Sentences with phrase «otherwise normal lives»

A good portion are now leading otherwise normal lives.
Although her research ranges from the smallest particles of matter to the larger, ever - expanding universe, Marcela Carena has always stayed true to herself and led an otherwise normal life.
The majority of patients with the disease will not progress to developing congestive heart failure (CHF) and will have no clinical signs and live an otherwise normal life.

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If he was really killed then God must have wanted him dead for a reason otherwise no one dies before his date or hour as a normal life or as a fighter on the field... God could have had him die by any reason or sleep with out waking up... but God wanted him to die as a martyr since he lived by the sword he died by the sword...
I think it is still sitting in a corner of my living room, but I'm thinking of using it now that you made me aware that zucchini noodles can be the base of an otherwise normal dish.
If a mom cuts back and then she's still feeling like she's ready to wean completely, then avoiding times like illness or big life changes for the toddler or anything else that may cause a change in toddler's otherwise normal routine is important.
And absolutely, the problem is SO MUCH BIGGER than one person's choices: the amount of misinformation floating around out there (and the amount of it that comes from otherwise intelligent, highly trained medical professionals), the lack of help and support for new nursing moms, the lack of adequate maternity leave in the US (in Canada, where I live, one can take up to 50 weeks» leave with unemployment pay), the persistent idea that dads «need» to bottle - feed their babies in order to bond with them, the idea that formula is «normal» and breastfeeding is «best» — in some places it really seems like you'd need a will of iron to keep at it when the going gets tough.
From our crazy busy life where eating happens on the go to a real fear that a child will not get enough food to grow and thrive otherwise, grazing has become a new «normal» of child feeding.
Interviewed on BBC's Sunday AM the prime minister said Britons would need to accept constant vigilance and increased security checks, but life should otherwise continue as normal.
Telomere length does seem to be linked to life span; one key study in The Lancet found that otherwise - normal people over 60 who started out the study with short telomeres were more likely to die over the next 17 years than those with long telomeres.
«I have seen it take people who are otherwise normal and turn their lives upside down and absolutely destroy them,» says Mackey.
«With the advent of mechanical thrombectomy (blood clot removal) and minimally - invasive techniques, patients who otherwise would be permanently disabled from stroke can often lead normal, productive lives,» Dr. Reynolds said.
So what other normal, living, healthy, otherwise permanent bodily part or tissue do we perform a risk - benefit analysis of excising at birth?
Many people will be spending a large part of their waking life on chairs, whether driving, working or at leisure — and lying on a soft sprung mattress to sleep will also leave the skeleton disengaged, as the skeleton needs to rest completely firmly, otherwise the various parts of the system will constantly be trying to readjust, and so can not rest completely — all leading to a premature ageing which we in the West accept as «normal» — like sitting in chairs, sitting on toilets, and sleeping on soft beds.
One possibility is to include a food that might otherwise be consumed in normal daily life instead of pulses, such as another protein source like meat, poultry, or fish, or an alternative carbohydrate source, such as whole grains.
When online dating was first introduced to the world it carried a stigma that its purpose was for singles that otherwise couldn't find a date in their normal day - to - day lives due to their appearance or personality.
But to me he was always this giant behemoth, and to do it as sort of a normal - size guy didn't seem to fit the character, and more importantly I think we got a lot of value out of him being larger than life and, you know, this fantastic physical presence in - and I mean fantastic like otherworldly - this otherwise very grounded film.
Otherwise, just your average working mom — two boys in elementary school, an off - and - on situation with her sort of semi-ex-husband Horst, life as normal as it ever gets in the neighborhood — till Maxine starts looking into the finances of a computer - security firm and its billionaire geek CEO, whereupon things begin rapidly to jam onto the subway and head downtown.
This allows people to keep their assets (house, vehicles, investments, cottage, etc.) while eliminating unsecured debt they would otherwise have little chance to pay off in the normal course of life.
As with many things in life, investing is something that largely needs to be taken with a long - term view in mind so the fear does not spook you into making a rash decision that you might not otherwise make under normal circumstances.
To routinely euthanize a healthy cat that could otherwise live out a normal life is unconscionable.
He will have a slight head tilt for the rest of his life but he is otherwise perfectly normal, playful, and affectionate.
Otherwise, once healing is complete, life can return to normal.
There the otherwise rambunctious pup, full of life and vigor, was able to enjoy a somewhat normal life with a foster family who loved him unconditionally, while his little body grew strong enough to handle surgery.
While normal sized weapons are still commonplace among most other games, RPG / JRPG or otherwise, it's this empowering feeling of wielding a weapon that's much larger than life with nearly maximum efficiency that entices developers and players to embrace huge weapon designs.
When you smoke, even if you're otherwise healthy (i.e. normal blood pressure and weight), you are at higher risk for many more life - threatening diseases and disorders than non-smokers.
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