Sentences with phrase «others cast doubt»

Some studies support it, but others cast doubt.
Geologists in both the United States and Europe who have visited the site or studied the reports of others cast doubt on the existence of the pyramids, saying the four hills were created by natural tectonic uplift rather than human hands.
But Sean Kelly, CEO of Human Healthy Vending, saw a market where others cast doubt.

Not exact matches

& # 9660 Wind power: As General Electric, Mitsubishi and others considered investing more than $ 630 million in the U.K.'s offshore wind industry, Canada was casting the whole idea into doubt.
EU negotiators are not liable to go easy on the breakaway nation, fearing that others may follow suit, so the UK's hopes for a soft Brexit are unlikely to be realized; casting doubts about London's future preeminence as a prime financial hub.
It really irks me that Piper and others have cast doubt on Wright's commitment to atonement when he makes it abundantly clear time and time again that he wholeheartedly embraces it, just with a different emphasis.
As for the Christian imperative to share the gospel, Vine say it's often «better to be kind than to be right» and that in his experience being honest about our doubts is more authentic to others than cast - iron certainty.
Initially, Whitehead might seem to identify actual occasions as res vera to the exclusion of persons; however, careful thought, along with the addition of other Whiteheadian ideas, such as organic unities, casts doubt on the suspicion that for Whitehead only actual occasions are res vera.
Moreover, comparisons with other contexts cast doubt on whether these affinities are universal.
The fact is that for every alleged fact discredited, another has been the more firmly established, and the increased confidence with which we can accept certain elements in the tradition more than compensates for doubts cast on other elements.
And I believe that they cast some doubt of the theory that the layers are perfect, as I said we find animals in the bottom layers through out the other more «advanced» layers.
It is, therefore, no surprise that academic literary critics, who owe their very existence to Shakespeare and other great writers, have cast doubt upon Shakespeare's exalted position at exactly the moment in history when the societies of the West have become most anxious about their own integrity and probity.
Phrygian to me i sense that you are struggling with issues in your mind that you cant reconcile and these issues are affecting what you believe in your heart and therefore your faith in God.I had something similar happen to me recently regarding the story of the demon possessed man at one point the demons begged Jesus to cast them into the pigs does that mean that Jesus was implicated with the work of satan.It cast my mind into doubt and then i began to question who God is.I prayed and sort the holy spirit for an answer the answer i got was that Gods character never changes he is always holy righteous and sovereign why else would satan ask for his permission.So the answer was that he allowed satans purpose to prevail so that we can see that satans intention is always to destroy it may well have been that the pigs were his anyway.As they were for the gentile nations who offered the pigs to their demon Gods.Just as satan can not change who he is the destroyer the thief the liar God can not change who he is when we realise that despite what we see going on in the world God is still the same yesterday today and forever.The time is coming when those that have hurt others will be judged for there wickedness as we serve a holy and just God.Just as it was in the times of Noah so it is with this this generation that as the wickedness reachs its zenith then the Lord will return to judge the nations.He is coming again and we need to be ready it is not a time to be caught sleeping.brentnz
Just before the crusade, Protestant, Catholic and Jewish leaders in the city issued a strong statement denouncing those «who cast doubt upon the loyalty of the state department and officials in other departments of government, and many of our proven patriots and statesmen of long standing (February 28, 1962).
Religion is at its worst when people use their beliefs to deny other people equal rights, treat them in some awful way, or cast doubt on otherwise solid ideas.
While there are studies that show soy might have some benefits for older women such as lowering cholesterol, easing menopausal symptoms, and reducing risk of breast cancer, other research casts doubt on these findings.
Together with other recent analyses of sugar industry documents, our findings suggest the industry sponsored a research program in the 1960s and 1970s that successfully cast doubt about the hazards of sucrose while promoting fat as the dietary culprit in CHD.
I wasn't surprised by LAUSD's decision — reality shows need drama, and LAUSD no doubt suspected it would be portrayed in an unflattering light, just as many felt the Huntington, West Virginia «lunch ladies» in season one were unfairly cast as villains for merely serving menus dictated by others.
Although the findings in our study cast doubt on the nutritional advantages of breast milk on neurodevelopment in full - term infants and the conclusion that breastfeeding improves childhood intellectual performance, they have no bearing on evidence of the medical benefits of breastfeeding, which have been demonstrated in other studies, or on the need to provide nutritionally adequate formula for preterm or other nutritionally deprived or at - risk infants.
Trump's tweet drew responses from dozens of people, many of whom cast doubt that Trump's campaign did nothing wrong and others who said the Russians aren't the reason that Hillary Clinton lost the election.
There is no doubt that the Tories or Labour are going to win the next general election, so Mr Radcliffe on this basis is going to be disappointed when he has cast his vote, in other words he will waste his vote.
