Sentences with phrase «others at risk»

Finally, your anger management counselor will come up with creative ways for you to channel your emotions and control your anger so it does not put others at risk.
But at least up to now the general rule has been that the offense must involve a moving violation that could put others at risk.
Insurance companies are also unlikely to cover heavy drinkers since alcoholics are more prone to engage in behaviors that put others at risk in addition to themselves (e.g. drunk or impaired driving).
If you get behind the wheel and fall asleep while driving, even though you knew you were too tired to drive, you're putting yourself and others at risk.
Prescription painkillers and antidepressants are just two of the many medications that can impair your ability to drive safely and put your passengers and others at risk.
Like speeding, driving too slowly interrupts the flow of traffic and puts others at risk.
Speeding is dangerous, interrupting the flow of traffic, and putting yourself and others at risk.
Therefore, it's essential that you do everything you can to ensure you are not one of the people who put yourself and others at risk by driving after consuming marijuana.
These hazardous actions by others put you and others at risk.
This ensures that you keep your driving privileges and avoid other fines and penalties that can not only be costly but puts others at risk.
Now, let's see what happens if you're charged and convicted with careless driving while using your hands - free device because it's determined that you placed others at risk.
If while using a hands - free device you place others at risk, you can be charged with careless driving and face fines of up to $ 1,000 and get six demerit points.
But unfortunately some individuals risk hefty fines and other penalties by driving without insurance, placing themselves at risk of financial loss and others at risk of uncompensated damages in the event of a crash.
Also, workers who are required to operate heavy machinery should receive adequate operational training and safety training so as not to put others at risk.
The legal risks are evident; though you may consider yourself recovered, without a definite determination from a medical professional you may still be putting yourself and others at risk if you choose to drive while concussed, and you may be held liable.
Pedestrians who break the laws set by the Washington State Department of Transportation put themselves and others at risk.
«Not only do delays make a difficult time drag on for the deceased's family, which deserves answers, it also means that any safety failings which could have led to the death are left unaddressed and remain to put others at risk,» said Mr Dalyell.
FCJ Refugee Centre serves refugees and others at risk due to their immigration status, and welcomes anyone asking for advice, counsel and support regarding their refugee or immigration claim process.
Because of the nature of drunk driving (the driver chose to drink and then put others at risk by driving), the state allows double or treble damages in drunk driving accident lawsuits.
Their carelessness or intentional inaction puts you and others at risk.
Prosecutors and police take this crime very seriously and its not «OK» to put others at risk when you are behind the wheel.
The responsible motorist had a duty to exercise reasonable care while driving, so as to not put others at risk of harm;
As a result they should also employ people who can perform their duties without putting others at risk.
This level of impairment can place others at risk of suffering preventable harm during car accidents.
This regulation exists to make sure that fatigued and overworked truck drivers aren't putting others at risk of harm on our freeways.
This is generally quite easy to satisfy in the context of road accidents as all road users are expected not to put others at risk of injury.
When a driver ignores the posted speed limit, not only is he breaking the law, but he's putting others at risk.
Drivers who do not follow these laws and regulations put themselves and others at risk.
Drugged driving puts passengers, drivers, and others at risk.
If you use the same passwords for multiple sites, a hack into any of them could put the others at risk.
In addition, if climate change is a moral problem, even assuming counter-factually that there is considerable scientific uncertainty about whether humans are causing serious global warming, those who are putting others at risk have duties to not endanger vulnerable people without their consent.
A strong ethical argument can be made that scientists who conclude that there is strong evidence that citizens in their country are harming people around the world and putting millions of others at risk have a duty to speak up.
This intense and visionary Californian maverick, who died last year, made his name in the 1970s with disturbing, even antisocial acts that put his life and sometimes apparently the lives of others at risk.
If your dog displays signs of aggression or behaviors that may lead to aggression, you must understand that you are putting others at risk.
San Francisco news agencies are reporting that Gertie died from bacteria after drinking contaminated water, others at risk.
Not unlike auto insurance, the idea is to make sure that everyone who is putting others at risk is able to pay for the damages caused.
First of all; if you have a mechanical or electrical problem that puts your safety or the safety of others at risk, by all means have it checked by a qualified mechanic.
Despite the image of superpredators and dangerous hallways, most students suspended from school and most juveniles in detention did not commit violent offenses or put the safety of others at risk.
The safe use of a fire extinguisher to control a fire in its early stages can significantly reduce the risk to other people in the premises, allowing people to assist others at risk or who are particularly vulnerable.
Was it a foolish endeavor that put himself and others at risk for the sole purpose of fulfilling his own narcissistic desire?
But here you are — arguably — putting others at risk by profiling the members of RBSS in a way that could increase the risk of attack by ISIS.
You upload to your Custom Label any material that financial compromise or arrangement with your creditors; is illegal, immoral, subversive or otherwise damaging to us, our systems and platform, or our reputation or likely to cause offence or place another or others at the risk or harm; or
Ghannoum also envisions a mouthwash containing live Pichia that could be used as a probiotic by HIV patients or others at risk for Candida infection.
Unlike vaccines, antibody treatments are meant to provide short - term protection to health care workers and others at risk of exposure.
A new HCV infection is effectively treated with direct - acting antiviral drugs, but the researchers say a preventive vaccine is needed to control what they call an HCV pandemic because as many as 50 percent of people infected are unaware that they carry the virus, putting others at risk of infection.
Dr. Colantonio highlights the need to identify inmates or others at risk of incarceration with a history of a TBI so they can receive appropriate support and treatment.
In fact, polyps in humans frequently progress to colon cancer, which is why they are removed during screening colonoscopies in people over 50 and others at risk for colon cancer.
«Animals could have more freedom without putting others at risk
«At this very busy time on our Oneida County highways, we want to do everything possible to send a strong message that people who drink and drive are going to pay the price for putting the lives of others at risk,» Picente said.
«Nail salon workers, like many people in low wage positions, can suffer exploitation that puts themselves and others at risk.
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