Sentences with phrase «other than vitamin»

Many of these symptoms are general and can result from a variety of medical conditions other than vitamin B12 deficiency.
Almonds have countless antioxidant types other than vitamin E, and like vitamin E, they clear acne by protecting your sebum and deactivating free radicals, each through a moderately different pathway.
The takeaway may be to avoid massively overloading on antioxidants in general — large amounts of antioxidants other than vitamin C may impair muscle adaptation to exercise.
Other than the vitamin K found in natto, soybean products have little to offer our bones and much to harm them.
Exclusive breastfeeding was defined as giving breast milk as the only food source, with no other foods or liquids, other than vitamins and minerals being given.
As many of you may know, for late - stage dry age - related macular degeneration (AMD), also known as geographic atrophy, there currently is no available treatment other than vitamins, which only work in early to mid-stages.
However, it has little nutritional value other than the vitamins added to «enrich» the product.

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Lucky for him, he can now get his vitamins from something other than the powdered ones sprayed on his Cinnamon Toast Crunch.
This 2 - pound tub contains more goodness, more great taste, and more vitamins than any other leading brand, but less calories and no fat.
Red cabbage is the highest in vitamin K than other cabbage.
Once I learned that raspberries have more fiber than any other berry (a whopping 9 grams per cup... OMG) plus 60 % of the daily value of immune - boosting Vitamin C, I fell even more in love with them than before.
But one of the really exciting things about pumpkin seeds is that they may provide a wider array of types of Vitamin E than almost any other food.
Claiming 27 grams of protein (as much as a «4 oz steak or 12 oz of tofu»), four grams of fibre and 25 per cent of the daily values for essential vitamins and minerals, Vite Ramen also contains significantly less sodium than other instant noodles on the market: «capped at 25 per cent DV (daily value) per packet» (575 mg).
Eat some of this and you'll get a lot of iron and vitamin A. Just be aware of which polenta you use, as some are better for you than others.
Leafy greens, especially in the raw form, are an alkaline promoting food, so eating them assists our bodies in achieving that necessary slightly alkaline pH. Leafy greens are also great bone builders, as they have more vitamin K than any other food, which is crucial for the bone building proteins to function properly.
And I'm not calling them healthy just because they have less fat and calories than other cookies, but because they actually contain several essential vitamins, nutrients, and antioxidants.
They're packed with more Vitamin C than an orange, are high in iron, lower in sugar than other dried fruits, and they taste a little like a fig, vanilla, and a raisin all in one.
This is the easiest way (other than whole foods) to incorporate extra Vitamin C into our diet that I have found.
Other than that, it doesn't have as many natural vitamins and minerals as say, almonds, and it is often fortified with a lot of synthetic vitamins.
Nutritional highlights: Citrus fruit is a whole lot more than vitamin C. It's packed with other vitamins and minerals like Folate and Potassium and has antioxidant properties.
HKI has been advocating the elimination of vitamin A deficiency for more than 40 years, working with governments and other partners to reach those most in need through various interventions.
However, we would like to join the ranks of people, including the more than 6,000 supporters who have signed the petition to stop the destruction of field trials of GM crops, in calling for anti-GM activists and other concerned citizens to not take action that could delay the assessment and ongoing research of Golden Rice as a potential new way to reduce vitamin A deficiency and reduce the damage it can do to the precious vision and eyes of children.
More than 90 million children in Southeast Asia suffer from vitamin A deficiency, more than in any other region.
They contain 130 % of your daily Vitamin C in just 3 tablespoons - that's more than a cup of strawberries or any other normal berry!
Not only does the sweet potato have a lower glycemic index than the traditional white potato (meaning it will be deployed as energy to your body at a more steady state), it is also packed with other nutrition that benefits athletes including vitamins A and C, manganese, calcium, potassium, iron, vitamin B6 and fiber.