Problems arose when they refused to pay a bribe when doubt was cast on the validity of the woman's passport and other documentation, it was reported.
Signs that other grandees are rallying follow calls from members of the 2010 intake for the party to stop its infighting, cast off self - doubt and get behind their leader.
She does not refer to the fact that other researchers have consistently cast doubt on Coleman's findings.
A handful of other Syracuse politicians joined the opposition, strategizing in private meetings and late - night phone calls about ways to cast doubt on Pyramid's ideas.
But Labour and the Liberal Democrats have cast doubt on the sincerity of this pledge because other Tory policies, such as the increase in the inheritance tax threshold, seem specifically designed to help the rich, not the poor.
He cast doubt on whether promises of reform by Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo and others would be substantive enough, characterizing past ethics initiatives as «one charade after another.»
Although the new observations don't directly support the dark matter explanation, «if you have a few alternatives and cast doubt on one of them, then the other becomes more likely,» says HAWC scientist Jordan Goodman of the University of Maryland in College Park.
The result, reported April 13 in Science, casts doubt on hypothetical particles called dark photons and other potential oddities.
Hypospadias is apparently not on the rise in the U.S., casting doubt on claims that phthalates and other endocrine disruptors cause reproductive abnormalities in humans
Some research finds that even from observing photographs of faces, judgments of trustworthiness can have a glimmer of accuracy, but other research casts doubt on this idea.
But few of these sites were free of issues; some lacked radiocarbon dates, whereas older and younger sediments appeared to be mixed together at others, casting doubt that tools found in pre-Clovis layers were actually made during that time.
Highly motivated people openly cast doubt on well - established evidence — the theory of evolution, the human effects on climate change, the value of vaccines and other findings that have achieved an overwhelming consensus in the scientific community.
The acknowledged role of sunspots and cosmic rays in forming clouds has been fertile ground for climate deniers, who have cast doubt on whether anthropogenic climate change (in other words, change caused by humans) is occurring at all.
But two reports, one from the Malaysian branch of the World Wide Fund for Nature, the other by the Malaysian Nature Society (MNS), cast doubt on this.
Some physicists now say that the team didn't adequately exclude other processes that could have given rise to the data (see «Star dust casts doubt on recent big bang...
Other data have cast the whole Linnaean structure into doubt (which is why there is now a competing branch of systematics, called cladistics, that tries to chart relationships in a much more precise, if cumbersome, way).
Indeed, the synchrony of peak - years casts doubts on the notion that as resources become scarcer or less accessible, they can be replaced by other resources ad infinitum.
Other studies cast doubt on the benefits of caffeine for our memories.
* By denying the impacts of AGW on polar bears, bloggers aim to cast doubt on other established ecological consequences of AGW, aggravating the consensus gap.
While there is evidence that soy might have special benefits for women, such as reducing the risk of heart disease and breast cancer, other studies cast doubt on these findings.
It wasn't until she met a well - known and highly respected casting director that she realized she'd wasted far too much allowing other people to make her doubt her appearance and her capabilities.
There's similarly little doubt that the film benefits substantially from the above - average efforts of its various stars, with Hemsworth and Brühl's stand - out work complemented by a supporting cast that includes, among others, Stephen Mangan, Christian McKay, and Olivia Wilde.
It's immediately clear that At Close Range's most potent weapon is its various performers, as filmmaker James Foley has elicited superb work from a uniformly strong cast that includes, among others, Mary Stuart Masterson, Chris Penn, and David Strathairn - although there's little doubt that the film belongs to Penn and Walken from start to finish (ie both actors are, for the most part, absolutely electrifying throughout).
I've had my doubts about Machete, but with the stellar supporting cast of Cheech Marin, Robert De Niro, Jessica Alba and Michelle Rodriguez among others, paired with Seagal's bad - ass moves with the swords and Trejo's good one - liners, I think Sylvester Stallone might just have a rival here for the best over the top action movie of the year.
I found the original to be a sweet movie with a bit of a kick thanks to Maggie Smith's zingers, and while the nature of sequels makes me doubt this follow - up will match the quality of that first film, the prospect of seeing this cast play off of each other once again is enticing enough.
The second report, released in October of 2000 by Stephen Klein and his colleagues, cast doubt on the validity of TAAS scores by suggesting that the results do not correlate with the test results of other standardized tests.
Half of academies sponsored by grammar schools are rated as requiring improvement or inadequate, casting doubt on the effectiveness of government plans to get more selective schools running other nearby schools.
But other research, using more sophisticated analytic strategies to control simultaneously for the effects of multiple distinctions among students taking AP courses, casts doubt on these findings.
Rothstein, on the other hand, concludes that these correlations are also weak, so much so that «it casts serious doubt on the entire value - added enterprise.»
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