Sentences with phrase «other water vapor»

Why don't photons get absorbed by all the other water vapor molecules to cause warming?
I have read more than one paper on the topic, and my assessment is that cloud cover and other water vapor effects are widely recognized as among the biggest unknowns going forward.
Cloud cover and other water vapor effects for the future are completely unpredictable.

Not exact matches

Measurements of the water vapor and of other molecules, such as carbon monoxide, suggest there is enough gas to feed the black hole until it grows to about six times its size.
Intelligent design and automatic control - uses high temperature water vapor to continuously disinfect and sterilize the bottles and other items in a short period of time.
-- A 100 - story smokestack belches a roiling, white cloud of water vapor, carbon dioxide and other leftover gases after burning daily as much as 12,000 tons of coal at the Mountaineer Power Plant — a total of 3.5 million tons a year.
Water vapor is the strongest greenhouse gas; unlike other greenhouse gases, it is controlled principally by temperature.
The atmosphere consists primarily of 78 percent nitrogen, 21 percent oxygen, a highly variable smattering of water vapor, and trace amounts of argon, carbon dioxide, and other gases.
The researchers do know that the presence of certain aerosols plays a large role in the formation of ice that leads to precipitation, but they also need to tease out the importance of that with other factors, like the amount of available water vapor and vertical storm winds.
Walter sees the benefits of using methane as an energy source as twofold: «Not only does it prevent a potent greenhouse gas from entering the atmosphere by converting it to weaker greenhouse gases — water vapor and carbon dioxide — but using it on - site would also reduce the demand for other fossil - fuel sources.»
Careful analysis of what frequencies are absorbed, and by how much, can directly reveal the presence of water vapor and other compounds, and can divulge climate parameters, such as temperature and pressure, that determine if liquid water is sustainable.
So this effect could either be the result of natural variability in Earth's climate, or yet another effect of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases like water vapor trapping more heat and thus warming sea - surface temperatures.
Others using the secondary eclipse technique have detected evidence for water vapor and methane in the atmosphere of HD 189733 b.
«Given that atmospheric rivers over the Atlantic and Pacific oceans appear as coherent filaments of water vapor lasting for up to a week, and that Lagrangian coherent structures have turned out to explain the formation of other geophysical flows, we wondered whether Lagrangian coherent structures might somehow play a role in the formation of atmospheric rivers,» said study coauthor Vicente Perez - Munuzuri, a physicist at the University of Santiago de Compostela in Spain.
Earth's relatively feeble gravity couldn't grab on to the water vapor, or any other gas for that matter.
This effect makes the atmosphere act somewhat like a blanket that becomes thicker when amounts of water vapor, carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases, such as methane and nitrous oxide, increase.
The hydrogen bonds can be disrupted by water vapor in the air, with each keratin binding to water in the air instead of each other.
In the harsh sunlight of the upper atmosphere, methane can react with other gases to form water vapor, which then breaks down into other chemicals that destroy ozone.
«This is the first time water vapor has been unequivocally detected on Ceres or any other object in the asteroid belt and provides proof that Ceres has an icy surface and an atmosphere,» said Michael Küppers of ESA in Spain, lead author of a paper in the journal Nature.
To show that those atoms are bonded together into water vapor or a similar substance, observations at other wavelengths would be needed.
Here are some other top successes: destroying stockpiles of chemical weapons globally as well as local stores of DDT in Tanzania; new cooking stoves to eliminate indoor air pollution in Ghana; separating copper mine tailings from the local water supply in Chile; alternative fuels to reduce air pollution in New Delhi as well as treating arsenic in well water in West Bengal; removing lead - contaminated soil in the Dominican Republic and Russia; reducing mercury vapors from artisanal gold mining in Indonesia; and new sewage systems to clean up contaminated Suzhou Creek in Shanghai.
But other experts say there's a big difference between water vapor, as discovered in HD 189733b's atmosphere, and liquid water, which is what astronomers are really hoping to nail down.
Reporting in the 12 July Nature, the scientists note that they can't tell the density of water vapor in HD 189733b's atmosphere — in other words, whether it is present in only trace amounts or at much higher levels.
Even models that correctly capture cloud behavior may fail to fully account for other climate feedbacks from factors like changing snow and sea ice cover, atmospheric water vapor content, and temperature.
The group also evaluated the permeability, with water vapor, of the nanomesh conductor — along with those of other substrates like ultrathin plastic foil and a thin rubber sheet — and found that its porous mesh structure exhibited superior gas permeability compared to that of the other materials.
