Sentences with phrase «others call attention»

The ad proved to be a public relations coup for Airbnb as the New York Times and others called attention to the commercial and to the speed with which it was put together.
In 1980, however, Nobel laureate Luis Alvarez and others called attention to a thin layer of iridium — possible material from an asteroid — found all over the world in rocks from the time of the dinosaur extinctions.

Not exact matches

Calling the results «surprising,» study author Michael Kraus commented: «People are paying too much attention to the face — the voice might have much of the content necessary to perceive others» internal states accurately.»
Scholars have called attention to the manipulative function of these and other invented traditions.
Yet others have noted that the office never had a secure booth previously as the EPA contains a secure facility on a separate floor, and have called attention to the secretive measures taken by Pruitt and his deputies.
According to the research, landing pages that draw a person's attention to one main call - to - action (in other words, a link) have a conversion rate of 13.5 percent, while landing pages with five or more call - to - actions or links have an average conversion rate of 10.5 percent.
The collapse, the third catastrophic incident at Bangladeshi factories in five months that have killed more than 200 people, could taint Bangladesh's reputation as a source of low - cost products and services and call attention to Western retailers and other companies that obtain products from the country.
Some people are fearful because of something called the spotlight effect, thinking that others are paying more attention to them than they truly are, according to Psychology Today.
For starters, Falk houses his mantra within a broader leadership philosophy, what he calls the «Pyramid of Bad - assery»: pay attention to detail, live and breathe the spirit of hospitality by always putting others first, and then take that to the next level with a BPA.
Make sure to call attention to others who demonstrate the spirit of excellence, too, recognizing them for the examples they set.
This week, a former Uber engineer called attention to sexual harassment and other problems at the company, leading to more negative headlines.
As a veteran short - seller he listens to the calls of other short sellers, and when famed short - seller Steve Eisman presented Home Capital as a «short idea» at a New York investor conference in the spring of 2013, Cohodes started paying attention.
Several others point to Berry's lack of attention to the good of politics, especially what co-editor Nathan Schlueter calls «formal mediating institutions,» and Schlueter himself comes closer than anyone to an outright rebuke of Berry for his disregard of «the original sin narrative, with all that it implies» in his pacifism.»
«A distinction must be made,» the Instrumentum Laboris says, «between those who have made a personal, and often painful, choice and live that choice discreetly so as not to give scandal to others, and those whose behavior promotes and actively — often aggressively — calls attention to it.»
If you haven't been seeing Christians threatening eternal damnation, if you haven't seen Christians calling others a «fool», if you haven't seen Christians accusing people of being Satan's pawns, if you haven't seen Christians spread any of the vitrol you accuse atheists of spreading, YOU HAVE NOT BEEN PAYING ATTENTION.
-- I tried to sidestep some of the political and social questions raised (due to my lack of expertise in these areas and to the many other opinions already aired in response to this article) and instead call attention to some of the spiritual issues at stake.
What I aimed to called attention to, what Matt's assertion that others did not really believe what they said — that we were essentially lying.
General human nature can always take some other issue to fill in the so called void, even a currently open issue that didn't get as much attention previously.
Many Christians participate in such movements only after others have called attention to this or that terrible situation, or after the struggle is three - quarters won.
The premise here is that if Paul was not writing a theological tract for the ages — and everyone agrees he had no intention of doing that — then Romans must be understood within the circumstances of Paul's ministry, as generated, as were his other occasional letters, by a situation in his own ministry or in a church that called out for his apostolic attention.
In his first encyclical, issued while the Council was still finding its way, Paul VI called for a Church in dialogue with other churches, with other religions, and with secular humanists, but called attention to the virtual impossibility of dialogue with atheistic communism.
I have tried to ponder the texts to which Sherburne calls our attention, together with others, with an open mind.
My take is that those who call themselves Christians really ought to pay attention to what Christ said: «treat others as you would like to be treated,» «do good to those who persecute you,» «love one another,» «be as wise as serpents and as harmless as doves,» «help the poor,» «turn the other cheek.»
We are today called upon to be in solidarity with many other groups who are made helpless in modern society The needs of the handicapped should receive serious attention.
God is a God of signs, and, as we have seen, what are called theophanies on the one hand, and miracles on the other, are never anything but signs for the purpose of attracting our attention.
