Sentences with phrase «out of slavery»

In my books, we've got two people who have been taken and my main character wants to get one of them back out of slavery.
There is a clear dominant note running through Israel's written witness, whether in narrative, prophecy or psalms, and that is that Israel owed her very origin and her continued existence to a dramatic event in history, in which she was led out of slavery in Egypt to the freedom of a new land flowing with milk and honey.
The children of Israel had experienced the baptism of deliverance along with adversity when they had come out of slavery in Egypt and crossed the Red Sea into the wilderness.
After being found in a basket in the bulrushes as a baby, Moses grew up to lead the Israelites out of slavery in Egypt and into the Promised Land.
Here a people redeemed only yesterday out of slavery had acknowledged the Lord as the Shatterer of their own tight little prison, and had entered into a Covenant with him, accepting his commitment to them and reciting their own vows of faithfulness.
Old folks shared their sense that we had come out of slavery into this free space and we had to create a world that would renew the spirit, that would make it life - giving.
With Jesus» exodus he was rescuing us, God's people, out of slavery by releasing us from all those things that have an unholy hold on us — work or money or death — and by placing his own blood on the doorposts of our lives.
When Pharaoh was faced with the God of Moses, wanting to lure the Hebrews out of slavery into the desert, his response was to «make them work twice as hard so they have no time to listen».
God spoke to Moses from a burning bush and called him to lead Israel out of slavery.
It is not level - playing field, and until we get out of the slavery - by choice and into companies - appreciating - workforce, every minority (parents, different colour, immigrants, anything) are going to be on «chopping - block».
The Rastafarian leader talks about being redeemed out of slavery.
Abraham Lincoln regarded the Emancipation Proclamation as «the central act of my administration and the great event of the nineteenth century» because it «knocked the bottom out of slavery
What unites a child of the slums with the man who would shake a troubled country out of slavery?
Yet Job has another audience, the God known as the go'el, the «Redeemer,» who brings people out of slavery.
According to the Bible, Ezra was the one who led the Israelites out of slavery in Babylon.
The same God who created this universe, life, and humans, saved Noah's family and the animals, brought his people out of slavery in Egypt, parted the red sea, fed them for 40 years in the wilderness, gave them the land he promised, and made them a great people.
Alien Nation is the story of a people coming out of slavery and being forced to assimilate into a population they never decided to travel to.
The Chosen Ones were a holy people onto God and the laws protecting foreigners and slaves was unique to honor God who brought them out of slavery.
The false prophets or dreamers who try to lead you astray must be put to death, for they encourage rebellion against the LORD your God, who brought you out of slavery in the land of Egypt.
Moses led the Israelites out of slavery, but he and other religious giants accepted slavery for others, scholars say.
Israel's future seemed assured because of the YHWH who had brought them out of slavery in Egypt.
The first is a period of formation: the development of a small clan into a large society of people; the unification of disparate tribes into a nation; migration in and out of slavery, through the wilderness, and into the land of promise.
When they stop work every seventh day, the people will remember that the Lord brought them out of slavery, and they will see to it that no one within their own dominion, not even animals, will work without respite.
Lind reminds readers that the Decalogue is preceded by a «motive - model sentence» assuring the Israelites that they have been granted liberation and grace by God, who brought them out of slavery.
If your invisible, untraceable alien claims responsibility for the creation of the universe and life on this planet, if your invisible, untraceable alien created a race of people, led them out of slavery in a foreign land, appeared to them countless times, spoke thru prophets to them over thousands of years, and all of that interaction was successively captured in a book over those thousands of years..
God, Yahweh, who had acted in history to bring this people out of slavery in Egypt, was now going to bind this people to himself and in the Covenant to make Israel a holy nation, a royal priesthood.
From a desert bush, enveloped yet not consumed by fire, Moses heard a voice announcing that the cry of the Hebrews had been heard, and that he, Moses, was the one destined to lead them out of slavery to freedom.
- God tells Noah to build an arc - God tells Moses he will bring His people out of slavery, he says to go to Pharaoh and bring them to worship Him in the desert.
Just like Moses, he comes as the leader who is going to lead us out of the slavery to sin, into the promised land of a new relationship with the Father.
Ezra comes from the Hebrew word meaning, «help»; which is exactly what the Biblical hero is known for doing after he led a group of Israelites out of slavery.
We stay in Sodom for the second half of the film, as Zed and Oh weave in and out of slavery, as do their old love interests.
So I have come down to deliver them out of slavery and bring them to a good land; a land flowing with milk and honey.
If a slave saved his money he could buy himself out of Slavery.
While no course can pretend to work through all the different aspects of how the gospel relates to addictions, in this course we will explore some ways in which the good news of Jesus Christ impacts how we look at them and how Christ can lead us out of the slavery of addictions.
Will Smith told Haute Living magazine: «I think that, specifically in African American households, the idea coming out of slavery, there's a concept of your children being property and that was a major part that Jada and I released with our kids.»
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