Sentences with phrase «others feel uncomfortable»

Also, they will receive inadequate feedback and «soft» evaluations (doing «fine» as opposed to meaningful review and suggestions for actions that will lead to advancement) and report that others feel uncomfortable around them.
Others feel uncomfortable breast feeding in public so find they gradually replace more and more breastfeeds with substitutes.
Be sure your child knows how you feel about cursing, and that it's impolite to curse because it makes others feel uncomfortable.
Teach your tween that the way he or she speaks will directly influence how others view him or her and that the language he or she uses can make others feel uncomfortable.
Transitioning involves everyone in one's life and I feared, more than anything, that I would make others feel uncomfortable — especially when going out with them in public.
If this is true, then it is obvious that a familial grouping can not be marked by cruelty, whether this is of a plainly physical sort or the more subtle (but more harmful) kind that likes to make others feel uncomfortable or unwanted or unnecessary.

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There have been reports of unauthorized eyewear that have led to recalls and suggestions from county officials in Richland, South Carolina (one of the areas where the eclipse will be visible in its totality) to seek «other options» than the free glasses made available if people feel uncomfortable.
The invited employee may feel uncomfortable and pressured to comply because of the boss's position of authority, and the other employees may feel jealous or resentful of apparent favoritism toward another employee.
In situations where you feel slightly uncomfortable — such as a networking event — you may have a tendency to cross your arms, put your hands in your pockets or exhibit other forms of nervous behavior.
I've decided to pursue other opportunities is better, but may still result in uncomfortable questions and hurt feelings.
Though losing a city the size of New York from its roster is certainly a blow to the organization, Airbnb operates in 30,000 cities worldwide, leaving tourists plenty of other places to feel uncomfortable when the person who's supposed to vacate the space they're renting hangs around a bit too long after they arrive.
5) Religious Clothing in Public Sector: «Do you agree or disagree you feel uncomfortable when served or attended to by a government employee wearing a turban, a hijab or a yarmulke or other religious clothing or symbols in a government institution like a school or hospital?»
4) Religious Clothing in a Private Sector: «Do you agree or disagree you feel uncomfortable when served or attended to by a private sector employee wearing a turban, a hijab or a yarmulke or other religious clothing or symbols in a retail setting like a store or restaurant?»
And given their difficulty with knowing or acknowledging their own feelings, they are uncomfortable with other people expressing theirs — especially their negative feelings.
If the church / religious group were to become affiliated with the school then, children / teens of other religions would feel uncomfortable.
Why is it that in EVERY other matter we want the clear un-mingled truth, yet when it comes to heaven and hell we just want to tell people words to make them feel good and not uncomfortable.
In other words, don't point out things we feel uncomfortable answering... indeed have no decent answer for...
It also means helping family members and other people within church communities to understand the right way to confront and help their loved ones dealing with addiction — even if it feels uncomfortable.
I feel a bit uncomfortable with putting it the other way around though, making it into a reason to believe in God.
Also, the author and a couple of others said in the comments on that website, [quote] «i feel very uncomfortable putting words in gods mouth» [unquote].
Sir Winston and other greats of Western civilization notwithstanding, our good priest from Thebes would have felt most uncomfortable at Trent or in other contemporary centers of Christendom where dogmas were held in high regard.
Now, of course, if you used some other word — well, then perhaps it would make you feel a little uncomfortable
Although some Christ - followers find it increasingly difficult to ignore the environmental impact of their lifestyles and are beginning to feel a holy stirring as they wake up to crazy weather patterns, smoggy skylines and disappearing forests, others are uncomfortable with «environmentalists» and even less comfortable with their «agenda.»
Her honesty about the uncomfortable realities of life and faith — the unresolved, the disappointments, the mysterious, the gray, the hopeful, the routine, the failures, the valiant efforts — give this book a more conversational and intimate feel than any of her others.
At the same time, he must feel a little uncomfortable standing alongside some of the other members of this particular, and rather peculiar, chorus.
