Sentences with phrase «others feel special»

And make others feel special.
They make others feel special and this is the reason people love to be around them.
Do you love using money to make others feel special?
It not only makes others feel special but also demonstrates your ability to focus.
Even though Valentine's Day is so hyped up, it's important to make sure your significant other feels special during the Valentine's Day buzz.
Whether you're in a new relationship or you have a long - term, live - in boyfriend, it's important to still be flirtatious and fun and make your significant other feel special.
So, it's time for both to get out of your ways to make the other feel special.
Spend some time making your significant other feel special.
At first it was easy; they loved working on their home together, cooking for each other, and doing small favors to make each other feel special.
Take time to make each other feel special; after all, the magic shouldn't just disappear just because you've been together for a while.

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The rich see money as a special friend that can help them in ways no other friend can, and these positive feelings lead them to build a stronger relationship every day.»
That experience could be a special event in a store, being notified of or discovering a video on our website or YouTube channel of an athlete or celebrity wearing or discussing the latest product, an interaction with their friends while touching and feeling the product, or simply a conversation about sneakers with one of our stripers or other store associates.
But parents who emphasized warmth over distinctiveness (telling them «I love you» instead of «you're special») raised children who were happy with who they are but didn't feel superior to others.
I thought the point of religion was to make oneself feel special while simultaneously putting others down?
Many feel a special calling to bring the Word back to the Middle East; others become unintentional missionaries as their work carries them to the West and beyond.
To hold that same - sex marriage is part of the fundamental right to marry, or necessary for giving LGBT people the equal protection of the laws, the Court implicitly made a number of other assumptions: that one - flesh union has no distinct value in itself, only the feelings fostered by any kind of consensual sex; that there is nothing special about knowing the love of the two people whose union gave you life, whose bodies gave you yours, so long as you have two sources of care and support; that what children need is parenting in some disembodied sense, and not mothering and fathering.
If you have other children, they should also have opportunities to talk or play through their feelings — jealousy about special treatment of him, nonrational guilt about being unhandicapped, a sense of family stigma.
Could it be that God has given some people more than others, not so that they can feel extra special, or become puffed up about how great of people they are in God's eyes, or how wonderful their ministries are for the advancement of the Kingdom of God, but so that those to whom God has given more can use what they have to bless others who have been given less, and in so doing, be blessed in other ways in return?
The bible is nothing more than primitive man's stories during the time they didn't understand nature, wanted to make themselves feel more special than others and many times needed to create excuses for their failures.
Delusions: These are beliefs that are not true, such as feeling people are following or trying to hurt them, believing other people can read their minds, or beliefs that they have special powers or abilities.
On smaller scales, children often develop similar feelings for other activities that family members or special friends particularly enjoyed, like fishing with Dad, baking with Mom, or football with your brothers.
Many of my fellow Americans seem to feel that they are somehow special or better than other people of the world.
Fully enjoy eating those foods that feel special and satisfying to you, and let the other options pass you by.
I feel I should not be obliged to do anything special in exchange for the fact that I had not perished like the others, since that would only bring into sharp focus the question, «Why them?»
Perhaps all they care about is being a member of a special club that stands in absolute judgement of all the other clubs and makes you feel like you have the ear of the almighty.
I suspect some use Christianese because it makes them feel special, somehow better than others.
With faith, * anything * that you can fantasize (or that others have fantasized) can be true... quite a special and powerful feeling - I remember doing it.
Do you think I care which of My Special Children you feel closest to - Jesus, Mary, Buddha, Krishna, Mohammed or any of the others?
It wasn't about showing off or showing status or making others feel bad; it was a chance to do something special for the One who gave me the chance to be freed from sin and to live eternally.
Finally, Whitehead's methodology of descriptive generalization would, on the micrological view, be seen as belonging within a particular tradition, i.e., as involving what might be called a «metaphysical reduction» of the empirical world to some foundational and actual element, on the same methodological lines as Leibniz's monads, Bradley's substrative feeling, Alexander's space - time matrix, or Heidegger's Being.12 In other words, Whitehead's actual entities are conceived as having a special kind of actuality of their own as the ground or foundation from which the empirical world derives.
The Anglican clergy were presented by the Revolutionary movement with a special case of conscience revolving around the prayers for the King in the Prayer Book — some continued with the full service unless or until forcibly restrained, others felt they could only perform occasional offices, and others with varying degrees of enthusiasm or regret accepted the transfer of allegiance and modified the services accordingly.
«They are exposed to the brand values with the intention of them feeling part of something special, a team of folks who care for each other, their guests and their communities,» Busley says.
And if you feel like making this extra fancy, I'm sure you can come up with some extra special decoration on top or to do something fun with the peanut butter cups, other than mounding them in the center.
Made with healthy brown rice flour and almond flour, combined with some other truly special plant based ingredients, you really do feel good eating these (well we did anyway!)
Whether you're looking to wow your relatives at the big Labor Day BBQ, want to surprise your friends with something amazing at your next dinner party or want to make your significant other feel extra special on their birthday, the Old Fashioned Devil's Chocolate Cake from trendy Chicago dessert destination BAKE will do the trick!
The perfect breakfast or brunch to serve on February 14th, or any other day you want to make someone feel extra special.
And the athlete has a special feeling, a will to do these things that others can't or won't, to find out where his borders lie.
wenger gave him so much breathing space... off sick for big games... after seen going out partying nights before... ramsey an others came out saying he gets special treatment feel for arsene..
And our time together feels much more special; it's harder to take each other for granted.
He was honest with me, too, and I remembering feeling at the time that our level of honesty and shared bad behavior gave us a certain special something that connected us more than other couples — Yeah, we both cheated, we know the warning signs, we know the damage it does and we don't need to go there again.
Most mothers or couples also want to establish that special connection with their baby during fetal development and the heartbeats and other movements, help them feel bonded with their baby.
I pre-ordered and it arrived on July 17, which was earlier than some other folks, so I felt special.
For children 3 - 8 pack a backpack with a water bottle, special snacks and items that they are interested in, including a media device (if you feel they are old enough), headphones, sticker or activity books, and other activities.
For mamas expecting a baby other than their first, I suggest a small but special sibling gift so they feel included in the process when they meet baby and get to celebrate becoming a big brother or sister.
Make sure they don't feel pulled between you and made to feel guilty for being with one or the other parent on any given special day.
I hope you feel special and loved today and regardless of what season you find yourself in, just know that you are doing enough (and no the other child isn't neglected or getting less love) and you are appreciated.
We all have a special bond with each other, and let me tell you, there is no worse feeling than having another mother tell you that what you are doing is wrong.
I'm in a special club of my own and truly find it hard to accept sometimes and then feel guilty that I can't be as open to others as some club members.
Finally, I want to note that if you had a living child before your loss, that boy or girl may feel sad that they do not have a special name, like Angel Baby or Rainbow Baby, or have other ways that make them feel valued like their siblings.
I think that if Noah ever is told that he was chosen just for Mommy, that he was that special that Mommy went to such feats to have him, it will make him feel more special than other children who were not chosen.
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