Sentences with phrase «out of favor due»

Illidan: Despite being out of favor due to Genji and Tracer, Illidan in the hands of a skilled player - especially when paired with Abathur - is still the stuff of nightmares.
I added to my spinoff shares around the $ 9.00 level because the company looked undervalued compared to other defense contractors (an industry already out of favor due to anticipated future defense spending cuts).
Throughout the 1970s and 1980s, hatchback vehicles fell out of favor due to their clunky styling and thirsty engines.

Not exact matches

«While other candidates have also recently come out in favor of caps, I believe it will be far more difficult for candidates from the Democratic side of the aisle to actually effectuate those changes due to pressure that will come to bear from the special interests within the party who champion more spending.»
Due to the advent of processed foods and lack of time for traditional cooking in our modern society, bone broth has fallen out of favor in many households.
The diet fell out of favor in recent years due to the negative press on saturated fats, and fears over the long - term consequences of eating large amounts of saturated fats.
Intel's Medfield processor which will be unveiled in the first quarter this year — will be previewed during the upcoming CES — is out of favor with both Acer and Lenovo due to its not so impressive power consumption record.
Due to most - favored - nation royalty provisions that would require the publisher to increase royalties to dozens of other authors if they paid a higher royalty percentage to a blockbuster author, publishers increase the effective royalty to the blockbuster author by paying an advance that will never be earned out.
The rest of the article essentially argues the point that both types of funds are due to «regress to the mean» — i.e., that value funds represent the smart play going forward due to their currently - out - of - favor, but - due - to - rebound status.
So what we have here is a business that might be worth a lot of money if regulatory and business things work out in its favor, but, if not, risks going into bankruptcy due to a heavy debt load.
They invest in companies that have low P / E ratio, and stocks that have fallen out of favor with mainstream investors, either due to changing investor preferences, a poor quarterly earnings report, or hard times in a particular industry.
One of the most common pitfalls for investors is their tendency to chase returns in the market; that is to say, many investors are prone to being lured by «hot» names on Wall Street that are making big gains, as opposed to focusing on the «out of favor,» high - quality companies that may be due for a rebound.
This bill passed the Oklahoma House by a margin of 74 in favor and 26 opposed, it sailed through the House by nearly two thirds and suddenly, in the Senate General Conference Committee on Appropriations, it died in the final week of the session due to a lack of signatures to pass out of that committee.
There is more of a move towards the Internet because you do have a little bit more freedom of choice, people do have — when it comes to television, they find they don't need 700 channels, they just need a handful of channels that they watch all the time and that they are willing to pay a monthly price for that, it's most of the time less than cable, and I think that's an interesting other notion that traditional services with the judicial pricing is fading out in favor of, and I think that that was another piece that Mary Meeker brought up, is the idea of the subscription that subscription services on the Internet are also kind of all the rage being able to subscribe to things that you receive on a regular basis, Office 365, Acrobat, they are all on subscription services, a very model of how we purchase these things is changing as well, and that's all due to the Internet.
«There are various social media players - there are players that started out initially when the various social media platforms came about, but due to the fact that they were not technologically as advanced as competitors that came in, they really fell out of favor with investors.»
XRP may have fallen out of favor with crypto aficionados due to its ties with the company that owns it and the fact that a few head honchos there own huge quantities of the digital asset, including the CEO, who reportedly has a 5 billion XRP stash.
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