The feathery greens — and I'm talking the good stuff from homegrown carrots or farmers» market carrots, not the sad, wilty greens you sometimes find attached to carrots in supermarkets — are packed with potassium and other vitamins and minerals, more than what you'll find in the roots themselves.
Almonds are rich in nutrients, including magnesium, vitamin E, iron, calcium, and they have more fibre than any other tree nut.
A one - ounce serving of pistachios equals 49 nuts — more nuts per serving than any other nut and contains more than 10 % of the Daily Value for dietary fiber, vitamin B - 6, thiamin, phosphorus and copper.
Coupled with their status as a very good source of the antioxidant manganese and a good source of the antioxidant vitamin C, the unique phytonutrients in beets provide antioxidant support in a different way than other antioxidant - rich vegetables.
Algae is unique because it's highly efficient at turning sunlight, water and CO2 into vitamins and nutrients, more than any other crop.
Not only does yerba mate provide a more sustained, less acidic source of caffeine, but it also contains more vitamins, minerals and antioxidants than any other tea - based drink.
There's so much to love about avocados but the short story is that ounce per ounce, they contain more beta carotene, vitamins and minerals than any other fruit, plus higher levels of potassium than a banana.
Most brands have the same ingredients — yeast and B vitamins — but some do taste better than others.
They are also loaded with vitamin C, contain more carotenoids than any other food, have twenty - one trace minerals, and are high in fiber.
But it's possible that natural sugars — including agave nectar, coconut sugar, honey and maple syrup — may be more healthful than other varieties because they tend to be «packaged in their natural form, which contains fibers, vitamins and minerals,» she says.
Camu Camu is packed with more natural vitamin C than any other food source recorded on the planet, as well as beta - carotene, potassium, calcium, iron, phosphorus, protein, and valine.
It's great that you're able to do that but I absolutely hate all vegetables (other than potatoes and corn, which don't really count) so I rely on lots of fruit to help me get my vitamins.
These last two forms have only recently been discovered in pumpkin seeds, and their health benefits — including antioxidant benefits — are a topic of current interest in vitamin E research, since their bioavailability might be greater than some of the other vitamin E forms.
SSB sales also grew modestly (+5 %) over the same time frame, which was largely due to sports drinks and other new categories (e.g., vitamin waters) with lower concentrations of sugars than in conventional SSBs.
One Other Fun Fact: One teaspoon of spirulina has higher amounts of antioxidants, enzymes, vitamins, and minerals than 5 average servings of fruits and vegetables!
The WAPF claims that raw milk is an elixir that can not only cure allergies but also provide beneficial bacteria and digest more easily than other milk, because the lack of processing makes the vitamins, minerals, enzymes, and fats easier for our bodies to absorb.
Finally it's nutritional content is far richer than other sweeteners, with it containing numerous trace minerals and vitamins including iron, magnesium, zinc, potassium, and vitamins B1, B2, B3, B6 and C.
You'll never find any other fast food that would provide you with more than half of the daily value of Vitamin A, Vitamin B6 and Manganese as well as nearly half of Folate and Potassium.
Peter Pan Plus Peanut Butter - has more iron and many other vitamins and minerals than other brands of peanut butter
Breastmilk is still milk, with fat, protein, calories, vitamins and the rest, and the antibodies and other elements that protect the baby against infections are still there, some in greater quantities than when the baby was younger.
Breastmilk is still milk, with fat, protein, calories, vitamins and the rest, and the antibodies and other elements which protect the baby against infections are still there, some in greater quantities than when the baby was younger.
Most importantly, whole milk naturally has more Vitamin D and calcium present than other types of milk.
Some rich sources of vitamin C other than citrus fruits include broccoli, cabbage, spinach, baked potatoes, ripe papaya, cantaloupe etc..
I have been told that they spend more on research and development than all other vitamin companies, and I am wondering about their facial products.
Other reasons may include drinking more water than you're normally used to consuming, increasing the amount of exercise you're doing or even taking prenatal vitamins.
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