Sentences with phrase «other unexpected surprise»

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Consider this... a person goes to college, gets a four year degree in archaeology (or some antiquities preservation analog); spends summers sifting through sand and rock and gravel, all the while taking graduate level classes... person eventually obtains the vaunted PhD in archaeology... then works his / her tail off seeking funding for an archeological excavation, with the payoff being more funding, and more opportunities to dig in the dirt... do you think professional archaeologists are looking hard for evidence of the Exodus on a speculative basis... not a chance... they know their PhD buys them nothing more than a job at Tel Aviv Walmart if they don't discover and publish... so they write grants for digs near established sites / communities, and stay employed sifting rock in culturally safe areas... not unless some shepard stumbles upon a rare find in an unexpected place do you get archeological interest and action in remote places... not at all surprising that the pottery and other evidence of the Exodus and other biblical events lie waiting to be discovered... doesn't mean not there... just not found yet...
But some groups, such as the one in the video above, are trying to get flash mobs back to their original purpose and intent — of bringing unexpected joy, surprise, and laughter into the lives of others.
It's always good to see an unexpected driver up on the podium, so here are ten other times we has a surprise face on the podium.
Mike Topalovich, the 18 - year - old hard - luck concert promoter in Cary, got an unexpected and pleasant surprise the other day from his old nemesis, the Cary Park District.
When you show up for your partner at an unexpected time, it allows for that surprised feeling of delight in seeing each other that you normally don't get in a long - term committed relationship.
Based on past election results, enrollment figures, and fundraising totals, it's safe to assume that, barring any unexpected retirements, arrests or other major surprises, 23 seats currently controlled by Democrats, 21 seats controlled by Republicans and each of the five districts held by the IDC will return members of the same party that voters selected in 2014:
Other results were more surprising, suggesting an unexpected role in personality for the visual cortex and cerebellum — areas better known for visual processing and movement, respectively.
«The mitogenome of V. scurruloideum has proven an unexpected goldmine of surprises, setting new benchmarks for the extremes of genome size, gene content, protein divergence and other biological mechanisms,» he said.
Weight loss, relief from acid reflux, digestive and bowel issues, reversal of eczema and other skin rashes, relief from depression and anxiety are just a few of the surprising and unexpected health transformations that occur simply by eating real food.
Everyone was thrown by the unexpected showing for Trumbo this week, and that paired with some other surprises like Michael Shannon and Idris Elba have shaken up the race!
Each of these characters finds a surprising connection to others, derailing plans and sending each person on an unexpected journey.
Stars Segel and Cameron Diaz (whose last adult comedy, The Other Woman, was one of spring's most unexpected surprises) have made reliably funny movies in the past.
Addressing bipolar disorder, OCD, trichotillomania, self - harm, PTSD, and other diagnoses, these original true stories vividly depict the difficulties and sorrows — and sometimes, too, the unexpected and surprising rewards — of living with mental illness.
For UK author Dan Holloway, the issue is very much rooted in a writerly exchange with others, his own brush with a form of crowd - sourcing and social writing in 2009 having delivered him an unexpected and welcome surprise now:
For some stocks, this may end up as a simple increment to their 2013 valuations, but for others it's sure to throw up some unexpected surprises...
Our quartet has a hell of a time on Aegis VII, constantly on the run, reaching level - ending cliffhangers involving surprise attacks, crashed shuttles, unexpected encounters with other humans, all of which make it hard to stop playing.
Tech likes to misbehave every once in a while and, while it's rare, your Xbox One may crash mid-game, an error message may surprise you when installing a game, or the universe throws up some other unexpected problem.
Sarah Sze, Tom Sachs, Vik Muniz and others discuss out - of - the - crypt artworks from the Met's collection and the surprising, unexpected influences those pieces have had on their own work.
Contemporary painters employ an exciting array of approaches, methods, and exploration into unexpected combinations of encaustic and a surprising variety of other materials.
Just shows that there are all sorts of weird, unexpected ways that temperature, salinity... can be communicated from one level to the other in the ever - surprising Arctic.
Sharing Space Lastly, some professionals may consider that they are only sharing space with other professional and may be very surprised to find that the arrangement gave rise at law to unexpected obligations.
The way I reacted to certain characters on one day could inform how other interactors would approach me the next, and any unexpected twists — like that surprise firing — could be worked into the storyline moving forward.
We can get overwhelmed by everyday events, unexpected surprises - both good and not so good - and the expectations of others around us.
Maybe it's because it's unexpected (we're not notified when the screen is updated, so it creates that surprise factor), and we get to actually see what's going on in each other's minds based on what we draw.»
Say the unexpected and surprise the other person.»
But we try to do one special thing a month for each other... a surprise... something unexpected and just for us!!
What a stencil surprise it is to see a pop of pattern inside cabinets, drawers and other unexpected places!
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