Sentences with phrase «others marriage improve»

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Reviewed by local regulators for almost a year, that local marriage was only step one for the Brahma boys, who saw an industry ripe for consolidation and initiated a strategy to improve margins by buying up brewers, eliminating duplicative operations, cutting excess suppliers, and other steps that formed today's beer market, which is fragmented by brand but consolidated in terms of ownership.
Various analysts and other Internet observers have argued a marriage between the two companies would allow them to cut costs, attract more Web surfers and, most importantly, strengthen their online advertising arsenal to improve their chances of competing against Internet stalwarts Google Inc. and Facebook Inc..
By meeting regularly with other parents who also want to improve their marriages and families, you can be helpful to each other.
Your marriage will improve if you learn to meet more of your own and each other's needs.
But if your marriage is a «tired friendship,» not breaking apart but monotonous and dull, or if it is pained and a little empty at times but O.K. and even downright happy at others, a growth group may be precisely what you need to liven things up, improve communication, and increase your times of closeness and joy.
A baby presents the opportunity to improve a marriage, and new couples who take advantage of the opportunity talk more, love each other more, fight less, and take pride in their marriage and family.
Divorce, while not easy, is a way to extricate oneself from a bad situation (assuming you have tried other things to improve the marriage).
Strategies for improving marriages mentioned by spouses ranged from arranging dates or other ways to spend more time together, to enlisting the help and advice of relatives or in - laws, consulting clergy or secular counselors, or threatening divorce and consulting divorce attorneys.
When the last child leaves home, parents have a new opportunity to reconnect with each other, improve the quality of their marriage and rekindle interests for which they previously might not have had time.
But though 80 percent of the charters in her home state perform worse than traditional public schools, DeVos — a billionaire whose family has also opposed workers» rights, gay marriage and has contributed heavily to a variety of other right - wing causes — has led the way in resisting any attempts to regulate or improve Michigan charter performance.
This finding suggests that government programs designed to promote marriage, such as the federal Healthy Marriage Initiative and others like it that emerged from the 1996 welfare - reform legislation, aren't likely to improve public health, the researchmarriage, such as the federal Healthy Marriage Initiative and others like it that emerged from the 1996 welfare - reform legislation, aren't likely to improve public health, the researchMarriage Initiative and others like it that emerged from the 1996 welfare - reform legislation, aren't likely to improve public health, the researchers say.
To know that I have saved and significantly improved people's relationships and marriages, enabled people to overcome psychological and resulting physical health problems, prevented divorce and broken homes, and helped prevent future psychological issues, are rewards like no other!
We also include a questionnaire that you can answer to share more about what you're looking for in an Iranian marriage, your beliefs and values, and other important topics that will help improve the compatibility of your matches.
In the other marriage scenario, if the one with the lower score can improve their score, the good news is, by improving their credit score this will result in a better chance of their marriage lasting.
However, beyond arguing with him, it is unclear to me whether you have pursued other means to improve your relationship and save your marriage.
We see couples, marriages, non-couples, families and friends - each wanting to improve their relationship with each other.
I specialize in relationships, and the skills I teach are research based and have been proven to improve marriages and other relationships.»
Studies consistently indicate, however, that children in stepfamilies exhibit more problems than do children with continuously married parents and about the same number of problems as do children with single parents.26 In other words, the marriage of a single parent (to someone other than the child's biological parent) does not appear to improve the functioning of most children.
Other times, those couples seek out reading material that might advise them in ways to improve the marriage.
Thinking about what you can do to improve the relationship is a more effective approach than focusing on the other person, and even if your spouse never changes, your marriage will be stronger.
Typically, marriage counseling helps you and your spouse recognize your problem areas, resolve your conflicts, and improve your communication with each other.
All our therapists are Christian and have received specialized training to help you improve your marriage, address issues with your teens, free men and women of sexual addiction issues, depression, anger management, and other mental health issues that you may face.
Learning how to cope with insensitive behavior by identifying patterns, uncovering the root of the problem and working to better communicate, can help you and your husband work toward improving your marriage and meeting each other's emotional needs.
List other things that will improve if he lovingly cooperates, such as more intimacy and fun in your marriage.
The most important aspect of working with couples in marriage counseling and any other type of partnership, is to help improve communication skills with each partner in the relationship dynamic.
