Sentences with phrase «other underlying principles»

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He then goes on to elaborate on the other two principles underlying his decision:
Culture is the embodied values, principles and practices underlying the social fabric of a business, which permeate its actions and connects the stakeholders to each other and to the company's purpose, people and processes.
This proactive adoption of the principles underlying the corporate governance code has set Takeda apart from other businesses in Japan.
I will be sure to recommend others who are just beginning to understand the underlying fundamental principles of investing as strictly educational sites such as this are rare.
Others, on the contrary, see the rise of an oppressive, progressive anti-traditionalism as a kind of betrayal of the principles underlying the American experiment and the practice of American life as we have known it.
Whenever people read the Bible (or any other piece of literature for that matter), they make use of certain underlying interpretive principles — I. e., hermeneutical procedures.
it certainly would make me think there were simply other, * greater * principles underlying.
The underlying principles of the Law are proclaimed in the Ten Commandments, which make clear men and women's duty to God and to other people.
These include the need for a purposively broad, liberal and benevolent interpretation of the Constitution as a whole, so far as the language of the constitution would admit, having due regard to the underlying values and principles that need to be promoted to safeguarded our system of participatory democracy, the principle that the constitution is a document sui generis, and allied to this, the principle that the constitution must be interpreted in the light of its own words, and not words found in some other written constitution» (Writ No: JI / 15/2015 [unreported] pages 23 & 24).
It made sense to start with antimony because it has a much lower melting point — just 631 degrees Celsius — compared to copper's 1,085 C. Though the higher melting temperatures of other metals add complication to designing an overall production system, the underlying physical principles are the same, and so such systems should eventually be feasible, he says.
In other words, the underlying principles behind HIT is that the exercises should be performed with great intensity for a short period and with greater rest periods.
She is also committed to teaching other physicians how to address underlying causes of illness rather than just treating symptoms through the principles of Functional Medicine.
She has an underlying belief in her books — you don't have to «go Amish» to incorporate many of their principles into your life: simplicity, living with less, appreciating nature, forgiving others more readily.
Underlying each of these principles, whether at MACA or any of Oregon's other OSSI - funded schools, is the idea that a small school can be more flexible and adaptable, not only in regard to new educational theories but also to methods that foster deep - seeded learning.
Designing for mobile devices is like designing for any other medium, in that many of the underlying principles remain the...
When a student violates the underlying principles or acts in a way that is either self - destructive or hurtful to others, time must be taken to unpack the behavior in a way that respects the community and its principles and doesn't alienate the individual.
What we found was that the top - performing countries, as different from one another as Finland and Shanghai, Canada and Japan, shared a set of principles that underlie their reform strategies with each other, but not with the United States, and the United States is pursuing a set of strategies bases on principles that are not found in the countries that are doing the best job of education their students.
By closing the gold window, the United States made it impossible for other nations to peg their currency to the gold standard, which was the underlying principle behind the Bretton Woods system.
REIT funds may be subject to other risks including, but not limited to, changes in real estate values or economic conditions, credit risk and interest rate fluctuations and changes in the value of the underlying property owned by the trust and defaults by borrowers.In addition to normal risks associated with equity investing, international investing may involve risk of capital loss from unfavorable fluctuations in currency values, from differences in generally accepted accounting principles, and from adverse political, social and economic instability in other nations.
I will be sure to recommend others who are just beginning to understand the underlying fundamental principles of investing as strictly educational sites such as this are rare.
In 1950 Cage even began to use chance, which he saw as nature's central operating principle; in other words, he wanted to emulate the underlying process of nature without portraying its actual manifestations.
On the other hand, if the requirement is a validation of the underlying «peak production» principle (i.e. production from large resources maturing and going into decline, and not being sufficiently offset by newer smaller resources to maintain overall growth), and if we can accept some uncertainty around the date and height of the peak, then we have many examples of regions and countries in which exactly this process has occurred for oil and other resources.
Since we have no problem acknowledging an ethical obligation to avoid trampling the specifiable rights of others, we may easily extend this principle to the conditions underlying those rights to say that we have an ethical obligation to promote and preserve the unspecified conditions that ground specifiable rights.
What I find most curious about this and other studies involving important global warming issues is that some rather indirect methods are used to measure trends with little attention being paid to better understanding the underlying basics principles and processes involved.
The Court also reviewed the basic principles underlying the Interjurisdictional Support Orders Act, legislation allowing BC courts to handle child and spousal support orders from other jurisdictions.
And it goes to the very limits of its logic, by questioning whether even an appropriate amendment of the Treaty would make it possible to overcome the arguments which prevent regulatory powers from being conferred on agencies or whether there are, in other words, underlying principles in Community law that are not susceptible of constitutional amendment, which can not be reconciled with recognition of regulatory powers in the hands of bodies other than the three institutions.
The Court considered that, whilst the fundamental principle underlying art 5 is the need to protect the individual from arbitrary detention, with an essential part being timely judicial control, art 5 must not be interpreted in such a way as would make it impracticable for the police to perform their duty to maintain public order and protect the lives and property of others.
ARL argues that a justiciable duty to consult at any point in the legislative process can not be reconciled with other underlying and fundamental principles of the Constitution and looks forward to the hearing of this important case on January 15, 2018.
For one thing, the constitution does not «recognize the «supremacy of Parliament»» — those words appear nowhere in the Constitution Acts, and while Parliamentary sovereignty is arguably one of the constitution's underlying principles, it is subject to the limits imposed by constitutional text and other such principles.
Meanwhile the use of the blockchain principles, or «distributed ledger technology», a more descriptive label, is spreading beyond the world of payments and offers, or threatens, a new wave of disintermediation of trust services that underlie our payment systems, among other activities.
For those who wish to deliver legal content, information, tools and other solutions to lawyers and their clients» problems, whatever stage we are at in the evolution of what has been the law publishing business they would be wise to try to align themselves to the thinking processes and principles that underlie legal practice, rather than upon their own assumptions.
On the other hand, I believe it's important that celebrities know the importance of their endorsements and understand the underlying principles of blockchain technology.»
The tenets that trigger successful job offer negotiations are no different from the principles that underlie all other negotiations, with two important distinctions.
She has an underlying belief in her books — you don't have to «go Amish» to incorporate many of their principles into your life: simplicity, living with less, appreciating nature, forgiving others more readily.
There has to be an underlying principle involved that makes the top 20 percent more productive, effective, successful, and wealthier than other salespeople.
Empowered To Connect ™ created a companion study guide entitled Created To Connect — A Christian's Guide to The Connected Child as well as other helpful resources that highlight the underlying biblical principles of The Connected Child and offer new insights for parents.
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