They suggest complex stomata evolved to help early plants control moisture in their spore capsules and that other plants later exploited these pores to breathe in carbon dioxide and exhale water vapor.
Each cell contains algorithms that reflect the interactions among the ocean, clouds, water vapor, aerosols, trees, soil and other tiny widgets.
The warm conditions of the earth get a big boost from water vapor as well as several other culprits, some of which never existed in the atmosphere prior to human influence.
The telescope's Wide Field Camera 3 had detected water vapor in the atmospheres of 10 of these planets, and no water on the other nine.
By analyzing global water vapor and temperature satellite data for the lower atmosphere, Texas A&M University atmospheric scientist Andrew Dessler and his colleagues found that warming driven by carbon dioxide and other gases allowed the air to hold more moisture, increasing the amount of water vapor in the atmosphere.
«We're looking for water vapor or ice, as well as hydrocarbons and other volatiles,» he says.
The other obvious observation is that water vapor has more relative effect in the tropics, where it is moister.
Scientists have detected water vapor on other planets in the past, but these detections could only take place under very specific circumstances, according to graduate student Alexandra Lockwood, the first author of the study.
For example, the spacecraft spotted geysers of water vapor and other material blasting from the south pole of the icy moon Enceladus.
It also would be far easier to get a water sample from Enceladus, which has plumes of water vapor, ice and particles shooting more than 300 miles off its surface, than from other moons, such as Jupiter's Europa, where a massive ocean is believed to be buried beneath a thick icy crust.
«When a planet transits, or passes in orbit, in front of its host star, we can use information from this event to detect water vapor and other atmospheric compounds.
While there is at present no compelling reason to doubt the models» handling of water vapor feedback, it is not out of the question that some unanticipated behavior of the hydrological cycle could make the warming somewhat milder — or on the other hand, much, much worse.
With JWST, a few hours of integration time will be enough to detect Earth - like levels of water vapor, molecular oxygen, carbon dioxide and other generic biosignatures on planets orbiting a white dwarf; beyond that, observing the same planet for up to 1.7 days will be enough to detect the two CFCs in concentrations of 750 parts per trillion, or 10 times greater than on Earth.
Soon other substances, including water vapor, will begin pouring out, revealing their presence in the spectrum of light from the comet to instruments on the ground and those, like Spitzer, in space.
Knowing the right combination other warming agents, such as water vapor, nitrous oxide, and carbon dioxide, will also help us assess habitability of the hundreds of billions of other Earth - like planets estimated to reside in our galaxy.
When the CLIMAP data proved to be wrong, and was replaced by more reliable estimates showing a substantial tropical surface temperature drop, Lindzen had to abandon his then - current model and move on to other forms of mischief (first the «cumulus drying» negative water vapor feedback mechanism, since abandoned, and now the «Iris» effect cloud feedback mechanism).
Knowing this, the researchers could look at the wavelengths of infrared light and, like a fingerprint, link it to what share was from a CO2 buildup in the air, and what share was due to other things, such as water vapor.
However, the surface warming caused by human - produced increases in carbon dioxide, methane, and other greenhouse gases leads to a large increase in water vapor, since a warmer atmosphere holds more moisture.
Its atmosphere is 95 percent CO2, compared with Earth's 78 percent nitrogen and 21 percent oxygen, with trace amounts of other gases and water vapor.
The abundance of water vapor, oxygen, methane, and other organic compounds in the atmosphere could be evidence of an active biosphere on the surface of a planet.
This empirical fast - feedback climate sensitivity allows water vapor, clouds, aerosols, sea ice, and all other fast feedbacks that exist in the real world to respond naturally to global climate change.
The factors that determine this asymmetry are various, involving ice albedo feedbacks, cloud feedbacks and other atmospheric processes, e.g., water vapor content increases approximately exponentially with temperature (Clausius - Clapeyron equation) so that the water vapor feedback gets stronger the warmer it is.
Greenhouse effect from water vapor is filtered out, showing the contributions of other greenhouse gases (Evans 2006).
the way greenhouse gases trap heat and feedbacks involving water vapor, sea ice and other factors amplifying or modulate that heat trapping
In particular, aircraft jet engines produce carbon dioxide (CO2), water vapor (H2O), nitrogen oxides (NOx), carbon monoxide (CO), oxides of sulfur (SOx), unburned or partially combusted hydrocarbons (also known as volatile organic compounds, or VOCs), particulates, and other trace compounds.
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