Sentences with phrase «out of one's blood»

In healthy people, the pancreas produces the hormone insulin, which signals to cells to take sugar out of the blood after a meal.
To conserve glucose within the body, the kidneys do not filter glucose out of the blood stream into the urine until an excessive level is reached.
This leads to a «back - up» of blood in the lungs, which can result in fluid leaking out of blood vessels and accumulating in lung tissue, resulting in cough.
In type 2 diabetes, the pancreas continues to make insulin, but the body can't use it effectively to move glucose out of the blood and into the tissues.
It keeps fluid from leaking out of blood vessels.
It looks like you are producing lots of insulin and the glucose is getting moved out of the blood rapidly.
To keep the body from losing vital glucose, the kidneys do not allow glucose to be filtered out of the blood stream until an excessive level is reached.
LDL receptors are proteins that determine how much and how fast the bad cholesterol can be taken out of the blood.
Vitamin K2 works with vitamin D3 to act like a vacuum cleaner to suck the excess calcium out of our blood stream and into the bones where it belongs.
The fatty acids are required to take the calcium out of the blood into the tissue.
Once the liver is able to filter toxins out of the blood, it sends them off to be eliminated from the body in a few different ways.
These age - related abnormalities then drive a range of unhealthy metabolic changes, including a reduced ability to move blood sugar out of the blood in response to the hormone insulin.
If not, your brain will run out of blood sugar to operate on and you'll go into a coma.
The cinnamon in this bar also helps maintain healthy blood sugar levels as this spice helps with cellular uptake of glucose, moving it quickly out of your blood and into your cells.
It moves in and out of our blood pretty easily too.
One of the properties of sugar is that it gets in and out of our blood very quickly.
When the body loses sensitivity to insulin, it can't transport glucose out of the blood as efficiently, and blood - sugar levels rise.
This keeps toxins and germs out of your blood and prevents them from making you sick or disrupting cellular function.
Some worms suck your vitamins and minerals directly out of the blood.
She has made family pictures out of blood, and large - scale charcoal drawings of her negatives.
It is true that sometimes a work of art is born out of blood, sweat and tears.
Without insulin, there is no way to shuttle sugar out of the blood and into cells, where it is used for energy.
Insulin is the primary hormone responsible for transporting glucose out of the blood and into body tissues.
Most people think that insulin is a bad thing and only helps take sugar (carbs) out of your blood stream and store it in your muscles and liver.
As we reduce blood sugars, that sugar is taken out of the blood and into the body as fat.
Diabetes in pets is a condition in which the glucose (sugar) in the pet's blood is not being adequately moved out of the blood and into the cells of the body.
They are also working on nanoparticles that target organs other than the liver, which is more challenging because the liver is a natural destination for foreign material filtered out of the blood.
The reason being is that when we ingest sugar or carbohydrates, insulin is released and clears all the sugar and amino acids out of the blood stream, except for tryptophan, the precursor to serotonin.
These arterioles go to the Bowman's Capsules of nephrons, where the wastes are taken out of the blood by pressure filtration.
Compared with unheated mice, the animals with the faux fever had twice as many white blood cells migrating out of the blood vessels and into the lymph tissue that lines the skin and gut, which is where they need to be to attack incoming pathogens.
Glucose disappearance rates increase as it comes out of the blood much better.
Typically, antibodies are fished out of blood samples by adding molecular «bait.»
HDL - high density lipoprotein, which is cardio - protective for men and women because it helps transfer cholesterol out of blood vessel walls back to the liver for other uses.
Another problem when we ingest too much sugar is our pancreas then has to release insulin to get this sugar out of the blood where it can cause damage and into the cells to be used for energy.
Chelation supports arterial function by binding calcium and toxic metals out of blood vessel walls in order to treat atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries), a condition leading to obstructions to blood flow and an increase in risk of stroke, blood clots and heart disease.
Because of continuously high blood sugar levels, your body is forced to produce too much of the blood - sugar - regulating hormone insulin, to help sugar get out of your blood and into your cells.
Many tumors release cells with distinctive antigens on their surfaces, and affinity - based techniques can pull these cells out of the blood sample relatively easily.
When veins are not able to carry enough blood between feet and heart your feet and ankles become swollen as blood accumulates in legs, forcing water out of blood vessels and into the surrounding tissue.
In addition to using infrared saunas for happy and healthy kidneys, and to support them in their never - ending job of filtering waste out of the blood, there are other things you can do to support kidney health.
«If you laid out all of the blood vessels in your brain end - to - end, they would stretch halfway to the moon (about 120,000 miles).»
In 2000, the company entered into a joint venture with the American Red Cross that aimed to use ProMetic's technology to pull therapeutic proteins out of blood plasma.
But the commandment is actually a prohibition against murder, arising out of blood feuds and vengeance killings between ancient clans and families.
If you look at one of our process shots, the juice that came out of our blood oranges was reddish - pink.
When you follow the above tips when using the compression socks then surely you can extend the lifetime of the compression socks and you can use it for longer period of time for getting rid out of the blood pooling and blood clot problems.
It is suspected that the combination of decreased muscle vibrations and the pushing out of the blood lactate is at play here.
White blood cell squeezing through endothelial cells (grey) on its way out of the blood vessel walls.
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