Sentences with phrase «other thing about»

The other thing about this drive by is I didn't find a ton of over the top gorgeous fall front decor.
The other thing about vonage is their international rates seem to be pretty solid.
I will tell you one other thing about many of my clients; most of them are exceeding their goals and many are having their best years yet.
As C.S. Lewis wrote, He's either a lunatic for making such outrageous claims, yet every other thing about his life was very sane.
That is the other thing about food, it brings together family and friends.
The other thing about battery — leaks suggest that the iPhone 8 will have a 2700mAh battery, which is huge when compared to the 1960mAh pack on the similarly - sized iPhone 7.
The other thing about bicycles is their carrying capacity; i.e., groceries.
Oh yes, one other thing about, that I think Andre misses.
The other thing about the small wheels is that it they are skittish.
The other thing about this technology is that it is relatively simple and the engineering is well understood.
One other thing about the CC paper — just found another email — is that McKittrick says it is standard practice in Econometrics journals to give all the data and codes!!
The other thing about group dinners in the winter (in summer it's easy bc we have so many seating areas outside) is that we meet people in town at our favorite restaurants.
Now, one other thing about electric cars — and you don't need to talk to Chu about this — it turns out electric cars run on electricity.
The other thing about water vapor of course is that more energy is required to vaporize water than to raise its temperature somewhat.
The other thing about this exhibition: there is joy in the work.
The other thing about abstract expressionism is that there is a certain mythology about the artist and the transcendence of their expression.
The other thing about Joe is that he usually communicates by voice memo or video, rather than text.
But the other thing about Echoes, regardless of the version; it's gorgeous.
The other thing about Call of Duty arguments is they're infectious.
Well, here's the other thing about The Real World: You only get to play it once.
Paying Your Taxes The other thing about getting a miles - earning debit card that might make it an attractive choice is that you can pay your taxes with it and only incur fees that are nominal compared to those that are charged when you use a credit card to pay your taxes.
The other thing about hostels is they differ from one another.
The other thing about livebearers is the fact that they give birth to free - swimming young and people get freaked out trying to keep the fry safe from harm.
One other thing about rabbits outdoors is you never get to see what's normal for a rabbit.
One other thing about 401k loans you did not mention is you borrow pre tax dollars, you repay the loan with taxed dollars.
And let me just mention one other thing about investment advisors.
The other thing about getting stuck on a particular car is that you may be missing out on what may come standard on another car that you'll have to pay extra for on your chosen model.
That's the other thing about non-productive — if you don't understand it you get much more excited than if you understand it.
And publishers and authors might lament this, that, or the other thing about Amazon, but we all know they were not checking their sales rankings every hour on Barnes and Noble.
The other thing about indie and small press books that the Big 5 haven't caught onto yet is that these «newcomers» are filling a demand that the Big 5 weren't.
However, this apart, the other thing about the new display that has aroused the greatest interest among tech enthusiasts is that it might well be the first glimpse of the famed retina display that they believe comes with the iPad 3.
Also, here's the other thing about doing the work: that success you get, after you put in the work, is YOURS.
The other thing about pricing a book is — you're right, there's not a lot of physical material in an ebook.
You can share them with whoever you want without having to set up a de-DRM tool like I have to do with my Kindle.The other thing about the Glo is the battery life.
The other thing about it is, with drive by wire systems, there's nothing to turn or grab hold of with the throttle plates.
The other thing about getting ripped off is, each situation is different.
That's the other thing about public schools — not any teacher can decide to use this punishment, or implement it.
So that's the other thing about that plot point.
The other thing about Thor is that he can be pretty funny: in his outsize physique, in his flared - nostril vanity, in the way his King's English theatricality clashes with the rest of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
He knows what it's gonna be, what it's gonna look like, how to shoot it... y ’ know, the other thing about this movie is that, for him, it's a return for him to a genre and a way of filmmaking that's the hallmark of his maturation as a young artist.
That, more than any other thing about the game, has defined my experience with it.
Lewis wrote, He's either a lunatic for making such outrageous claims, yet every other thing about his life was very sane.In addition, the Dead Sea Scrolls provide proof that the words we see in Scripture today are the same words written in the Bible thousands of years ago.God spoke through His people to write the Bible and it's still changing lives every single day for those who meditate on it.
The other thing about online dating is that it's a lot of work!
One other thing about Unlimited, you don't have to return all three outfits at once.
One other thing about milk is that it contains a protein called
The other thing about cortisol is, in order to make extra, our bodies pull resources from the production of sex hormones such as progesterone.
The other thing about meditation is that it reduces metabolism.
But the other thing about egg is that the white can uh — take in...
Aside from taste, the other thing about hospital food (along with tube feeds, and intravenous nutrition) is that it will likely deplete your micronutrient stores, including vitamin C. Not only is the food not incredibly nutritious, but hospital patients often don't eat much.
The other thing about these deaths is that they are «completely preventable,» Scheers says.
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