Sentences with phrase «otherwise reached our readers»

First, new paths to success likely mean authors will be successful who may not have otherwise reached our readers eyes.

Not exact matches

Yet another example of the internet as a disintermediator: political activists use the comments sections as a way to reach the news organizations» readers directly, generally bypassing the editorial approval process as long as they don't use dirty words or otherwise get rude.
It's one of those things you can do that can end - up putting your name out there to readers you wouldn't have been able to reach otherwise.
Nevertheless, the advent of digital should be seen as a fantastic opportunity to reach out to both target audiences and reluctant readers who might otherwise slip through the cracks.
Guest blogging is a smart book marketing tactic because it puts your ideas in front of readers you might not otherwise reach while it generates links to your site that help your site's SEO.
This fallacy overlooks the fact that authors are reaching readers who would not have otherwise made a connection to an unknown author's works, which may prompt some authors to only list some of their backlist in a promotion such as this.
I joined Wattpad only recently, but I'm hoping it'll help me reach new readers that otherwise wouldn't know about me.
Think of it as an opportunity to get in front of hundreds and even thousands of potential readers that you'd have no way of reaching otherwise.
This opens up a fast growing market with access to readers you might not have reached otherwise.
The combination of free giveaways and the Kindle Owners» Lending Library helped my sales take off like a rocket — both were instrumental in the growth of my business because they enabled me to reach thousands of readers who might not otherwise have considered buying my books.
Then two writer friends loved the idea and we took it and ran with it until now we're developing anthologies, helping readers reach new scifi writers they otherwise wouldn't have known existed.
Its important to be build brand identity and to write for publications who reach readers, who wouldn't have otherwise known who the author was.
It's all about helping our members reach out to a much wider audience than they otherwise would be able to and also about helping readers discover stories, poetry, opinions and ideas that would resonate with them the most.
Libraries can provide a great way to reach new readers that, otherwise, may not find out about your books.
You are going to reach the readers of other writers — readers who may have never discovered you otherwise.
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