Sentences with phrase «out of sharing this life»

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It turns out that these long - lived fishes, who are our ancient evolutionary cousins, share the core of an adaptive immune system with human beings.
As Duportail points out, for many of us, our online and offline lives have grown so entangled it's basically impossible to share less data without radically overhauling our lifestyles.
The notion of a startup founder with student - loan debt evokes the clichéd image of a Silicon Valley millennial fresh out of college and living in a shared apartment, playing video games and feverishly pitching angel investors to fund his (or her) next «big idea» — from 3D printing to the next Facebook.
And if you're living in a small apartment or sharing the space with other people, the more clever and out - of - the - way the better.
If you're not keen on sharing your living space with these, frankly terrifying, eight - legged creatures - here are some practical tips for keeping them out of your house this autumn.
Although you can see all of that footage live without paying any extra cash, you will have to shell out for a cloud storage plan with Nest Aware to save, share, and download any video.
John Lee Dumas's guests all have something new and interesting to share, and provide a blissful glimpse into what life is like for those who have been able to venture out into the harsh world of the entrepreneur and come through the other side - far from unscathed, as you'll hear, but certainly wiser for the experience.
The way I took advantage of this new medium when it first came out was to share daily live broadcasts from my home in Miami.
Consumers still want to connect with people, and the more they understand who you are as a living, breathing person (through your profile, the type of content you share, etc.), the more inclined they are to seek out your business as well.
And if you struggle with finding good content to share, Buffer offers suggestions of posts you can push out to followers that include links to inspirational quotes as well as productivity and life - hacking tips.
Please check out Tribe of Mentors, my newest book, which shares short, tactical life advice from 100 + world - class performers.
He goes out of his way to make people feel good about themselves and share his joy about life
Perhaps the most important takeaway is that while there can be merit to any number of analytical styles (fundamental, sector, thematic, technical), a company's shares can take on a life of their own out in the secondary market where the shares live.
You'll need to have the stomach to tough out bear markets, where your shares may halve in value or more — over the average 25 - year life of a mortgage, you're certain to see two or three stock market scares.
The key IMHO is to get people exposed to a good chunk of low - cost equity for the long - term, but to do it in a way that share price wobbles don't scare the living daylights out of them.
But then, instead of continuing to cut shares out of your life like so many Mars Bars, you gradually increase your intake — post-retirement — for so long as ye shall last.
Life insurance can pay off your business debt, pay taxes if ownership of your business is transferred as part of your estate, or pay for a business partner to buy out your share via a buy - sell agreement.
Hopefully someone will read this and realize that all of the bickering in these posts regarding God vs No God, bill boards, religion, and freedom of choice will simply chill out, self - reflect, and work to live their lives sharing kind thoughts, practicing good deeds, showing extreme patience, and exampling humility.
Thanks for always sharing your vision of the world around us and the world to come as we live out the kingdom here on earth.
lkewise, failing to share God's promise of eternal is to leave out the assurance of life after death.
«The God who made the world and everything in it is the Lord of heaven and earth and does not live in temples built by human hands «Acts 17:24 «Then I heard another voice from heaven say: ««Come out of her, my people,» so that you will not share in her sins, so that you will not receive any of her plagues;» Revelation 18:4
(I apologize to those that dislike metaphors, but I almost can't communicate if I don't get to use them, and as insufficient as they at times are, they are very close to the language of what I believe, because you can't really explain or define someone into believing... you can only live out your beliefs in a way that you share with others, and when given the opportunity shine a light, or point a direction, or walk along with someone for a bit).
Therefore, it is only in so far as we are, as Paul expresses it, «in Christ», united with him by faith which responds to God's grace reaching out to us in him, that we may hope to be raised to a share in his risen life of communion with the eternal God.
The atheists are out sharing their hatred of all things good in life, as usual.
Both the message and the allegory have been sturdy traditions in Christian literature and, as Lynch suggested in his comments on the univocal imagination, they share the characteristic of tending to flatten out the complexities of historical life for the sake of the «idea.»
Richard III was the last English king to die in battle, and James II the last to mark Maundy Thursday by washing the feet of the poor; but the current Queen did in her day live out the monarchic ideals of service, vulnerability, and shared sacrifice.
Then we would know that we must truly act out our faith when we are asked: Do you accept the cross of your life, do you know that it means sharing in the Passion of the Lord?
If I am grieving something or someone in my life, and I share that with a friend who then tries to point out all of the positive things I still have, my grieving is put on pause.
But I also care deeply about preserving a pluralistic social order, where individuals and groups have the opportunity to live out their deepest convictions — however disagreeable to people like me — within a framework of a shared commitment to the common good.
I think if these people had worried less about what others might be sharing, and just stayed focused on getting their own book done, maybe we'd be talking about how great their book is because it would be published, rather than all the lives they destroyed in trying to control others and make sure none of their ideas leaked out.
We knew from the beginning that we were marked out, not as outsiders, but as people who had embarked on a shared way of life that would demand much of us, and give much in return.
So in reference to the orginal article and my first point, I would only echo Pascal's Wager: if I live life accepting of God and «love my neighbor,» but it turns out to be wrong because there is no God, I have no regrets; if I live life unaccepting of God and He does exist, well I guess Ghandi and I will be sharing a room...
