Sentences with phrase «other union leaders»

Asked if he was talking with other union leaders about a general strike, PCS general secretary Mark Serwotka told Murnaghan on Sky News:
Unite general secretary Len McClusky issued a highly combative response yesterday, while other union leaders threatened to cut their ties with the party.
The pile - on continued into the weekend, as other union leaders lambasted the WFP, which was founded in New York in 1998, for straying from the charter of its founders.
Just before Cuomo dropped out, two major remaining unions in the party announced that they were withdrawing from the working Families Party, and other union leaders released stinging rebukes, calling the WFP «phony lifestyle progressives» and saying the party was a «cynical ploy» to use the unions to «drive a radical agenda.»
Quirk and two other union leaders recalled efforts to rally the municipal unions around former city Comptroller Bill Thompson in the 2013 race.
«There's no impending strike at the moment,» Michael Cordiello, president of the Amalgamated Transit Union Local 1181, told reporters at a press conference at City Hall, where he and other union leaders slammed the Bloomberg administration for creating «unnecessary fear» among parents by warning of the strike.
Pat Lynch, president of the Police Benevolent Association, and other union leaders immediately said the mayor had created a hostile environment for police.
So it is of considerable interest that Ginsburg has now chosen to give aid and comfort to Weingarten and other union leaders by leveling a hard - core attack on «The Rhee DC Record.»
Eskelsen García and other union leaders also see themselves as under attack by «self - described» education reformers and centrist Democrats who favor charter schools, performance evaluations that factor in student achievement, and changes to long - standing practices that mean teachers hired last lose their jobs first in the event of budget cuts or declines in enrollment.
Not surprisingly, Weingarten (now AFT president) and other union leaders who constantly blab to the media have been very cricket - like about the school's closing.
Those include a pleasure boat cruise on the Hudson with PEF members who work at the Department of Health, a picnic in the Albany area for Information Technology workers and a trip with other union leaders to the State Fair near Syracuse.
I know that some claim, as they do in every election, that I and other union leaders are «telling members how to vote» and that's just the wrong thing to do.
I'll sit down with him now if he wants to talk, and I bet the other union leaders would too,» Brynien told Liz on Monday.
I'll sit down with him now if he wants to talk, and I bet the other union leaders would too,» the PEF president responded.
With the city Department of Education announcing the layoff of almost 800 school support staff, including aides, parent coordinators, lunchroom workers, bus coordinators, crossing guards and others, UFT Secretary Michael Mendel joined affected workers, other union leaders, elected officials and parents in denouncing the budget - cutting move at a protest outside DOE headquarters on Sept. 7.
Other union leaders, Nassau County PBA president James McDermott and SOA president Kevin Black, said they would not comment on pending litigation.
But he and other union leaders, some with more enthusiasm, will be asking their members to forget that reality because Mr. Cuomo is the best option of the «electable» candidates in the race.
Actually it's the teachers unions» «ideological agenda» that is helping to spur the very school choice movement that Van Roekel and other union leaders are forever decrying.
It's that sense of needing to stick together against real or potential mistreatment by management, plus a sincere — and accurate — belief that most teachers do teach for reasons beyond simply making a living, that drives Mulgrew and other union leaders.
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