing.
The true knight of faith is a witness, never a teacher, and therein lies his deep humanity, which is worth a good deal more than this silly participation in others» weal and woe which is honored by the name of sympathy, whereas in fact it is nothing but vanity.
for example, that the dignity of all persons ought to be respected, that tolerance is a virtue and discrimination is abhorrent, that peaceful resolution of conflicts is superior to violence, that generally truth - telling is superior to lying, that democratic government is morally superior to totalitarianism and authoritarianism, that one ought to give a day's work for a day's pay, that saving for one's own and one's country's future is better than squandering one's income and relying on others to attend to one's future needs.
yeahright, no you're the stupid one, if you think that prejudice, lying, hate, stealing, violence, greed, poverty, perversion, war, and men sleeping with each other even then, until this day, and adultery, has changed since the days of old, you are delusional, and dumber, than dumber.
Jesus died for ALL sins, not just some, not the ones that we like to consider big because according to the Word of God all sin is equal, big or small, obviously murdering someone will have more of an impact than lying because the individuals family is affected among other things but in the eyes of God ALL sin is equal but Jesus died for ALL sins and I believe Paul's testimony shows that there are no sins that can't be forgiven, the power of sin has been taken away.
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