Sentences with phrase «out of one's chair»

I almost fell out of my chair when I read that her oath prevented her from dating out of concern that she would be unable to keep her promise.
Okay, well I suppose I'll have to get out of the chair for that one.
Half of the audience jumped out of their chairs with the look of shock on their faces.
A few months ago I saw a recipe for «magic shell» topping and nearly fell out of my chair when I saw the ingredient list - chocolate and coconut oil.
The very suggestion makes my husband practically fall out of his chair with laughter.
The springs have reportedly popped out of the chair for a few users after a couple of months of use.
Or, even worse, you might overlook someone who does have relationship potential because you weren't falling out of your chair at the sight of them.
I am sleeping, moving normally, so much less stiffness such as now get out of chair without help of table, pushing on chair arms holding wall as I walk.
This little piece is there to help stop your child from slipping out of the chair.
And I nearly fell out of my chair in the process.
I want to make this for my dad, bourbon & pumpkin, I think he would fall out of his chair if I made this for him.
Getting children out of their chairs and into the fresh air brings a host of benefits.
At that moment she fell face first out of her chair onto the floor and a pile of stuff.
I love the fabric, but I do slide out of my chair too easily for the first couple of wears.
Once your child comes of age, you can get extra use out of the chair by moving it to one of these locations within your home.
Tell your child that he can not get out of the chair until the timer rings.
I remember taking a deep breath and jumping out of my chair because I was so nervous.
This simple act of engaging these supportive muscles as we transfer out of our chairs can not only support our lower back back but help to reduce pressure on our pelvic floor.
I have to say this is a funny and amazing review of this book and it makes me want to jump out of my chair right now to go buy and read it!
I can only remember having one jump out of your chair moment during my whole three to four hours with the game.
I almost fell out of my chair when I added up the numbers.
Even the simple tasks of independent living, such as getting out of a chair or climbing a flight of stairs, can become major obstacles.
Make it a habit to stand and walk around each time the phone rings and get up out of your chair at least once every hour.
How easy is it to get baby in and out of the chair without getting little fingers caught in any of its parts?
Even if your child is very little, there is always a chance of them slipping out of the chair or falling forward.
The company that sold those wood blinds to you would most likely fall out of their chair with what I'm about to tell you.
At no point during my time with the game as I not smiling like an idiot, leaping out of my chair as I made a brilliant save or getting sweaty palms as I neared the finish of a perfect run.
And still not feel like you need to be hoisted out of your chair afterwards, lol.
Slide out of his chair as if he is falling?
Wyking Jones, one of Louisville's assistants who was seated at eye level with Ware's leg, due to the raised court, leaped out of his chair screaming, «NO!»
My back screamed with joy at the idea of not having to lug a large double stroller in and out of our trunk and then pull two heavy babies out of their chairs and into the stroller.
I nearly toppled out of my chair — you don't get questions like this from someone with whom you've worked for years — until I realized that someone new to the book blogging scene would have no reason to have any knowledge about requesting review copies from publishers.
Doing some gentle stretches while out of your chair will also be beneficial.»
When your plasma volume drops due to mild dehydration, you might feel a bit lightheaded or dizzy when you stoop down and get up or when you rise out of a chair quickly.
Something as simple as the phone ringing sends you shooting out of your chair like the house is on fire, heart pounding wildly, and it takes you several minutes to recover and calm down.
«We feel that bringing eSports and VR gaming out of the chair and adding an active physical component creates an extra layer of excitement for both competitors and spectators.
Pope Benedict has indicated clearly that he believes we should receive Communion with great reverence, preferably kneeling - but no more powerful message about that could be given than the sight of John Paul, frail and in obvious pain in his illness and old age, struggling out of his chair and on to his knees to receive his Saviour.
I crawl out of chairs with the speed and agility of a 90 year old woman.
Hepulled his two - ton heart out of that chair and mummy - walked through 18 holes, because buddies don't let each other down.
The solution to prevent the toddler from standing up and falling out of the chair ended up being a foldout and adjustable table built into the high chair.
The 3 year old is able to get herself easily in and out of the chair which she wasn't able to do with a highchair or booster.
Tip: Since our daughter has reached the bottom shelve with her feet that far, she could hang out of her chair, we decided to move everything one layer lower.
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