Sentences with phrase «other than school»

Every person who qualifies for the above - explained exemption is entitled to «an additional exemption of up to $ 25,000 on the assessed valuation greater than $ 50,000 for all levies other than school district levies.»
SEL can also be fostered in many settings other than school.
(2) A driver education school or parent taught driver education course provider shall not transfer unassigned DE-964s and ADE - 1317s to a school / provider other than the school / provider for which the certificates were ordered from the department without written approval from the department.
They have some type of passion other than school or work.
His teaching contract also prohibited him from taking a teaching position with an employer other than his school board.
Non-educational use of student loans is on the rise, with students in 2016 twice as likely to use their funds on something other than school expenses than those surveyed in 2015.
Outside Scholarship A scholarship that comes from sources other than the school and the federal or state government.
Mary Crawford had been denied access to the school nearest her residence in 1961 «for no reason other than the School Board's policy to ensure the separation of races» (University of La Verne Law Review).
They are usually thinking about anything other than school.
Provide independent listeners, including older students and adults other than school staff, to whom victims of bullying may turn.
«There's opposition because the charter school movement changes the fundamental power structure of public education, saying that entities other than school districts can successfully run public schools.»
In that case, they specifically noted that Legislature, still exercising their constitutional role in funding and organizing Washington schools, «found entities other than school districts qualified to educate our youth.»
School time occupies around one - sixth of school - age children's total hours, but schools are the sites of fewer than 3 percent of students» gun homicides; the other 97 percent occur somewhere other than school.
At the DLC's national convention in May of 1991, Bill Clinton and DLC delegates would endorse an education agenda that included, among other things, school choice, accountability, and Kolderie's idea, which the DLC explained as «giving entities other than school districts» the chance to operate public schools.
Schools are the sites of fewer than 3 percent of students» gun homicides; the other 97 percent occur somewhere other than school.
Policymakers should consider permitting individuals other than school leaders to evaluate teachers.
Betsy talks little about anything other than school choice and rethinking schools.
In permitting — for the first time — entities other than school districts to create new public schools, states are taking a bold step toward reform that can produce the diverse educational opportunities that our children need.
Provide independent listeners including older pupils and adults other than school staff to whom victims of bullying may turn.
Because recessions may affect student outcomes through channels other than school budgets (such as parental employment or neighborhood crime), the Shores and Steinberg result likely reflects all ill - effects of the recession rather than those through reduced per - pupil spending per se.
SEL can also be fostered in many settings other than school.
As he explains the advantages of this K through 8 school, Cox acknowledges that some of them derive from conditions other than the school configuration.
So, you just sit down and visit or go out and purposefully talk about anything other than school, school kids, teachers, staff members, test scores.
School choice interventions have not yet fully considered factors other than a school's academic quality that may lead to success in a P - 12 context (such as particular pedagogical approaches, special programming, or extracurricular offerings) and how best to present those school characteristics to families.
So he exhorted lawmakers to consider «chartering,» as a way to allow entities other than school districts to establish new public schools that would be open to students regardless of where they lived, thereby beginning to withdraw the monopoly school districts held over the provision of public education.
Factors other than school quality could help to explain high levels of achievement of charter school students in these states — including the ability of parents to close underperforming schools.
A letting is defined as «any use of the school building and grounds by parties other than the school».
For the first time, the girls will venture out of the home to interact socially in an environment other than school.
Needless to say I didn't have much time for anything other than school and work until I graduated.
School still hasn't let up for me but for the first time in weeks I'm able to use some of my weekend to do things other than school - prep!
Going to church also connects me to something other than school.
Even though the school is supposed to inform parents they can remove their children from the sessions, a YouGov poll conducted for the HSS in 2012 showed 80 % of parents either did not know this or had learned it from a source other than the school.
These days, I don't have to leave the house (other than school runs) if the weather is rubbish and on lovely days, I can work from the garden if I want to.
(Digital media included TV, computers, video games, tablets and smartphones, and other screen devices that were used by kids for something other than school work.)
Earlier this spring, Arlington Heights gave the team its blessing to use the school district field for commercial purposes, meaning the team could charge admission to the 3,500 - seat stadium and use the field for something other than school - related activities.
Finally i also go to school and only where outfits other than school uniform on weekends.
I was a little nervous as I've never really left the kids anywhere other than school and nursery so the thought of kids club for a week even if only a few hours a day was a little daunting for me.
Up from 23.4 % in 2007, in 2017 40.6 % of students now spend 3 or more hours each day (on an average school day) playing video or computer games, or using a computer, smartphone, or tablet for something other than school work.
But if we're not to descend further into a raucous, in - your - face future, what other than our schools can save us?
If you have a degree in a chosen field, it's best to research what other criteria, other than schooling, is required to secure a position.

Not exact matches

A hybrid of «Oakland» and «Amsterdam,» the organization is much more than a school, it's a movement, replete with a museum, club, and other amenities that make it prime for learning.
With 6,900 employers associated with the school — more than any other university in Canada — there's a good chance you'll find a spot.
Flombaum and Enbar, who self - funded the operation up to this point and who say tuition alone can keep the school easily afloat, say they want to work first on perfecting the methods their more than a dozen instructors employ before expanding to other cities or to online courses.
To date, more than half of NaturAll Club's capital — a total of $ 120,000 — has come from pitch competitions sponsored by, among others, Harvard Business School Club, the entertainer Steve Harvey, UBS, and Under Armour.
Some are larger than others, and if you're planning on bringing the notebook to school, work, or business meetings, then you'll want to ensure that it's the right size for your needs.
The oldest law school in Canada, McGill, ranks just under U of T. Its highly regarded law journal is cited by The Supreme Court of Canada more often than any other university - affiliated journal, and McGill law graduates regularly make up a quarter of The Supreme Court's annual clerkships.
The peopleare really nice, and they seem to be moreflexible than other schools,» he says.
According to a study by Michael Norton of Harvard Business School and two colleagues from the University of British Columbia, the amount of money people earn has less influence on their happiness than how they spend it, and those who spend at least some of their money on others are happier than those who do not.
A 2012 study of debt - payoff strategies from Northwestern University's Kellogg School of Management found that consumers paying off small balances first were more likely to have eliminated their entire debt than those focusing on other strategies.
If one child decides not to go to school, goes to a cheaper school than expected, gets a full scholarship (more on that in a minute), or for some other reason doesn't use all of the money, you can simply change the beneficiary on the account and give those funds to another child... or even to yourself, if you'd like to go back to school.
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