Sentences with phrase «other world powers»

Snowden's supporters have argued that he rightly exposed unsavory details of how the government spied on its own citizens and the leaders of other world powers, including its allies.
Russia has been sharply criticised by other world powers at the UN Security Council in New York over the chemical weapons deaths in northern Syria.
Questioning the AGF, the statement held if he has forgotten that while in opposition, APC petitioned the US government and other world powers not to sell arms to the PDP government of Jonathan to fight Boko Haram, alleging human rights abuses.
U.S. President Donald Trump will decide by May 12 whether to reimpose sanctions on Iran that were lifted as part of an agreement with six other world powers over Tehran's nuclear program.
As I have written before, Tehran and Pyongyang actually have an added incentive to acquire a nuclear weapon if other world powers disarm.
The U.S., China, Russia and several other world powers pledged not to engage in cyberespionage for economic benefit following the Group of 20 conference last November.
It prompted us to raise the stakes for standardized tests in an effort to compete with other world powers, and as a result, it planted the seeds for a culture of fear and shame that is ubiquitous in schools across the country.
The United States and other world powers reached a nuclear arms agreement with Iran.
President Donald Trump struck a blow against the 2015 Iran nuclear agreement in defiance of other world powers, choosing not to certify that Tehran is complying with the deal and warning he might ultimately terminate it.
With sanctions imposed by the North and Great Britain and other world powers at the time because of your insistence (not to mention utter reliance) on slavery you would have been hard - pressed to market what little cotton and rice you could manage to produce, and you produced virtually nothing else before the war, so where would you get the capital to rebuild this idyllic nation you hoped to maintain?
As Ian Leslie pointed out in a recent essay in the New Statesman, most people would love to see a world free from nuclear weapons, but disarmament — even in the complete fantasy world in which it is mirrored by all other world powers — wouldn't create this in a meaningful way.
And at the same time, Mauritius is still a small independent country and it is so remote from other world powers and far enough away from African countries that it's not threatened geographically by those other countries or those other world powers, nor does it threaten those others by its very location.
In his final speech before the U.N. General Assembly, President Obama conceded that the United States and other world powers have limited ability to solve the most profound challenges facing the world, while calling for a «course correction» for globalization to ensure that nations don't retreat into a more sharply divided world.
Though both of New York's senators, Charles Schumer and Kirsten Gillibrand, have made up their minds on the agreement that was also brokered by five other world powers, a large chunk of the city's congressional delegation remains undecided.
«Cohesive international support in the fight against terrorism and assistance to victims and communities affected by terrorism, following President Buhari's meeting with G7 leaders and other world powers.
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