Sentences with phrase «out of his mouth like»

And you won't know how to explain why, in that moment when the whisper rose out of your mouth like Jesus from the grave, you felt more alive and awake and resurrected than you have in ages because at least it was out, at least it was said, at least it wasn't buried in your chest anymore, clawing for freedom.
He declared with words flying out of his mouth like rapid fire that I needed to get in the car and come help because they had encountered a herd of caribou while walking in the neighborhood.
She unleashed her fury on the television screen and profanity spewed out of her mouth like fire from a flamethrower.
Most of his days involve at least 20 somewhat alarming incidents where his mommy or daddy or siblings need to intervene to pull something out of his mouth like a remote control, a lego, toothbrushes, homework, or bills we needed to pay.

Not exact matches

Just as Snapchat has what it calls «filters» that users can add to their photos and videos — making themselves look like cartoon animals, for example, or producing virtual rainbows that pour out of a person's mouth — Facebook's Camera also has filters, or «lenses.»
Your look may give you some «Silicon - Valley street cred,» but that's going to expire like yesterday's milk unless some really good stuff comes out of your mouth from the start.
It makes it easy to drink out of a wide - mouth water bottle without accidentally spilling all over yourself — especially helpful while you're doing something like driving or running on the treadmill.
Fine explains, «as a former interior designer who never took a business course and didn't know what Ruby on Rails was a year ago, it's sometimes surreal when I hear words like «agile process» come out of my mouth, or the never ending string of VC and MBA terms that we now use to discuss the «health» of the business».
While every social media guidebook out there urges us to think carefully before we post anything (in fact, UAE telco du initiated a #PostWisely campaign just to promote this rationale), this particular mindset seems to have been overlooked by many of my fellow users of social media - they seem to have gotten rather comfortable with shooting off their mouths on such platforms, much like certain heads of state.
While word of mouth could get you a little business, you may want to scope out places like Ikea, where people need help moving large items from the store to their homes.
By 2008, while I plunged into a world of media startups and heard phrases like «sharing is the key» come out of my mouth, Ben never lost faith in the dream we had shared.
All of this so teens can get the metal out of their mouths, never wear their retainers and wind up with crooked teeth at 25, just like Greenfield.
REVELATION 16: 13 And I saw three UNCLEAN SPIRITS like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet.
@Apostle Eric: «And I saw three UNCLEAN SPIRITS like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon» Whoa!
Mankowski's review is a parade of hilarious zingers: «Mailer's Jesus (Yeshua to his pals) turns out to be a Jewish seminary student who has converted to Methodism but isn't sure why»; «He generally speaks in the kind of eco-aphorism that Hollywood screenwriters put in the mouths of Comanche elders when they want them to sound like sages»; «Mailer's Yeshua turns out to be a Messiah Lite.»
Much as religious types like to talk out of both sides of their mouths at the same time, you don't get to have it both ways.
Chad, Chuckles, the many faces of UrLost / TheCapitalist, the many faces of HeavenSent, the many faces of bubbles... it's like we have the all - star team of froth - mouth god - howlers with us here today, and none of then took their Lithium or Thorazine or Xanax or Valium for a few days now and are really getting out there in the crash withdrawal!
'' It seems Hitler, like many modern - day politicians, spoke out of both sides of his mouth.
Like the Pharisees who boasted of fasting (Luke 18:12), the abstemious may be reinforcing egocentric pride over their abstinence.13 Jesus warned that one is «not defiled by what goes into his mouth, but by what comes out of it» (Matt.
To this day I don't remember my words, but I spoke to those kids about Jesus and salvation, their mouths just dropped open and then, class was over, I walked out of that room, feeling like I had never felt before.
I thought it felt right but that right was wrong All caught up in the eye of the storm And trying to figure out what it's like moving on And I don't even know what kind of things I've said My mouth kept moving and my mind went dead So, picking up the pieces, now where to begin?
Well I like the old fashioned method of respecting someone based on their actions and deeds, not personal beliefs that comes out of their mouths... Cathy is a businessman, a 1 % er if you will, who is not a preacher.
Hopefully there's a few people in that number that only listen for the amusement of seeing what stupidity falls out his sinfully ugly mouth next, sort of like I do when I watch Fox News lol!
