Sentences with phrase «other unpredictable factors»

Inflation, taxes, market fluctuations, and other unpredictable factors can have an impact.
The cost for processing the application vary widely and depend on the type of visa, how quickly you need it, and other unpredictable factors.

Not exact matches

But then again, so is demographics, water scarcity, technological change, creativity, policy choices, public sentiment, corruption, cultural differences, new forms of energy and a myriad of other factors, all interacting in unpredictable ways.
While some of these factors, such as food safety concerns and technological innovations, are unpredictable in magnitude and timing, others are observable (e.g. income growth), constrained by supply side factors (e.g. lack of feed) and determined by institutional changes (e.g. harmonization of standards) and policies (e.g. agricultural subsidies and environmental regulations).
Four new factors may make tactical voting less likely among some particular groups of voters, and its results more unpredictable among others, this time.
The researchers, mathematician Cristian Tomasetti and cancer geneticist Bert Vogelstein, both of Johns Hopkins University, set out to determine what proportion of cancer mutations are due to unpredictable DNA - copying errors — as opposed to the two other main contributors to cancer, inherited genes and environmental factors, such as smoking and obesity.
Wind, humidity and any number of other factors can transform a forest fire in unpredictable ways.
The effect of ebooks on sales of paper books has not been as drastic as expected — it seems that other, more unpredictable factors have a greater influence on how and what we read
Until models start predicting unpredictables like volcano activity, forest fires, and all of those other factors that tend to put significant pressure on the temperature trend, I'm thinking it's a waste of time to play statistical hide - and - seek on them over the short run.
Ceiling bounce results are unpredictable because of room shape, ceiling design and a number of other factors so it only works under perfect conditions.
Probate and family court judges had wide discretion and little guidance, and unpredictable court results could depend on who your judge was and other seemingly capricious factors.
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