Sentences with phrase «out of a straw»

Sometimes putting an ice cube in the milk is appealing to babies who like the sound of it in the cup, while others enjoy drinking out of a straw.
Instead of your portfolio being built out of straws or sticks, when you get valuation right, you are building your portfolio house of bricks.
Read on to discover just how right that first little pig was to build his home out of straw.
I'm weird and don't like drinking thick stuff out of a straw so I prefer it thicker and I eat it with a spoon.
If you opt out of the straw the spinach might sneak up on you at the end.
Three like tipping them to watch liquid drip out of the straw.
Is it ok for them to drink their formula out of a straw cup instead of a bottle if this works?
It will be difficult to build a hand out of straws and modeling clay that can grab heavier objects.
You don't have to worry about a soft drink spontaneously overflowing its rim or shooting up and out of the straw from which you're trying to drink.
There's something about drinking out of a straw that just makes things better.
«Here we are making Brigid Dolls, which you make out of straw around May, June, and July.
Mithun designed the 11 houses out of straw bale and earthen plaster, tossing in rainwater catchment, solar hot water, and a 33.8 kilowatt solar photovoltaic system.
But here's the thing: Straw bale building should not be confused with merely building a house out of straw anymore than building with lumber and timber should be equated with simply building out of sticks.
We all know the Xbox One's hardware isn't exactly the most advanced thing out there, but you guys have, somehow, managed to make gold out of straw.
And I recommend only drinking out of a straw because it transfers less than drinking from the cup itself.
Whether your team is located with you or working out of a straw hut in Africa, the technology available today makes it easier to not only stay up to date but also ahead of the entrepreneurial power curve.
A Russian farmer has made a stadium out of straw to mock the spiralling cost of the 64,000 - seat St Petersburg arena being built for the 2018 World Cup
4) Anna from The Imagination Tree shared bridges that she and her daughter designed out of straws, tape, and blocks.
This lipstick transfers a lot, even if you're sipping out of a straw.
After eating, drinking (not even out of a straw), going out, and licking my lips pretty often (personal habit) it stayed on all day.
The story seems to wander around without any direction, and the jokes too often seem as if they are plucked out of a straw hat.
Trying to use Wi - Fi at school can feel like «sucking peanut butter out of a straw,» according to Thomas Murray, state and district learning director for the Alliance for Excellent Education.
• Mainstream builders are building homes with 90 percent lower heating bills, largely out of straw, at a comparable cost to conventional homes.
Apple bobbing, a hit with the younger set, creating the longest apple peel, making dolls out of straw, identifying the mystery apples and enjoying the brisk autumn air are the typical activities for the day.
Built out of straw bales, it has been proven strong enough to withstand hurricane - force winds.
Fortunately, most of these actresses are capable of spinning gold out of straw, and a few — like Stiles, Gyllenhaal and Harden — are even better than that.
If you were one of the Three Little Pigs, would you build your house out of straw, wood, or bricks?
Many may wonder why a person would want to build a home made out of straw, but apart from providing a place to hide from the big bad wolf, they have some substantial benefits.
I did not retouch it once and all I did was constantly drink out of straw.
But he would drink out of straws.
To decorate the cake for the party, hang a mini clothesline made out of straws and string to hang tiny paper onesies as a cake topper.
For example, one student used the number tiles to make a pathway to a castle, which was made out of straws and dyed lollipop sticks.
Make your own bubbles recipes and head outdoors with bubble wands made out of straws, cups, fly swatters or try a more elaborate project that will give you huge bubbles.
«We were cutting up coconuts and drinking «em out of straws and ridin» on flatbed trucks and dancing to salsa.
Due to its high acidity, regular consumption of lemon water might wear down tooth enamel over time, so drinking it out of a straw is a great option (14).
100g avocado, fresh ginger (as much as you like, I use about 5 - 10g) 1/2 squeezed lime, 10g coconut oil and water (just to make it able to drink out of a straw) Mix it in a blender until smooth, this is delicious and has a lot of good fats in it!
All I did was drink out of a straw the entire day and I kept checking my makeup every 15 minutes.
I drank out of a straw and a chunk of my lipstick got on it.
On this coloring page, the three little pigs are getting ready to build their houses, one out of straw, one out of sticks, and one out of bricks.
Cowboy Guns by C2 Estudio and Chillingo is for all intents and purposes yet another attempt at trying to spin gold out of straw; insert one popular genre (Twin - stick Shooter), add a dash of a popular theme (Wild West) and see what happens.
All houses would be built out of straw bale, earth and timber, with rammed earth floors and hemp fiber insulation, and would include compost bins and composting toilets.
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