I sure hope all the women who listen to this woman talk recognize that the R&R ticket would have taken the food out of her baby's mouth by denying food stamps and denied them both shelter by eliminating programs like low - income housing.
I would like to recommend that instead of putting words in my mouth about calling out all people that believe in God, perhaps you could just ask me for a little more clarity.
His description resembles the initial vision: eyes like a flame of fire, a sharp sword coming out of his mouth.
Like every good Evangelical Poster Child, I had been raised with Believe - It - All theology (lest God spit me out of His mouth in disgust!)
I do not like Glenn Beck because 90 % of the nonsense that comes out of his mouth is stupid; however, I agree with him on this one.
Spoken like an ignorant individual who doesn't know what they're talking about, and hasn't taken the time to research or verify any facts before they spew garbage out of their mouth.
«We want poems like fists beating niggers out of Jocks of dagger poems in the slimy bellies of the owner - jews / Look at the Liberal Spokesman for the jews clutch his throat and puke himself into eternity / Another bad poem cracking steel knuckles in a jewlady's mouth,» wrote Baraka as a sixties icon.
As is written in the New Testament in the book of Revelation, chapter 3, I believe... God calls Christians, who act like this, lukewarm and He will spew us out of His mouth.
«His head and hair were white like wool, as white as snow, and His eyes like a flame of fire; His feet were like fine brass, as if refined in a furnace, and His voice as the sound of many waters; He had in His right hand seven stars, out of His mouth went a sharp two - edged sword, and His countenance was like the sun shining in its strength.»
You're no worthy of further conversation, s anything more out of your uneducated mouth (I suspect you never finished high school given your lack of being able to live in the 21st century and being a christard) Your children would be lucky with a parent like me..
Then, once that is clear, I was say that the reason he should stop sleeping around and maybe watch what comes out of his mouth is NOT so that he can be sure he has eternal life, or keep his justification or anything like that.
«It's scary like those children's preaching moments in church because you don't know what's going to come out of a child's mouth»...
I recently had a conversation with a colleague and the exact words out of my mouth were, «I feel like a caged animal.»
But she also knows that out of the fullness of the heart the mouth speaks, and if I said «a wife is like that», some really negative opinion about wives in general and her in particular was being uncovered and that therefore we had some serious talking to do.
She is the model of what it looks like when what is in the heart and what comes out of the mouth correlate.
In Revelation, Jesus says something like this: because you are lukewarm and not cold, and not hot, I will start to vomit you out of my mouth.
It felt like eating an oatmeal cookie straight out of the oven when it hasn't quite cooled yet and it just crumbles in your mouth.
; it made the bars a bit gummy (like some protein bars one finds out there, you know, that kind of stick to your mouth and aren't overly pleasant to chew?
Now you can carefully pop each cup out of the mold and toss it in your mouth, or, if you're like me, you might want to savor it in two bites, ogling at its gooey, caramel center.
It's mouth tempting recipe... I would love to make one... I tried many of your recipes like gulab jamun, nankhatai, rasgulla, dhokla, idli etc... n they all turned out awesome... It was really of great help for persons like who don't have much idea of making such delicious recipes... I would like to ask for the measurements of rice n other ingredients for making biryani for a number of 2 - 3 persons....
Back when I had a garden, one of my favorite things to do was to just go out to the Sweet 100 tomato plant and pop those babies in my mouth like candy.
I like to bake them a minute or two less, where they are softer and melt in your mouth (if you eat them soon after they come out of the oven).
When the words «whole wheat chocolate cupcakes» come out of my mouth you are probably envisioning a dry, cardboard - like cupcake that was better left un-eaten.
The words «this isn't exactly what I'd like to be telling a 25 year old, but...» that rolled out of my consultants mouth last Thursday have been profound (Dayum, sometimes chronic illness just throws you the most unexpected of blows).
Well, besides it tasting like a tropical volcano (a good one, with rainbows coming out of it) in my mouth, it is crazy healthy and low in calories.
Then add a little fun, like nuts, a sweetener of choice (I chose to use juice as my liquid and opted out of a sweetener) and you have magic in your mouth.
In fact, when you allow our Bites to reach room temperature out of refrigeration they become moist like cookie dough and will literally melt - in - your - mouth.
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