Sentences with phrase «other than your partner»

Can I come with someone other than my partner, such as a friend or family member?
masturbation in the presence of another, oral sex, sexual play, kissing, flirting, visiting strip clubs, pornography use and having sexual fantasies about a person other than the partner; cybersex can include exchanging sexual self images, online dating, online flirting, and using online pornography.»
For all the mothers that have gone a year or two or more without trusting anyone other than their partner to care for their child in order to get a break.....
Your report on research into the prevalence of rape in some Asian countries notes that 1 in 10 men surveyed admitted to «raping a woman other than a partner» (14 September, p 6).
Domestic violence from family members (other than partners) made up 63 % of total domestic violence cases against psychiatric patients compared with 35 % of the general population.
«This may explain why we concentrate on little other than our partner during the early stages of a relationship,» she says, and also why we tend to idealize new partners and turn a blind eye to their faults.
So when a client has a dream where she's having sex with someone other than her partner, her first response is to panic and think, «Uh oh!
When we think of someone being unfaithful we assume they are having a sexual relationship with someone other than their partner.
The factors to be rewarded and the amount of the incentive provides an incentive for partners to devote their personal time and effort to perform those activities to enhance firm profitability by marketing the firm, encouraging current and potential clients to utilize the expertise of other attorneys, benefitting from leveraging the work of partners (other than the partner who is generating the client business) associates and paralegals.
The more service that is delivered by resources other than partners and associates, the less viable the billable hour model will be.
Solo practitioners have increased the use of outside consultants by 29 % and staff members other than a partner by 60 % from 2005.
A significant number of new clients are coming through the LHC process through organizations other than the partner intermediary groups with which HCLS developed formal relationships.
Infidelity within a marriage may include either a physical relationship or a strong emotional connection with someone other than your partner, but either way the vow of commitment made between two individuals is being shattered.
Is kissing someone other than your partner infidelity?
Two of the best examples of the latter are «party buddies», and men or women who undervalue their partners, or worse yet, violate their trust through excessive flirtation with people other than their partner.
Talking to a person is not cheating, but devoting love and affection to someone other than your partner is just as bad as cheating.
Being attracted to someone other than your partner, or even being more inclined to notice attractive others is what psychologists call attention to alternatives.4 Research shows that those with greater relationship satisfaction and commitment pay less attention to alternative partners.
Is having sexual intercourse with someone other than your partner cheating?
Had sexual relations with someone else while dating was based on the item, «Have you had sexual relations with someone other than your partner since you began seriously dating?»
If something upsetting happens with our children, for most of us, we don't have someone to talk to or show up in the moment to support us other than our partner.
The report presents the first global systematic review of scientific data on the prevalence of two forms of violence against women: violence by an intimate partner (intimate partner violence) and sexual violence by someone other than a partner (non-partner sexual violence).
and «How likely is it that you would date someone other than your partner within the next year?»
So - called emotional cheating, for instance — i.e. fantasizing about someone other than your partner while masturbating — is a completely healthy sexual behavior, says Schnarch.
An emotional affair is an intimate connection with someone other than your partner.
An emotional affair is often defined as a relationship between an individual and someone other than their partner that affects the intimacy, emotional distance, and balance of the marriage or long - term relationship.
Most couples had also not arranged for any babysitters or childcare again because their infants were young and as first time parents many of the mothers did not feel comfortable leaving their infants with anyone other than the partner or family members.

Not exact matches

At Maveron, the other partners were really good at pushing me out in front and telling entrepreneurs about how great I was rather than talking about themselves.
Other banks and carriers are also getting in on mobile banking, but CIBC said it's the only bank to partner with more than one wireless carrier.
They're a lot more price sensitive so when we work with our retail partners and put in price promotions, they react more in Canada than in other markets.
This last point makes sense for some more than others, says Drew Nordlicht, partner and managing director of Hightower Advisors, San Diego, who advises high - net - worth business owners.
«Work with the best people you can, the best partners you can find, and stretch each other farther than you think you might be able to go.»
Kobo, meanwhile, is left scrambling to find partners like cloud music provider Rdio to provide media other than books.
So far, Phononic, with 110 employees, has raised more than $ 160 million from Oak Investment Partners, Venrock Associates, Tsing Capital, and GGV Capital, among others.
It also partnered with other YouTube channels like Dude Perfect, a crew of five guys that perform trick shots and also have a bigger following than Lin, with 3.3 million subscribers.
So it's no surprise that Uber's Khosrowshahi told reporters this week that his company wanted to partner with other players than Toyota, as it tries to «make sure we have access to leading autonomous technology.»
In any case, Weschler has in Peninsula's history produced a dazzling record, which in his letters to partners he compares to four benchmarks — not only to the standard comparatives like the Dow Jones Industrial Average and the S&P 500, but also to none other than Berkshire B stock.
Rather than cater to a partner ecosystem — where it designs the software for other hardware makers to use in their products — Microsoft may have to pivot more to designing devices like the Xbox, where it builds both aspects.
Affliction never planned to take a jab at the fight - club crowd until last year, when it partnered up with none other than Donald Trump.
In this video, Entrepreneur Network partner Salma Jafri discusses the one question she gets from smart content creators more often than any other: Can I repurpose my live content for other platforms?
In addition to being a lot cheaper than paying for your own office, they're great places to meet other founders and creative types who can end up being new partners, allies, and even clients.
Some images will draw in viewers more than others, and, as it turns out, the headlines and images that convert at different numbers in each social network or distribution partner.
Social TV startup Trendrr, which is now partnering with Facebook, has released a report showing that Facebook has five times more social TV activity than all other social networks combined.
It is something you should play up when you discuss your ideas with prospective investors, partners and employees, rather than directing the conversation toward your other strengths.
As Sachin Shah, a partner in Bain & Company's London office explained, employees sometimes consider one company in a spin off to be less attractive than the other.
However, if that same person was a partner in an unincorporated firm to which she had contributed 10 percent of the company's capital, she might be eligible to receive more than 10 percent of the business's profits if such an agreement had been made with the other partners.
Since then the company has grown substantially and expanded their range of products to help with other social issues and now has more than 100 giving partners in over 70 countries.
'' [A] s technological progress allows the exchange of goods and ideas over longer distances and among larger groups of trading partners, other people become more valuable alive than dead, and they are less likely to become targets of demonization and dehumanization,» Pinker wrote.
As Hotze says, «If someone was going to tell me that I was ugly, I wanted it to be someone other than the guy I was planning on partnering up with.»
The company has since partnered with more than 60 other sources including the UK Biobank, which has recruited 500,000 participants.
Managing Director Dave Notte says there's one clear standout that sets millennial franchise partners apart: they leverage empathy as a leadership tool more than other generations.
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