Sentences with phrase «others seized upon»

Others seized upon Moynihan's dramatic phrases, notably «tangle of pathology,» and accused him of painting a poisonously negative picture of black culture while at the same time failing to prescribe antidotes.

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New York, California and other high - tax states would be hard hit by the removal of that deduction, a fact seized upon by Democrats to bolster their argument that Trump's plan is a gift to the wealthiest Americans and the corporate sector.
New York, California and other high - tax states would be hard hit by the removal of that deduction, a fact seized upon by Democrats to bolster...
Yet politicians, lawyers and others quickly seized upon the California ruling as one that could have more repercussions for Uber and other similar companies.
Not only loss of breath but loss of blood means death, and this fact was seized upon by the early Hebrews, as by other peoples, as the basis of an elaborate superstructure of religious ritual.
Saladin and other Muslim warlords unabashedly seized upon the crimes of the First Crusade as a motivational tool.
If we do not seize upon the promise of this moment through what we might call «the mutual conversation, consolation and correction of the brothers and sisters» (to rephrase Luther), we could be in for a period of theological Balkanization or Beirutization - armed camps firing away at each other from their places of epistemological privilege.
He seized upon these (not least in his tractatus Against the Averroists: On There Being Only One Intellect) as a key for shedding crucial light on aspects of Christian doctrine much threatened by the Cathari, on the one hand, and by the Averroists, on the other.
Aside from fantasizing about seizing the Ginty from his bag and using it to commit parricide; aside from spending the weekend concealing my politics from my dad's gin - blossomed, tartan - blazered classmates; other than being treated by my wife, Laura, upon my return, like a man who had blown two weeks wages on a drinking and gambling binge, I could not have had a better time.
His side are overwhelming favourites to win and win well, so anything other than a comprehensive victory will be seized upon.
«Accordingly, Pastoralists being major victims of internecine tribal killings across Northern Nigeria for decades on end, we seize this opportunity to call upon the president to as a matter of duty extend his sense of justice to likewise arrest and punish all those who committed the genocidal killings of the over 1000 our men, women and children last June in Mambila, last November in Numan and Kajuru among others.
While Cuomo has seized upon every hiccup at the Indian Point nuclear plant downstate to amplify his calls for its closure, he has touted the benefits of the FitzPatrick plant and other upstate nuclear power generation.
Truthfully, most of the time I mindlessly lap it up, seizing on the wealth of instantly gratifying gossip around me, only to cast judgement upon and move on, failing to consider the person on the other side of my judgement, the other side of the story.
But as the film rolls on both characters pick up on each other's traits, learning to atone for their past mistakes on the one hand and to seize upon the various new chances of romance on the other.
While none of Tilda Swinton, Bill Murray, Saoirse Ronan, F. Murray Abraham, Willem Dafoe, Jeff Goldblum or any of the other names in the film has the drawing power that Roberts did in 2000, the fact that so many recognizable actors were assembled for the same film made them a type of collective draw — a fact which the film's marketers seized upon with highly colorful promotional posters highlighting the above names and many more.
Those qualities that Lee seized upon became the key differentiator between the Silver Surfer and Marvel (and the medium's) other superheroes.
As Thorin and his fellow dwarves prepare for battle against the men of Lake - town and Thranduil's (Lee Pace) elven army, Gandalf (Ian McKellen) escapes from Dol Guldur just in time to warn them of a much bigger threat: Azog the Defiler is marching upon Erebor with a battalion of orcs to seize the stronghold, and they'll need to put aside their differences and fight alongside each other in order to stop them.
I was the boy in the family and therefore, statistically, the person most likely to seize upon the computer culture, the child to wire the household, tune it into our century, keep the two systems, one for me, the other for the rest of the Shaws, up and running.
In contrast, money in CDs and mutual funds and other non-qualified accounts can be levied upon and seized in the event of legal judgments.
Collateral: Also known as security, this is defined as the assets that a consumer pledges to obtain a loan or other form of credit and that may be seized by the lender upon the former's default.
Unlike many other video game awards, the GameCity Prize was seized upon by the British mainstream media, perhaps due to its distinguished judging panel which includes MP Tom Watson, writer and comedian Charlie Higson, and South Bank Center Artistic Director Jude Kelly.
The standard story of 1970s art tells us that painting and experimental video were two discrete fields — that the artists who seized upon Portapaks and other new, time - based technologies found paint and canvas too conventional and commercial.
Notorious for a double murder involving the mistress of the President Félix Faure in 1908, the alley was seized upon soon after as the perfect studio space and home for artists such as Constantin Brancusi, William N. Copley, Max Ernst, Yves Klein, Les Lalanne, Larry Rivers and many other important artists of the early 20th century.
The main reason not to use the term is that then those who object to it on some flimsy basis or other will seize upon the terminology and attempt to derail the conversation.
For one thing, if you manage to get around Big Energy and depower the Free World, the other nations (who are bent on building what we did) are going to beat a path to our doorstep in a gamble to seize that which we now depend upon for existence.
«It can only be hoped that world leaders will seize upon opportunities to engage in arbitration and other amicable dispute resolution processes, as have those in the conflicts featured in the book, to resolve even seemingly intractable conflicts.»
In contrast, money in CDs and mutual funds and other non-qualified accounts can be levied upon and seized in the event of legal judgments.
who seized upon the company's methods, paying it at least $ 5.8 million to help identify voters in the Iowa caucuses, which Cruz won, and other contests.
Initially, it was Sen. Ted Cruz, R - Texas, who seized upon the company's methods, paying it at least $ 5.8 million to help identify voters in the Iowa caucuses, which Cruz won, and other contests.
This is a great opportunity to seize upon the knowledge of an industry expert and learn how you are perceived by others, reaching out to network connections including peers, friends, managers, vendors, and others with insightful opinion.
In early 2016, AREAA National Chair Vicky Silvano and Chairman Emeritus Jim Park seized upon this opportunity and began what would be known as the «No Other» campaign, which sought to get AAPI a standalone category in this critical report.
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