Sentences with phrase «others go free»

I wonder why one is prosecuted and serve time for scientific fraud while others go free.
OTOH I've seen others going free (there's a topic on Kindle Boards abt this).
And because power plants emit many dangerous air pollutants that are subject to many parts of the Clean Air Act, there is no plausibility to the story that Congress wanted EPA to pick one poison and let the other go free.

Not exact matches

Poloz has a free hand, but he's human; if you were facing a decision that could go either way, and you knew the person who is ultimately your boss favours one direction over the other, what would you do?
While most people seek out mentors who will offer free guidance, others like self - made millionaire Timothy Kim go the extra mile by paying to meet highly influential people.
Letting go of control in some areas frees you to focus on other items that can't, and shouldn't, be delegated.
They are basically free rolling: all upside with little downside (i.e. other than a complete wipeout, which if that was the expected outcome they wouldn't invest in the first place, they are going to push or make money).
But runners, bikers, and other fitness aficionados are more interested in going phone - free, analysts said.
The brands can boost sales by associating with a well - known actor, or rapper, benefiting from free press when those celebrities go on talk shows, or promote their brands to millions of fans on Twitter and other social media platforms.
«You're also going to free up marketing dollars and management time that will then enable you to pursue other customers and grow your firm.»
Actually free services: I'm a little hard pressed to think of Internet features that still fall into this category, other than Wikipedia, personal blogs and piracy, which is ultimately going to be countered either by copyright cops on the down side or superior, paid legal services on the upside.
Skating a stellar routine in the women's free skate portion of the team competition, Nagasu began with a clean triple Axel and then went on to nail eight other triple jumps, including a triple flip and triple Salchow combination as she helped America claim bronze.
On the other hand, in the event NAFTA goes away there is a probability that trade could revert to the 1989 US - Canada bilateral free trade deal, which shares similar trade rules with NAFTA in many areas.
Unlike other pay - as - you - go providers, you can rack up the overages if you go over your monthly allowance, so it's important to choose the plan that fits you out of the gate — and the «free trial» may not work for everyone.
Charlie Gilkey, a philosopher / creative entrepreneur / formy Army officer / productivity expert has an entire blog devoted to the countless facets and factors that go into doing your best creative work, as well as your best other types of work, by examining your own rhythms, using different tools and approaches, defining and redefining your terms, and hs some awesome FREE planners that are mix and match, paper - based or digitl, and... just go to
Well, other than the real Manhattan where Fortune 500 and the world elites must have a presence there for whatever reason, most likely egoistic, or perhaps hangout of the world biggest tech lunatics such as the case of Silicon Valley, most cities in the states are actually ghettos — Detroit is one and Canadians have been buying up their rundown houses as if they're free (almost, going by Canadian standard) just when Americans are avoiding them like the plague.
With the varying 401 (k) matching schedule, in some years, Starbucks is going to deposit $ 1,600 in tax - free matching contributions, while in others, it will kick in $ 2,400 in tax - free cash.
In this video I'm going to show you a great way to get better keywords out of the Google Adwords Keyword tool if you haven't seen the previous video you'll want to watch that video where I show you how to get better search volume numbers from both google adwords as well as some other sources to get better estimates for the amount of times that keyword is searched each month i'll put a link in the video here so that you can click that video if you haven't seen that yet let's get started now if you want better results from the Google Adwords Keyword planner you have to work a little differently than everyone else so most people come to the Google Adwords Keyword planner and they simply click on this search for new keywords using a phrase, website, or category and then they just paste a bunch of keywords into this text box so let's say as an example that these were our starting keywords ok so let's say we have the keywords «fishing tips» «fishing tackle» «fishing for bass» «fishing rod» and «fishing reel» what most people do is that they would simply come here and they would copy this they would paste it into this field and they would hit Search and they would get back their results and that's fine but one little tip that will help you get much better results is only paste in one key word at a time so instead of pasting all these in just paste in the single keyword «fishing tips» and then proceed from there to pull that those results up and you'll get this back if you click right here you can download the ideas you'll notice they're 701 here listed so if we download these ideas will download them to a CSV file comma separated value file you can open that with notepad you can open it with excel open office when you're finished putting all your ideas and individually you will now have a bunch of different common separate value files containing the keywords and the search volume I've already gone ahead and done that just to save time on the video but i want to show you what happens when you use this method versus just pasting in the keywords like most people do so here you'll see this column here represents these two columns here represent if we had pasted in all of the keywords at once and click search at google adwords keyword tool is one that showed you and you'll see we have a total of 706 results we got back when we did that this column this column here represents what happens when we paste one key word at a time and then download the file paste the second keyword download the file and then we just simply grab those terms and copy them and you'll see now we have a total of 1,915 keywords now what I've done with the highlighting here is to show you anything that's not highlighted in this column is a keyword we would not have gotten back had we pasted in all the keywords at once you can see there's lots and lots of keywords here we would not have seen know your competitors and the company's you're competing against they're using probably the simple method just pasting a bunch of keywords sitting search