Sentences with phrase «out intense effort»

Not exact matches

Get - out - the - vote efforts have been intense in the battleground state of Pennsylvania.
Somehow we sense that the complexity of a great work of art could easily have gotten out of control and undermined any efforts toward harmonizing its many facets into an intense unity.
They have held out for seven years just a stone's throw from his capitol stronghold in Damascus despite the government's intense efforts with conventional weapons to retake this area.
«The campaigns have to operate as if they don't know what turnout will be and do intense «get out the vote» efforts,» Sherrill added.
The public interest is poorly served by a law that makes it easier for unions to hold out against any effort to change costly, outdated contract provisions during a period of intense fiscal and economic stress.
Intense efforts to bring out the vote on a referendum for a state constitutional convention could spike normally low off - year turnout in Tuesday» elections and become a wild card in Long's Island's closest races.
And this is on top of ongoing efforts by the administration aimed at «preventing scientists who believe there might be such a link [between global warming and more intense hurricanes] from speaking out
Even you picked what you wanted to quote out of the articles / journals... «the risk for sudden cardiac death associated with such intense physical effort was exceedingly small.»
Often called HIIT, this style of working out involves alternating between intense and low effort workout periods.
Just understand the order in which energy substrates are used by the body: ATP and creatine phosphate during short, intense bursts of activity (5 - 15 seconds of actual activity), glucose for medium duration activity (20 seconds to a minute or two), and fat stores once effort is extended out beyond that.
Are all fibers activated during the hard to all - out effort that athletes routinely reach during intense workouts?
The portrayal of the Muslim terrorists is frightening and intense (the effort from Aymen Saidi as the terrorist leader is so filled with anger that it's painfully good), despite conveying a sense of insanity that seems circumspect, and the Algerian government is painted as dumbly trying to endanger French citizens as long as they possibly can, with only the French seeming to come out in a good light, when the assault on the plane saves the day.
... «Following in the footsteps of the truly inspired Inside Out, this year's second Pixar effort can't help but feel safely benign by comparison, and although it contains some darker, more intense moments, it will likely skew to younger, dino - obsessed Thanksgiving holiday audiences.»
The most telling example may be in New York, where the simultaneous effort to change testing and accountability fueled intense concerns about how the tests would affect teacher job security, engendering fierce backlash and strong teachers union support for the «opt - out» movement.
Current and former staff members of K12 Inc. schools say problems begin with intense recruitment efforts that fail to filter out students who are not suited for the program, which requires strong parental commitment and self - motivated students.
This study comes at a time of intense efforts to improve education in New Jersey, which is rolling out new teacher evaluations, new online state tests and a new set of voluntary national standards called the Common Core, which spells out what children should master in each grade.
We've all tried the suitcase organizers and intense rolling techniques in an effort to keep our luggage as tidy as possible — however, there's no denying that our bags ALWAYS end up a disaster after taking out one item anyway.
Things have worked out dramatically differently, and I am now engaged in an intense effort to write an entirely new proposal on campus fossil fuel divestment â $» this time, fully structured around a particular theoretical framework from the literature on political science.
Sometimes, despite our best efforts, we can not seem to find a way out of our intense emotions.
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