Sentences with phrase «other views expressed»

These views are well - established and in compliance with other views expressed by animal welfare leaders across the country.
Any political or other views expressed in the articles made available on this website are those of the individuals who contributed them and do not represent the views of the Department of Politics and International Relations or the University.

Not exact matches

Yet the longest lasting impact of the incident may very well be the buzz now permeating through social media and other gossip media pages about the salacious views expressed by the company's top brass.
The Russian leader «has expressed confidence that the dialogue between Moscow and Washington, in keeping with each other's views, meets the interests of both Russia and the US,» according to Russia Today.
Views expressed are as of the date indicated and may change based on market and other conditions.
Views expressed are as of the date indicated, based on the information available at that time, and may change based on market and other conditions.
The views expressed are as of the date indicated and may change based on market or other conditions.
The forward - looking statements and other views or opinions expressed herein are made as of the date of this publication.
The views expressed on this website don't necessarily represent the views of Francisco's employer or of any other institution with whom he's affiliated or has been affiliated in the past.
The views expressed are those of Omar Aguilar and are subject to change without notice based on economic, market, and other conditions.
Please note that in some circumstances, information herein may vary from the recommendations or views (if any) expressed in other materials or research on the same security.
So, market participants who buy and sell bonds at different prices are expressing different views about a number of variables: the likelihood that these cash flows will be received (credit quality); the velocity at which they may be received (prepayment or extension); their relative value to other bonds; and their interest rates relative to prevailing rates.
The views expressed may not reflect the opinions of Hartford Funds or any other sub-adviser to our funds.
The views expressed herein are those of Schroders Investment Management (Schroders), are for informational purposes only, and are subject to change based on prevailing market, economic, and other conditions.
Several disgruntled former employees have expressed concerns about «groupthink» being ingrained in what is widely known as a hyper - liberal company culture value system where expressions of other views are not welcome and can lead to being ostracized or being shown the door.
Any opinions expressed herein are solely those of the author, and do not in any way represent the views or opinions of any other person or entity.
The documents state that other co-workers complained they also felt harassed when Coppedge expressed views in favor of California Proposition 8, the ballot initiative in 2010 that defined marriage between and man and woman.
Free speech means the right to express yourself even if others disagree with your views.
Can't discuss the merits of the article or the ideas, just expressing their mutual hatred for each other and their derision for each other's world views.
Hence, part of the reason of the concept of the «separation of church and the government... or church and the secular,» so, no religion including Christianity can stomp on the rights of people to express themselves fully and in their own way... whether you agree, disagree or don't have an opinion one way or another on others view and comments... yes...?
Pastors and congregations whose world views differ significantly may instead express their discomfort with each other in ad hominem conflicts.9
The Magisterium is clearly using Tertullian's lucid and succinct style from his Catholic writings to express the ancient orthodoxy of the Apostolic faith on these points without in any way endorsing his other, heretical, views.
But surely his point of view can be expressed, and the reason for his dedication to his particular facet of truth translated into terms comprehensible to other men of intelligence?
By asking meaningful questions and pointed follow up questions, you're allowing the other person to express their point of view in an elaborative manner.
And thank God we live in a society where you can express yourself freely and use your family SUV as a mobile conveyance device for your political views and other things you're angry about.
If Santorum were a Senator or running for office at the time, this story would be much more negative, but he was merely expressing his religious views which every American should be able to do without being persecuted by others.
The President and others who recognize the shortcomings of the colonization of peoples by more powerful foreign nations would do well to heed the words of Pope Francis — for whom the President often expresses admiration — about the new form of colonization, holding foreign aid as a hostage when their nation's views reflect a different understanding of the human person, one held by many Americans as well.
We move quickly to arguments that express views that have been shaped by other forces and only subsequently grounded in theology.
Aulen holds that Luther rescues the classic motif from the deficiencies in Anselm's and other views, and it is this classic theory which most adequately expresses the New Testament faith.
One religious journal in 1874 expressed its view of the place of labor in society when it said: «Labor is a commodity, and, like all other commodities, its condition is governed by the imperishable laws of demand and supply.
The neo-nazis had a right to express their views, however, I and other people of good conscience have the right to tell them that those views are not the views of us and hopefully the vast majority of Americans.
Only until recently have atheists been given the ability to express their views and find others with similar views without the threat of ignorant violence from religious groups and individuals.
«8 The title of one of Hartshorne's books clearly expresses his view, Omnipotence and Other Theological Mistakes.9
To resolve this and out of respect for this being your blog and for the views you and others express I shall therefore, again, do as I say when your posts come up about pastor abuse and limit what I wrote or avoid being involved.
All other gods and human religions regardless of the nature attempt to express what it is to live in view of that knowledge that points to purpose for our existence.
The only other statement in Paul's writings which comes even near to expressing the same christological view is I Corinthians 8:6: «To us there is one God, the Father, from whom are all things, and we unto him; and one Lord, Jesus Christ, through whom are all things and we through him.»
The Carnegie Corporation, it should be said, is not the author, owner, publisher or proprietor of these or of the other publications issued by the staff of The Study of Theological Education in the United States and Canada, and is not to be understood as approving by virtue of its grant any of the statements made or views expressed therein.
Cathy is getting all sore because he expressed his view and others expressed THEIR view.
The pattern is very different for the other leading GOP candidates; virtually all Republicans who think Cruz, Rubio and Carson would be successful presidents (and who express a view about their religiousness) also say they view those candidates as at least somewhat religious.
The approach considers the congregation less a texture or machine or organism than a discourse, an exchange of symbols that express the views, values, and motivations of the parish.66 While the other approaches explore, respectively, the context, effectiveness, and communal development of the congregation, the symbolic outlook instead focuses upon its identity.
He refers to Hans Urs von Balthasar, who explains in The Theology of Karl Barth that although the truth of those councils «will never be overtaken or even relativized, nonetheless there are still other views and aspects of revelation than those expressed there.
They also wrote other pieces expressing a balanced view of the cooperation needed between labor and the capitalists.
At still other times or toward other issues, they often have taken a «Christ and culture in paradox» view, perhaps best expressed in the pietist motto.
I believe that people have the right to hold and express their religious views, but they do NOT have the right to be insulated from the comments and opinions of others about those views.
Nobody should be banned from expressing their views, but shoving them down other people's throats is a different matter entirely.
Open fire on a gathering whose nonviolent activities are fully protected by the First Amendment, and you can curtail the rights of others to express their views in public places.
The implications of expressing the thesis as such an equation are (1) if the viewed action is not at all salient for the person (i.e., = 0) the action will not affect the viewer's behavior («act»); (2) the chance that a particular viewed action will affect a person's behavior will decrease to the extent that they have other alternatives in their «repertoire»; and (3) if the individual is not aroused to act he will not exhibit the viewed behavior, no matter how salient it is.
On this view, legislation informed by religion or by traditional morality expresses a malicious desire by some citizens to apply power against other citizens.
But the New Liberal (my fellow professor to the core) defines freedom as the right to promote her views, and oppression as the attempt of others to express theirs.
I know you might have not intended for the site to be that way but that's what makes it perfect and more effective, people can express their views and others can chip in and either agree or correct.
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