Sentences with phrase «other things going for something»

The Platinum card has a lot of other things going for it too.
Turkish offers 100 % mileage credit and has a few other things going for it.
These days, they're an interesting option on a company with a lot of other things going for it.
But it had other things going for it as well, including its loft design.
Of course, the Aquos S2 has a few other things going for it in addition to an advertised screen - to - body ratio of roughly 85 percent.
Of course, Shoppers has got other things going for it, like being the most pervasive drugstore in the country.
Nowadays I don't even care and honestly, I'm really glad my parents couldn't afford to make me a metal mouth back then... I had plenty of other things going for me at the time anyway... unruly curls WITH bangs, being a foot taller than every boy in school, and ohhh, let's not forget the time I thought it would be a good idea to get a FREAKIN PERM!!!
In addition to the apparent ecological improvement over traditional bottled water, «Boxed Water Is Better» has several other things going for it.
Memphis had one other thing going for it in 2016: maybe the best special teams unit in the country.
Locke had a lot of other things going for him, like striking at the right time with 99 cent books.
Cambodia has a couple of other things going for it: Angelina Jolie and a generation of young people determined to rebuild their country from the poverty of previous generations and heal the scars of the genocide.
Meantime, although your credit may be less - than - stellar, your business might have other things going for it.
The big box technology retailer has some other things going for it.
It has some other things going for it as well: it's generating strong operating profit growth in China and Latin America; it's done a good job of extracting cost savings and it's buying back shares at a healthy clip.
It's more like «look what you can do with a theatre degree and a whole whack of other things going for you
The seven players ahead of Pierre on the hits leaderboard since 2000 all had other things going for them.
Yet Palmer and Templeton had one other thing going for them: They took their time, and by the time they went on the job market, they were ready.
To be fair, this sweater has other things going for it, like that gorgeous dark green colour.
It has one other thing going for it: it is remembered.
The other thing going for it is the look of the film.
It also has one other thing going for it in the realm of sales to the feds: Barack Obama is famously a big BlackBerry fan — so much so that RIM designed a super-secure model just for him.
Besides, DIS has a lot of other things going for it...
The Sapphire has a lot of other things going for it, too.
The game does have other things going for it — namely, it looks good.
This watch runs Tizen, which means there are fewer apps available, but it has an intuitive interface and plenty of other things going for it.
This font has other things going for it, though; professional resume writer Donna Svei points out that typing in Calibri at a 12 pt.
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