Sentences with phrase «out of our brains»

Get everything out of your brain and onto paper.
Does it mean: «People can't wait to hear the next thing that comes out of my brain
When we think we're out of strength or energy... when we think we're out of brain power or willpower... we're not: We just think we are.
In it, he boils down the impressively persuasive case for not trying to wring more than four hours of creative work out of your brain each day.
When we think we're out of strength or energy, when we think we're out of brain power or willpower, we're not — we just think we are.
Computers might be assembled out of brain cells.
We understand that cutting a chunk out of your brain alters your subjective experience.
This emergence of human (and other animal) minds out of brains is not, furthermore, a unique type of emergence.
Rather, to say that the mind emerges out of the brain in each new moment means that it is causally dependent upon the brain activities that occurred a fraction of a second earlier.
Bored out of my brains.
dear god, David, get out of my brain!
I've been one to cut carbs here and there, but I always come back to pasta when I need to fuel my long runs, intense workouts or even just jump out of a brain fog.
Ideas like these get pushed out of my brain from time to time.
I haven't allowed that thought to seep out of my brain until this very moment, but, it's true.
I tried to move on, but I just couldn't get the idea of a sweet potato pizza crust out of my brain.
It may have been the caffeine induced delirium, but after the crap ideas had floated out of my brain and onto the screen, purely for quality control purposes, I started to reach a deeper place in my subconscious.
I have a new business called smART decor wait until you see the amazing functional things coming out of this brain.
«If it's an original thought play, then it didn't come out of my brain, that's for sure,» Ferentz said after the Ohio State game.
I am seriously thinking of using a hypnotist to wipe my lifelong love for this now morally bankrupt club out of my brain.
You would know this if you actually watched things instead of typing out whatever falls out of your brain.
In fact, it's been bleached right out of our brains thanks to an almost avalanche - like influx of talent.
I can't recall any other tips at the moment as I must have blocked that tired part of life out of my brain.
To make sure you don't spend the hours stuck on the sofa bored out of your brains and starving to death, stock up your living room with books / tv box sets / magazines or whatever you're into and always have a big glass of water near by.
The constant loop of sensory information coming in and postural adjustments going out of the brain is developmentally rich; it isn't a step in the progression toward sitting to be skipped over or rushed through.
On the other hand, if you know your worries are irrational (say, you have an intense fear that your baby will get hurt if you don't hold him), but you can't get them out of your brain, that suggests you may be tipping the scale.
education was taken many years ago and I've apparently pushed most of that info out of my brain and replaced it with newer, important info (like who's John Mayer dating this week) hence I can not for the life of me figure out how to finish flannel edges.
Normally you're totally out of your brain anyway.»
Electrical signals between neurons generate electric fields that radiate out of brain tissue as electrical waves that can be picked up by electrodes touching a person's scalp.
The scientists are not sure if the newly discovered pathways are connected or if they relate to a previously identified system that helps clear amyloid beta and other toxins out of the brain.
The blood - brain barrier is a layer of tightly packed endothelial cells and connective cells called astrocytes that strictly regulates the flow of chemicals in and out of the brain.
Sometimes, neurologist Anne Louise Oaklander has found, an itch comes straight out of your brain.
Another potential tactic involves pumping the immune cells and toxic molecules out of the brain — considered a futile quest until just a couple of years ago.
The network of blood vessels in the brain regulates the transport of energy and materials in and out of the brain — forming what is known as the blood - brain barrier (BBB).
In both trials, levels of two proteins that play major roles in transporting beta - amyloid out of the brain as well as enzymes that degrade beta - amyloid increased significantly after administering oleocanthal.
But when this balance is thrown off, such as when the body is chock - full of the protein, or when the blood - brain barrier — the blockade that keeps potential dangers out of the brain — deteriorates with age, the brain may get an extra dose, Song proposes.
More famously, in 1996, he began fishing C. pneumonia out of the brain cells of Alzheimer's victims.
Then, they held a strong magnet above the mouse's head to drag the particles upward through the blood - brain barrier, a filter that normally keeps unwanted molecules out of the brain.
Here, brains are soaked in a solution that imbue the fats within it with a charge, before being exposed to an electrical field with an opposite charge, which behaves like a magnet, forcing all of the fat out of the brain tissue.
But scientists have debated exactly how the parasite crosses the blood - brain barrier, a physical obstacle intended to keep pathogens out of the brain.
In animal models — and in one postmortem brain from a child who had been treated for a different disorder — Kurtzberg's team has found that donor cord blood can cross the blood - brain barrier that keeps the vast majority of molecules and cells out of the brain.
So Sharkey and Makriyannis developed a compound called AM6545 that stays out of the brain.
But we are not just passengers in this process, so how can we get the best out of our brains at every stage and pass the best possible organ on to the next?
Jucker, only half - jokingly, says he could imagine a future in which people would go into hospital every ten years or so and get the amyloid seeds cleared out of their brains with antibodies.
The blood - brain barrier that normally keeps pathogens out of the brain becomes more permeable, allowing dangerous substances into the brain.
Researchers at University of Florida Health have discovered the mechanics of how dopamine transports into and out of brain cells, a finding that could someday lead to more effective treatment of drug addictions and neurological disorders such as Parkinson's disease.
«Evolution has spent a colossal amount of time to find ways for us and other animals to take information out of our brains and communicate it to other animals in the forms of behavior, speech and so on,» Stocco said.
Circumventing this barrier — specifically designed to keep substances out of the brain — is a crucial step for the delivery of drugs to the central nervous system (CNS).
If the classic approach on leeching amyloid - beta out of the brain was producing only colossal failure, they said, why not zero in on a key genetic trigger linked to a well - defined risk of developing the disease?
Scientists at Prothena had confirmed that several of their candidate antibodies were able to clear AS pathology out of the brains and spinal cords of mouse models of PD and related disorders, substantially shielding them against the PD - like motor and cognitive impairments suffered by their untreated cousins.
One of the chief difficulties for psychiatric researchers, setting them apart from most other medical investigators, is that they can't cut schizophrenia out of the brain and look at it under a microscope.
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