Better sex doesn't automatically create a better relationship, but the personal growth required to enhance sex and intimacy also improves marriage in other ways.
Participants say they enjoy being with other couples who are serious about improving their marriage and have taken time from their busy schedules to make their experience of intimacy and connection a top priority.
If, at commencement, a notice filed under section 15 of the Family Law Act 1975 as in force at any time before commencement has not been acted on, an appropriate officer of the court in which the notice is filed must arrange for the parties to the marriage to which the notice relates to be interviewed by a family counsellor for the purpose of assisting the parties to reconcile or to improve their relationship with each other or any of their children.
Southwest Riverside County Chapter of CAMFT is looking for clinical & associate members, behavioral health care practitioners, affiliate health care providers, and other professionals willing to give short presentations or trainings (30 minutes to 2 hours) as a means to improve recognition in the community, demonstrate credibility as a specialist, expand professional reputations, and contribute to the art and science of Marriage & Family Therapy.
It tells the inspiring, true stories of couples who used adversity to improve their marriages — from overcoming drug addiction to cancer, infidelity, religious differences, and infertility, among many others.
Research has long suggested that saying «I do» to a significant other is similar to saying «I do» to better health.1 Married people — especially married men — report better health and live longer than single people.2, 3 But marriage itself is not necessarily the reason for these differences; there are many explanations for the health benefits of marriage including increased social support, improved health behaviors by folks who are married, more positive attitudes about health by the married, as well as the benefits of having a partner to help provide health insurance.4, 5
Other times those couples seek out reading material that might advise them on ways to improve the marriage.
Commitment means that neither of you will give up easily, and that you will stand by each other in hard times while working diligently to improve your marriage when you need to.
Taking the initiative to learn more about each other can significantly improve your marriage.
Some other recommended titles include, How to Improve your Marriage without Talking about It by Dr. Pat Love and Dr. Steven Stosny; this book helps us to understand the ways in which gender differences contribute to marital disturbance, and Receiving Love by Harville Hendrix, PhD and Helen Lakelly Hunt, examines self - deprecation and discusses what personal issues may be blocking you from fully receiving love from your partner.
It tells the inspiring, true stories of couples who used adversity to improve their marriages — from overcoming drug addiction to cancer, infidelity, religious differences, infertility, among many others.
Books, websites, support programs, videos, marriage counseling, weekend retreats, seminars, and many other resources can help your marriage improve and thrive.
It is an appealing promise that if we teach and learn helpful skills such as using «I - statements,» paraphrasing each other's feelings and thoughts, speaking one at a time, negotiating solutions together, and avoiding blame and faultfinding, then our marriages will improve.
Dr. Kaye helped us to strengthen our marriage as well as improve other aspects of our lives, both as a couple and individuals.
These requirements are intended to maintain and improve the quality of professional services in family therapy keeping the therapist knowledgeable of current practices, research, techniques, and interventions, and provide other resources that will improve skill, competence, and / or knowledge in marriage and family therapy.
That is, at times, a person can make a choice (like not to move in with a particular partner at a particular time) that improves their odds of eventually having a lasting, satisfying marriage — which may well be with someone other than the person they decided not to move in with.
Jersey Garcia is a pre-licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, Relationship Coach, and Certified Family Mediator, who helps Black and Brown People improve the relationships that matter most to them; relate to others in a meaningful way; and promote relating that is honest, happy and hopeful through one conversation at a time.
Dr. Neal has successfully helped improve others relationships, marriages and families through multi-modal approaches including Family Systems and Structural Family Therapy.
The purpose is to discover more about your partner, improve communication skills, identify any possible causes of marital stress, resolve conflicts and work out any other issues before marriage.
It can be difficult to look past what others will think and take the plunge to improve your marriage.
Other risk factors, can be changed if the couple decides to address them together and improve their marriage.
I have successfully helped improve others relationships, marriages and families through multi-modal approaches including Family Systems and Structural Family Therapy.
Some would like to improve communication; others may be looking to increase intimacy or perhaps to gain perspective through life changes — an upcoming marriage, a new pregnancy, or maybe adjusting to an empty nest.
I most enjoy seeing that as the marriage relationship improves, so do many other aspects of each individual's life.
Adding to the confusion is a lot of really bad advice online including outright lies that marriage counseling rarely works (marriage counseling improves 70 % of couples and the other 30 % tend to come in uncertain if they want to even stay married.
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