and then looking through those terms to find their terms if you will take the extra few minutes it takes doesn't take long to simply go in and paste one key word at a time you will get back a ton of great keywords that others aren't seeing because they're using this other method and in actuality when I ran the numbers there's a total of 3.8 million searches represented by these keywords here that you would miss if you simply just copied and pasted those five terms and hit search the Google Adwords Keyword planner once you've used the google keyword planner to find lots of new keyword ideas what do you do with all those keywords the biggest problem is that you can there are so many keyword tools out there you can get hundreds of thousands of keywords by spending a day using the different keyword tools but what you do with all that information the answer is a cool tool called keyword grouper pro and Keyword Grouper Pro is completely free there's not even an opt in you just simply download the tool now at the top of this video there's a link if you click that i'll show you exactly how to use keyword grouper pro doesn't matter where you got your keywords from i'm going to show you how to take those keywords group them into tight groups and then you can set up your campaigns and know exactly which groups represent buyers and once you know where the buyers are at you can simply focus your marketing in that area to make more profit in your business
Let me show you a really simple technique that you can use with the previous technique i showed you about using individual keywords instead of pasting a bunch of keywords and its really a one - click technique to get even more great keywords from the Google Adwords Keyword tool so I've already gone ahead and done a search for «fishing tips» just a single keyword if you didn't see that previous video you want to watch that because that's a really good little tip there i'll put a link in this video so you can click through and see that video number two in this series but once you've done your search will simply go down here to keyword options click this little pencil icon here and you'll see this option to only show ideas closely related to my search terms now everybody knows about this this year but a lot of people don't take the time to actually use it so if you simply just click the toggle their turn it on and then hit save what it's going to do is going to only bring back keyword terms that are closely related to «fishing tips» and here's one more hot tip for you it is specific to singular and plural so for instance if my original see keyword was «fishing tips» and I've selected to only show closely related ideas my results are going to have the word tips plural in them so if I will just take a second and remove that s after i've downloaded the file for «fishing tips» let's do that again «fishing tips» i've downloaded the file all my terms have the word tips in them now come right back up here i remove the s so singular and i search again now i'm going to get back results that have the word tip instead of tips and then because i have only show closely related ideas now just to show you a sample what will happen when you do that you remember this is the file i showed you in the previous video and you'll remember from that video that our competitors because they're just pasting in a bunch of keywords and hitting search they're getting back 706 results for this sample test here so they would get 706 keywords and that's what they would take off with them and start to decide which what pages they want to make for seo or how they want to set the pay - per - click campaign ok we're using these other methods taking a few extra seconds to really understand how the Google Adwords Keyword tool works and with this new method of both using singular and plural but selecting only show closely related ideas we now have for the exact same keywords we have 2867 keywords we got back so we're walking away with 2867 keywords our competitor for the very saying input terms is only getting 706 we're getting four times as many keywords for the Google Adwords Keyword Tool you can take this information and you can use it to really grow your business because there's some really excellent keywords that your competitors are overlooking simply because they don't understand how to use the Google Adwords Keyword tool so this has been helpful for you once you've used the google keyword planner to find lots of new keyword ideas what do you do with all those keywords the biggest problem is that you can there's so many keyword tools out there you can get hundreds of thousands of keywords by spending a day using the different keyword tools but what you do with all that information the answer is a cool tool called keyword grouper pro and keyword grouper pro is completely free there's not even an opt - in you simply download the tool now at the top of this video there's a link if you click that i'll show you exactly how to use keyword grouper pro it doesn't matter where you got your keywords from i'm going to show you how to take those keywords group them into tight groups and then you can set up your campaigns know exactly which groups represent buyers and once you know where the buyers are at you can simply focus your marketing in that area to make more profit in your business
Jason; so sorry you were so misled but the Bible refers to the earth as a circle (Isa.40: 22) some 700 years before Jesus ever came here and many other descriptions of what goes on here are so accurate as to make one wonder how man would know and if you are sincerely interested in finding what the bible really teaches (and having those misconceptions corrected) just ask and I will be glad to help or go to for all the free help you will ever need.
Iâ $ ™ m going to be free and Iâ $ ™ m going to allow others to be free.
I'm going to be free and I'm going to allow others to be free.
The demons went free, free to infect other humans.
The same people who protest international support for third - world countries saying «we need to take care of our own first» are ironically the same people who actually want to abolish food stamps, the WIC program, free school lunches, welfare and social security in the US, never mind the fact that the people who benefit from these programs are the ones who cut their lawns, clean their homes, serve their meals in restaurants, and build their houses, all while going home to a tiny apartment they share with 6 other people and finding nothing to eat in the house but a can of green beans because payday is still 2 days off and there's only enough gas in the car to get them to work the next two days, so driving around town for 2 hours trying to find an open food bank isn't an option.