(CNN)- Showcasing alleged hate crimes, physical threats and profiling, a diverse group of ethnic organizations has coalesced to bring attention to what they call discrimination against Arabs, Muslims, Sikhs and others in the wake of the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks.
Eric Voegelin and others have called attention to the classical experience of reason — the transformative perigoge or «conversio» — expressed in the ideal of theoria.2 The expression, however, was ambiguous at best (as Heidegger realized) and dangerously imperialistic at worst (as Alvin Gouldner and Enrique Dussel realized).3
Pastoral and personal sins and failures are a different matter from constitutionally designed indifference to catholicity, and calling attention to the smudges on the other guy's kettle is quite pointless.
Because I've often used Alexis de Tocqueville, Pierre Manent, Chantal Delsol, and other French, Catholic political thinkers to call attention to the limitations of the theory of the American founding, I've been accused of being anti-American.
When a woman tries to call her family to meals and they are so bent on their own pursuits that they do not come, or tries to correct a child who pays no attention, or talks into the telephone to discover suddenly that she has been cut off or that the other party has hung up the receiver, she is not really speaking to anyone.
The particular aspect of the contemporary situation to which I wish to call attention has to do with man's growing powers to alter his destiny and the increasing interdependence of men with each other, with nature, and with the machines they create.
If you want to be taken seriously you're going to have to stop the grade school drama of attention seeking and calling others bullies when you don't get it.
At the other extreme, in a general - education biology course one might give rather frequent attention to what Conant calls «the strategy and tactics of science.
I am indebted to Rod Hunter for calling my attention to the importance of these points and to a variety of other contributions from Freud's thought.
Midgley's book, however, probes excessive skepticism, uncritical beliefs and unwarranted dreams in a rather dazzling array of particular scientific and philosophical writings, and in 19 brief chapters calls attention to other weaknesses as well.
Then the other's statement calls my attention to a possible relation between my immediately past occasions of experience and anger.
Again, I call attention to the absence of any role for human relationships other than those of exchange in the market place.
You do this by such techniques as beginning with praise, calling attention to mistakes indirectly, and letting others save face.
On the other hand, he calls their attention to the fact that there is a traitor among them.
Pope Benedict XVI has called attention to this admirable practice, and encourages other nations to study it.
On the other hand, food processing and manufacturing companies may be reticent to call any attention to the quality of training given the publicity surrounding product recalls or outbreaks of listeria or salmonella that can be tied to employee mishandling.
We mentioned it earlier on Sunday, and many were calling it the shot of the 2010 Masters as soon as the ball bounced down on the green, but it's worth directing our attention to it once more: Phil Mickelson's shot on the 13th truly was remarkable, amazing, gutsy, and about a 17 other adjectives.
Not only are these attention vampires addictive and increase the odds that people will ignore each other to stare at their screens (a phenomenon called «phubbing»), but studies have shown that they can interfere with falling asleep and staying asleep.
Be sure to call your pediatrician or seek other medical attention if your child's cold seems to be worsening and you think he is developing more severe RSV symptoms.
Whether or not your child has a fever, if he is very irritable, confused, lethargic (doesn't easily wake up), has difficulty breathing, has a rapid and weak pulse, is refusing to eat or drink, is still ill - appearing even after the fever is brought down, has a severe headache or other specific complaint (burning with urination, if he is limping, etc.), or if he has a fever and it is persistent for more than 24 to 48 hours, then you should call your pediatrician or seek medical attention immediately.
If my project can open a few other people up to engaging the issues I'm trying to call attention to, I feel it will be worthy of being called a «protest.»
It's smart to consume a variety of proteins, and tofu is a great source that doesn't call attention to itself when mixed with other ingredients.
In March, when I first wrote about how the biotech rider — called the Monsanto Protection Act by its vocal opponents — undercut the constitutional concept of separation of powers, it seemed hardly anyone (other than the usual advocacy groups) was paying attention.
The Governor however, noted that the vandalised court calls for urgent rehabilitation, stating that the high court in Ilesa and others across the state will be given urgent attention in terms of rehabilitation and security.
He bemoaned the situation where patients, particularly persons who require keen attention are subjected to inhumane treatment when they seek the services of these facilities while others are completely ignored by so - called medical professionals when they are at their weakest points.
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