I think we live our life «IN» Christ, and He in us, this seems to be the only way «the ecklesia» can fellowship, Jesus working in me, living thru me, and Him living thru you, then when we come together, we can share out of our «Experience» of God.
Their way of thinking was in terms of the older Jewish belief in «resurrection of the body» — and hence the only manner in which they could proclaim that Jesus had not been put out of the way through death was to say that he had indeed been «raised from the dead», that he was in and with God, and that those who belonged to him were granted a share in the risen life which was properly his own.
Seventh, if marriages are to be permanent and productive of humane values, marriage partners need to select one another not on the basis of romantic attraction and immediate sexual satisfaction, but out of regard for the long - term potentialities in the relationship for the creation of a worth - full shared life.
one day at a time with the fresh Grace and mercy that is poured out on and in your heart to take and share with someone you might have hurt that is very dear to you, that is empowerment that is forgiveness that brings peace beyond all understanding KNOWING that there is NO ONE that Has control of your life any more, that is the freedom that not only did this UNITED STATES not fully recieve but is being stolen from them one citizen at a time, do they care ah let me see?
Psychiatrist Jerome D. Frank points out that «intimate sharing of feelings, ideas and experiences in an atmosphere of mutual respect and understanding enhances self - respect, deepens self - understanding, and helps a person live with others.
and Mormons went against the bible; By writing a «new book» when it clearly states in the bible: «If anyone is to add to this book, he will be added to the plagues described in the book, and if anyone takes anything out, he will have his share of the tree of life taken away.»
Neville i mentioned those people only because the discussion was talking about dominionism the combination of the church and state as a governing rule all those people were government leaders all of them suffered in there own way.Its was the suffering that prepared them for the roles that they were to play and there faith in God was what helped them get through.We are made stronger in our weakness no matter how important or unimportant we may appear to others.I guess it is easy to fall into the lie about political involvement that its hard to make change but some people have had a huge impact.Really it is God who deserves the praise he is the one that creats the opportunitys to make impact on the world as in our strength we can do nothing.In hebrews the great men and woman of faith there are those that seemed unimportant to the world and many suffered for there faith Our Lord knows everyone by name and every small act of faith we do he remembers because we do it out of our love for him that is what the christian walk is about living for Jesus and sharing that love with others.brentnz.
We hold no disdain towards those who disagree, but only battle against the trend or reality in area's of the Globe where sharing the Gospel, or living out our Faith publicly is being restricted, or is currently very restricted or illegal.
Christ's death is sufficient for all time, but time goes on, and until the end of time the Spirit will inscribe Christ's one sufficient death into more and more lives; the Spirit will keep dealing out shares in Christ's sufferings.
The emphasis on wholeness, the interconnectedness of everything with everything else which is so characteristic of Whiteheadian metaphysics, nourished Suchocki in her own feminist aspirations toward integrity, i.e., a self - image which would be peculiarly her own and yet would be in line with the legitimate expectations of others ~ she commented, «we women are weavers, weaving the intelligible pattern of our lives out of the fabric of intensely personal experiences of sharing life with others.
while breifly going thru this artical it was makeing my stomach turn, this is just what the devil wants is for doubt and confusion, christianity is growing stronger than ever, souls are being saved and lives are changing every day, and do nt for one minute think any different, or try tp put christians down, why would we loose faith, god answers our prayers everyday, think what you want and do what you do, but do nt try to put things in other people's opinion or minds, jesus died for our sins, so that we can have better lives and be forgiven for our sins here on earth and move on to a beter place, becouse souls do nt die «read the bible, if you do nt understand it, find a church that can help you learn a better way of life, I pray for everyone out there that does nt know jesus christ as ther savior to accept what he has to offer to you «love forgiveness and ever lasting life «Christians» stay strong and [ass the word of god on and share all your tedtimonies in life» god bless everyone»»
I do not think it silly to point out that, whatever their differences, Yoder and Niebuhr do share a belief that the life and work of Jesus Christ teaches us that there is something evil about all acts of force, regardless of the goals or intentions of those acts.
Neville since Jesus lives in you you may be the only Jesus people in the street get to know.Its his influence in us that has impact not a theoretic ideal of who Jesus is.Our identity is in Christ therefore we are like him or as paul said we are living epistles like a living bible that people can see who Jesus is.Just be yourself and reach out to others because you want them to know who Christ is like the woman at the well if they only knew him they would drink of the living waters you have tasted and so you know its in that experience that we can share or testify what he has done for us.brentnz
God does not want to be «figured out» but wants to be in relationship with us so his (or, if you will, her) love, wisdom, inspiration, health, energy and very life can be part of us, flow through us and give us love, life, wisdom, inspiration and energy to share with others.
And at present... more and more patterns of worship and shared life are appearing on the edge of our mainstream life that cry out for our support, understanding and nurture if they are not to get isolated and unaccountable.»
If it is ever to be brought into being in the real world, my basic democracy would, of course, require a fleshed - out superstructure in which real humans could live together — arguing as well as deliberating, competing as well as deciding, united and distinguished by something beyond their shared conviction that equality, freedom, and civic dignity are essential to collective self - government by citizens.
The National Association of Evangelicals (NAE) regrets the ruling but «calls on evangelicals to be gracious and compassionate to those who do not share their views on marriage and to also advocate for liberty for all who desire to live out their faith.»
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