Sentences with phrase «others of one's generation»

I think the women in the book were probably very much like others of their generation.
I worked in social model and hospital based treatment programs where I connected with others of my generation who were exploring the impact of addiction on family life and child development.
Others of his generation follow the logic of a formula and the shape of room.
When I was a young artist I was not sophisticated enough to understand what others of my generation were doing.
Like many others of her generation in the Bay Area, the artist also worked in a figurative style in the 1950s and later.
These drawings emphasize the figurative and symbolic foundation of Ortman's art, demonstrating the mechanics of his abstraction and showcasing his extraordinary talent as a draughtsman — an interesting aside for a geometric abstractionist shared by others of his generation such as Ellsworth Kelly.
IN 1996 Nicolas Bourriaud included Lothar Hempel in «Traffic» at CAPC in Bordeaux, France, placing the German artist alongside numerous others of his generation such as Liam Gillick, Philippe Parreno, and Dominique Gonzalez - Foerster.
Pop Art offered a clear contrast to abstract expressionism, then the dominant movement in American art and artists like Jasper Johns, Roy Lichtenstein, Robert Rauschenberg, Andy Warhol and others of their generation challenged a whole range of assumptions about what fine art should be.
He then tells the story of his grandfather, who like others of his generation lived through the Depression and didn't have unrealistic expectations out of life.
Along with others of his generation, like Georgia O'Keeffe, Arthur Dove, and Marsden Hartley, he was responding to abstract painting from Europe.
Beyzaie, Mehrjui, and many others of their generation managed to compete with Film Farsi and foreign imports.
Despite not growing up surrounded by gambling, Kornegay and others of his generation quickly embraced the notion of looking at games as more than just wins, losses and point spreads.
91 years old, the same age as my Dad, he spoke about the impact that the creation of the NHS had on his life and those of millions of others of his generation.
Unlike his father Mukul Sharma, who hates the idea of living on credit and has spent his life savings to build a retirement home, Pawan like most others of generation uses credit cards, has taken a car loan and is now preparing to take a home loan before he gets married in 2015.
After defining the point and click adventure with Maniac Mansion, and perfecting it with the first two Monkey Island games, he seemingly disappeared off the face of the earth never to evolve his work as so many others of his generation went on to do.
This is what makes the Research Architecture graduates and others of their generation particularly interesting: they are rooting the global coherency of conceptual art strategies in local contexts, offering possible models for the repoliticisation of conceptual art.
Painting for her, as for others of her generation, becomes a parasitic enterprise feeding on a world that is fat with fascinating and estranging visual information.
Vicente first gained prominence with the emergence of the New York School during the early 1950s, and his colorful, atmospheric paintings often resemble works by others of his generation, particularly Mark Rothko's «multiforms» and Philip Guston's «Abstract Impressionist» canvases.
Yet, he was on hand soon after to receive the squalling infant and, along with many others of his generation, to coax it toward maturity.
The works of artists like Jasper Johns, Roy Lichtenstein, Robert Rauschenberg, Andy Warhol and others of their generation challenged a whole range of assumptions about what fine art should be.
Reminds me of the unique, strong brand of survivor's humor exhibited by my grandparents and others of their generation who lived through the depression.
He has never been able to escape what it means to be German and, like others of his generation — he names Gerhard Richter and Anselm Kiefer — he has confronted it head - on.
While the Kerner Commission was rewriting the national narrative on civil rights in favor of a storyline of racial victimization and irresistible irresponsibility» precisely what King, Wilkins, and others of their generation had fought against» what all this meant was being played out in the furious 1968 controversy over local control of public - school faculty appointments in the Ocean Hill - Brownsville neighborhood of Brooklyn.
Others of my generation who had also grown up in legalism regarding or abstention from alcohol perhaps, and so were exploring their emancipation with micro-brews and homemade wine over thick theology books and bible studies and hymn - sings.
Skop and others of her generation are having an impact on the department.
Detailed census data from the 1960s to the 1980s show that members of this group were up to 15 percent less likely to graduate from high school, had among men 5 to 9 percent lower wages (because of disability), and were 15 percent more likely to be poor compared with siblings and others of their generation, Almond reports in the August Journal of Political Economy.
Like many others of his generation, he's clearly a horror fan and is paying tribute to a genre he loves, rather than shamelessly copying it for profit.
Like many others of his generation, Padura had faced the question of leaving Cuba, particularly in the late 80s and early 90s, when living conditions deteriorated sharply as Russian aid evaporated.
Japanese culture, mostly in the form of Anime has seen a boom in the West in recent years, so there is clearly a market for people who want games that feel Japanese, but gaming will not be such an obvious gateway drug for a passion for Japanese culture like it was for me and so many others of my generation.
While the others of this generation allow you to put their older brothers in the loft and still play the games it came with, the PS3 allows nothing of the sort.
Like Richard Estes, Chuck Close, and others of his generation, Beckman painted hyperrealist scenes.
«Her market is a good value compared to Louise Bourgeois, Eva Hesse, and others of her generation
WILLIAM BECKMAN (b. 1942, Maynard, MN) Like Richard Estes, Chuck Close, and others of his generation, Beckman paints hyper - realist scenes.
Bishop developed his very own idiom that is almost unparalled by any other of his generation.
«They — and many others of their generation — were provocateurs,» says exhibition curator, Rhéanne Chartrand.
Bustamante's early work aspired to give photography the status of painting and can be compared to others of his generation - such as Jeff Wall and Thomas Struth - who deployed larger formats and new strategies to edge photography up the established hierarchy.
No, she says, she did not call in some fabricators as others of her generation have done.
To Pollock and others of his generation, Cubism and Surrealism were the most important of the European modern art movements, and in many ways Pollock's works of 1942 - 46 are products of these two influences.
Hyman writes, «Like many others of my generation, potential painters of narrative and confession, fantasy and history, I was often paralyzed by the fear that the kind of art I aspired to create was a lost cause.»
She wants to make something fresh out of the ruins she both inherited and inhabits, which means she rigorously ignores the maps that various institutions and authorities have provided for her and others of her generation.
Robert Ryman, unlike Robert Mangold, Brice Marden, or others of his generation, is a painter who appeals to me for his sheer peculiarity: practically self - taught, from early on he had the lucidity of mind, and depth of conviction, to proceed in his work with little stylistic evolution.
Many of the protesters spoke pointedly about how their parents and others of their generation had failed to bring about the changes they are demanding.
Secondly, you and many others of your generation have kept on voting in politicians who maintained the status quo on cannabis possession and supply, thinking that «this doesn't affect me, so I don't care.»
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