At times like this, we become uncomfortable with our self - image, feeling unworthy and unacceptable to others and to ourselves.
His style was similar to that of other clergy who relate successfully to young people: he took them seriously, he didn't talk down to them or send out the message that he felt uncomfortable around them; he offered a regular presence they could count on.
Instead, her honesty about the uncomfortable realities of life and faith — the unresolved, the disappointments, the mysterious, the gray, the hopeful, the routine, the failures, the valiant efforts — give this book a more conversational and intimate feel than any of her others.
I never pretended to have that, but... I really hid a lot of doubt and confusion, and because of that, of not continuing to question in the face of those that seemed to be so certain, to have heard god so clearly... I really did feel I was «faking it» so that others wouldn't feel uncomfortable.
I've been thinking for some time now about the power of words, how some can create joy or serenity and others make one feel defensive or uncomfortable, often unbeknownst to the speaker.
I am learning to sit in the uncomfortable - ness as just with any other feelings, it is temporary.
after being in this kind of relationship for all this years you start to question everything about yourself you think you must be too fat or too ugly for a few years I thought what was the point in leaving him if my own husband doesn't want who else is going to want me I must of had the conversation about how our situation was affecting me over 1000 times when he did bother to come near me like once every 5 - 8 months he'd say it wasn't enjoyable for him because I was very awkward but he never understood the reason I was uncomfortable how are you supposed to feel good about yourself when you know your husband would rather look at other women online
It may be yelling, giving in to others to avoid feeling uncomfortable or anxious, digging in and refusing to see another point of view, overreacting or personalizing someone else being upset.
That being said, I understand that not everyone may be as «prude» as I am but I also feel uncomfortable when I see others openly breast feeding their children in public.
Chances are the more experienced with breastfeeding you are, than the less uncomfortable you will feel doing it in front of others.
If a fellow passenger complains about feeling uncomfortable, flight attendants may ask you to cover your chest with a blanket, or they may reseat you or the other passenger.
She may have gone along with it to please you and others, and she may feel uncomfortable and not want to continue.
Other parents recognize that holding children's» hands for an extended period of time can be uncomfortable for small children — imagine how you'd feel keeping your hand raised above your head
Unfortunately, other children tend to feel uncomfortable around big emotional outburst — except for the kids who find these entertaining and may even try to provoke them!
A child who's much bigger or smaller than other kids of the same age — or less coordinated or not as strong — may feel self - conscious and uncomfortable competing with them.
So there is a young mom, 18 actually, very young mom, Darcy Pennington, and she was visiting her grandmother at Royal Liverpool Hospital, and she needed to feed her baby Vincent, and she was approached by a female nurse, and she was told to go to a private room, so that other hospital visitors didn't feel quote on quote «uncomfortable».
If anyone feels uncomfortable, it'll affect the other.
But chances are that other students witnessing the bullying behavior feel as uncomfortable as you do — they just don't speak up.
Other reasons causing babies to kick are that they feel too hot or the clothes they are wearing are uncomfortable.
My baby was born 12 weeks early and he spent a total of 48 days in hospital and now at 7 months he sleeps with me and he uses me as a pacifier as well but to be honest i really don't mind at all if it keeps him settle and feeling safe im happy as well you just have to do what you think is best for your baby and what your baby is comfortable with i wouldn't do anything to make him uncomfortable and its good to know that theres other moms out there with the same thing happening take care all you moms xx
And, worst of all, it's such a taboo subject that makes others feel so uncomfortable, you often find yourself suffering alone and in silence.
Whether you're out in public or at home visiting with family and friends, you may feel a little uncomfortable breastfeeding around other people.
I wanted to make a scene and confront her for making me feel so uncomfortable and humiliated in front of other shoppers and ask her why she was stalking me?
Some children aren't bothered by diarrhea, while others may feel uncomfortable.
he is active but some other times i feel more uncomfortable because of pains on my lower belly.
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