On the other hand Muslims who obviously hate the west and all things western so passionately should be actively encouraged to go back to Muslim - dominated countries where they can practice their faith in deep purity free from corrosive Western cultures and freedoms.
SisterChromatid - your missing my point I am not trying to trample anyone else s free speech, I just personally think it could have been said differently, what they said makes them appear like the self righteous ones and that helps no one, as someone who is spiritual and gay I have been judged by both Christians and atheists alike, one says I am going to hell the other says I'm a nutjob, when does it stop?
Anyone is free to go purchase their own at any time People are refusing to buy other people birth control.
Perhaps you will be able to share your experience with many others going through the same struggles and help them break free sooner.
Take two mudrers, 1 repents and converts to christianity on the day of his execution — result free pass into heaven, the other doesn't convert — result he goes to hell.
Thank you for giving me the chance to express out but still I am hurt and a nice word will cool it of and guide me if wrong and about quitting I would because what I am doing now at CNN is taking almost my whole time since the Quran burnning issue and would out doubt I will go back to it and that's why I mentioned earlier that we back here worry about our daily bread and water for family support but needed from you in the free world to notice us out there and have your say on behalf of all heavenly beliefs that what is happening is wrong, One Nation Calamities to other nations benefit, profit?!
If you put free books outside, cookbooks will be gone in the first hour and other non-fiction books will sit there for weeks.
One side of me wants people to speak their minds freely, the other half wants that free expression to go through a «common - sense» filter in the individual's head.
The NT is the death and resurrection of Christ, why He came to earth, His sole purpose for living... Now, this is obviously an extremely short description, and while others could have been more literate in the description, I would suggest you go to any website for further clarification on why the NT was needed, prophesied, and Who it was all about... That is just a start... To be a «free - thinker» requires honest examination of both sides.
However, nearby stores reported that their sales of these two magazines soared, which means that while Playboy and Penthouse suffered slightly or perhaps not at all in the long run (because of the free publicity), the individual 7 - Eleven owner - franchisers suffered considerable economic damage not only from the loss of magazine sales but from losses of additional sales from people who went to other stores to purchase Playboy and Penthouse.
This does not mean that there is a point at which accommodation and neutrality converge (although there may be); it means only that as time and cases go by, the state - centeredness of what we are bold to call religious freedom is more and more apparent, and the pressure on religionists to conform to the expectations of others grows and grows, with the inevitable complicity of the judges who supposedly protect religion's «right» to be free.
Lt. Cmdr. Christensen went on to say that «all service members are free to exercise their constitutional right to practice their religion in a manner that is respectful of other individuals» rights to follow their own belief systems; and in ways that are conducive to good order and discipline; and that do not detract from accomplishing the military mission»...
My death is going to show you how to extend unconditional love and free forgiveness toward others, as God has always extended toward you.
It is called free will, and if you are going to champion it, then you should allow it for others.
If you find that others arrived at the same conclusions you did, feel free to add footnotes to your manuscript so that you have support for your views, and also so that you can later go back and find what others have said.
However, just based on the in your face predestination (an actual word in the Bible, unlike free will) verses and stories, if my salvation depended on it, and it doesn't, I would have to go with predestination based on Romans 9 and Ephesians 2 specifically, plus many other verses of course.
(John 11:50) The Free Frenchman tells the story of two brothers who choose a different course after the fall of France in World War II, one going to England to fight for General de Gaulle, the other staying to support the government of Marshal Pétain.
The last time I witnessed and experienced severe abuse at the hands of the Christian religion and its ministers in 2002, I vowed that if ever I would go back into ministry again, I would work to resist this power, teach others to do the same, and work to free people from the dehumanizing oppression of religion and the Church.
Well, others may pray for you, but in the end, your free will is probably gonna sink you (if your posts are any indication).
In six days he created this planet and all of the cosmos (stars, sun, moon, light, and every other physical thing) because after everyone fell he needed a good length for a week so men (who were going to become mortal at some point, even though God was not sure man would fall because he was going to give them free will) would not work themselves to death.
Why is it that God will punish his own people, sometimes for doing minute things like not going to church or reading their Bible, yet others can do things like commit murder and get off scot - free?
It seems to me that we can't go by other's opinion of us if we are to be truly free but have some other form of discernment.
But if we know we're going to heaven, no matter what, that frees us up to focus on other things, and focus on the task at hand.
Very simple: when you determine to be yourself, to be free, you are going to disappoint, upset, and offend others.
I also wanted to talk up what is perhaps John Sayles» greatest film, the very play - like Sunshine State, as a beautiful illustration of the fact that in modern times especially, some need to heed the Berry-esque call to stay (or return) and build the community, but others need to sell and go, and get free of a community, or mere arrangement, that is holding them back.
On the other hand, He has laid down the law on some things (not everything goes — no free for all).
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