Sentences with phrase «other than neurons»

Analyzing this wealth of data yielded several results, including the first direct structural evidence to support the idea that neurons that do similar tasks are more likely to be connected to each other than neurons that carry out different tasks.

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nothing makes the atheist more ticked off more than when you bring up GOD... God gets all the blame for all the tragedy in the world... If there wasnt a god in the first place, humans would not know tragedy or injustice when we see it... it would be a non-issue to us... survival of the fittest would not permit the emotions of love, compassion, empathy... Darwininian theory could not allow any of those and many other of the best of people's capacity for caring to surface... You cant explain it away by synapse or neurons... without a Supreme Being, there would be no sense of justice or injustice, we would not call it anything because there is no Ultimate Moral Standard to compare it.
There is nothing connecting photons to neurons other than the sensory input of sight and the infrared glow of chemical reactions in all living matter.
In 2011 researchers found that these waves of electricity cause neurons in the hippocampus, the main brain area involved with memory, to fire backward during sleep, sending an electrical signal from their axons to their own dendrites rather than to other cells.
Brad Postle, a University of Wisconsin - Madison neuroscientist, says the idea that something other than the spiking of neurons is important has been «kicking around for a while.»
Each neuron forms about 1,000 connections to other neurons, amounting to more than a trillion connections.
To ensure the introduced protein didn't interact with other parts of the neuron, the team used the mouse version of the gene rather than the nematode's usual invertebrate version.
These antidepressants, which often have fewer side effects than others, prevent transmitting neurons from quickly soaking serotonin back up that has not been absorbed by receptors on other neurons, thus giving the neurotransmitter more time in the synapse to exert an effect.
Given that there are a number of different types of neurons in the cerebral cortex and that there are many areas where the neurons do things other than help with memory, you can see how one billion is a conservative estimate I hoped would be useful for understanding the storage capacity of the human brain.
Detecting Arc inside a neuron, in other words, shows that a memory had just been activated inside it less than five minutes before the animal's death.
The researchers propose that as neurons pass these signals along, they can add tiny advances, some bigger than others.
The network of neurons in the retina, on the other hand, looks less like a grid than a set of psychedelic snowflakes, with branches upon branches filling the retina in swirling patterns.
Perhaps even more intriguing, our astrocytes are enormous compared with the astrocytes of other animals — 20 times larger than rodent astrocytes — and they make contact with millions of neurons apiece.
I wouldn't say that we have provided any great insight into that, other than to say that neurons acquire the ability to grow that extensive distance by virtue of their genetic profiles.
The patient's brain signals were decoded by an electrocorticographic (ECoG) implant that can cover a large area of the brain, taking in and translating information from many groups of neurons and providing more stable readings than have been achieved through other methods.
The research also answers a long - standing question about why motor neurons, the nerve cells of the spinal cord that control muscle movement, form much faster than other types of neurons.
Researchers from Hiroki Taniguchi's lab at the Max Planck Florida Institute for Neuroscience (MPFI) published a study in eNeuro in May 2017 showing for the first time that a unique type of inhibitory interneuron called chandelier cells — which are implicated in several diseases affecting the brain such as schizophrenia and epilepsy — seem to develop their connections differently than other types of neurons.
The team discovered that a protein called Sema3a is produced much more abundantly by astrocytes close to motor neurons than by astrocytes from other regions in the spinal cord.
mystery, as they make it possible to examine all the synaptic pathways that contribute to memory, rather than focusing on whether it is the synapsis or the neuron that activates the other.
After all, individual neurons can receive input from more than one hundred thousand other cells, some of which inhibit rather than encourage the neuron's firing.
But perhaps more intriguingly, the researchers showed that including excitatory neuronsneurons that stimulate, rather than inhibit, other neurons» firing — as well as inhibitory neurons among the auxiliary neurons can not improve the efficiency of the circuit.
«The reason we have more neurons than any other animal alive is that cooking allowed this qualitative change — this step increase in brain size,» she says.
Humans have more brain neurons than any other primate — about 86 billion, on average, compared with about 33 billion neurons in gorillas and 28 billion in chimpanzees.
Tissue studies also showed that the drug had been taken up into motor neurons throughout the spinal cord, and into neurons and other cells in the brain, at levels higher than those thought necessary for the drug to be effective.
While the cells were getting quieter overall, there were some important variations: the firing of some neuron groups was dropping off faster than others.
The excess was greater within DL - PFC than in M - PFC, a difference that parallels MRI volumetric data showing greater deviance in DL - PFC than M - PFC in living autistic toddlers.6 MRI studies show that enlargement is not restricted to DL - PFC and M - PFC; whether increased neuron counts in autism extend beyond these 2 major prefrontal subdivisions to include other cortical areas remains to be determined.
ReNeuron's fetal cells «are closer to the neurons in [healthy] people than others used before, so they might be more effective,» Zivin says.
And when they tracked the striatal neurons carrying the mutant huntingtin over time, they found them much more likely to die than those from other brain regions.
Neuroscience, arguably more than any other aspect of biology, is a science that requires intense computation, because understanding the brain is about understanding how billions and billions of neurons function in orchestras to regulate our thoughts and behavior.
To examine whether the CCHa2 signal directly activates the IPCs, rather than being relayed by other neurons, CCHa2 - R was knocked down specifically in the IPCs.
«Corvids are among the largest song birds — the raven is the largest — hence they have the largest brains and more neurons than others,» he continued.
As for the HARs that weren't active in brain cells during the study, the scientists think they could influence gene expression at other time points during development, such as when the neuron is fully matured rather than while it's developing.
«This might be a clue to why corvids are cognitively more complex than other birds, given that neurons are the basic information processing units.»
They found one gene, known as TRPA1, that was 400-fold more active in rattlesnake trigeminal neurons than in other kinds of neurons.
According to Gregg Braden, a «spiritual scientist,» there is a cluster of around 40,000 neurons in the heart, and this expansive «heart brain» sends more information to the cranial brain than the other way around.
The reason for this is cellular lipid oxidation may be important for neuron death in AD and polyunsaturated fats are more easily oxidized than other fats.
Rather than empathizing (one of the most direct implications of the mirror neurons discovery), the works in «Mirror Cells» do not relate to each other directly through repetition or imitation.
During this time, new neurons are forming in the brain (more so now than during any other phase) and extensions of the neurons are growing that make it possible for one neuron to «talk to» another one, forming pathways of neural connections.
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