Sentences with phrase «out of the long history»

This is why anti-Christians get so much mileage out of the long history of Christian violence against its foes or its «heretics.»
The Nicaraguan revolution grew out of a long history of oppression and U.S. domination.
Supported by consumer, employee and customer values, French's commitment comes out of its long history.
I want you to understand that nurses do this NOT out of ignorance or neglect, but out of a long history of placing babies on their tummies in the NICU, because they are safely protected by the heart rate & apnea monitors while they are in the NICU.

Not exact matches

The political left has had a long history of fizzling out.
Twitter users called out H&M for serious oversight at best and overt racism at worst in styling a black child in the «monkey» hoodie, considering the long history of the term as a racial slur.
Although companies iterate on each other's products all the time, this move stands out in part because Facebook has a long history of trying to clone Snapchat features.
For example, in «A Short History of the Income Tax,» John Steele Gordon points out that the U.S. income tax act of 1913 was only 14 pages long; by 1942, it had blossomed to 208 pages with over three - quarters of them «devoted to closing or defining loopholes» that tax lawyers and accountants were using to «game the system.»
Organizations such as the Freedom Party of Austria and the Danish People's Party have demonstrated a long history of opposing EU accession and expansion, while the Swiss People's Party wants to keep Switzerland out of the bloc altogether.
«There is a long and sordid history of people coming out of the woodwork with bogus claims when huge amounts of money are on the line,» Altman wrote.
It has also helped draw out one of the longest stretches of food - price deflation in history, as Walmart's rivals respond by also slashing prices.
There is a long and sordid history of people coming out of the woodwork with bogus claims when huge amounts of money are on the line.
After a period of market advance and retreat between 1979 and 1982, August 13 of the latter year «marked the first day of what would turn out to be one of the longest and strongest bull markets in U.S. history
the history of this epic Facebook privacy fail is even longer than the under - disclosed events of 2015 suggest — i.e. when Facebook claims it found out about the breach as a result of investigations by journalists.
Accenting the positive, Susquehanna points out that Stratasys» long history of losing vast amounts of money could be money in the bank for an acquirer.
Wal - Mart has a long history of navigating the ins and outs of the ever - changing retail industry.
It would be folly to mistake bid - ask bounce in deep value penny stocks, measured from the bottom of perhaps the greatest stock crash in U.S. history, for evidence of the long - term out - performance of all small stocks versus all large stocks across other, calmer periods.
The key is to choose companies that have a long history of paying out a steady stream of dividends to their investors.
As the 5 Drunk Rednecks blog pointed out, Walsh has a long history of being a shock jock, to the point of being fired multiple times because of his taking things too far.
There are so many things wrong with the history of your posts it will take too long to point them all out and correct them than I have available at the moment.
Considering the history of conflicts between Church and State, it would seem more prudent for Christians, Jews, and others of good will to take the position that the death penalty is justified as long as it is carried out by a lawful sovereign, not inflicted in a cruel and unusual manner, and imposed only on those convicted of heinous crimes by due process of law.
Yes, the available history says that the heart was in the possession of the church about a century later, so either someone kept it for a long time after cutting it out of his corpse — yeah, that sounds likely — or it is a medieval «relic» that is actually the heart of a pig or a sheep that some clergyman sold along with genuine pieces of the cross and bones from St. Peter to make a buck on the rubes, uh, faithful.
It seems to me that Christian organizations have a long history of not supporting those who are seen as having fallen from grace or those deemed unacceptable and unChristian (ie: parents of LGBT kids should kick them out of their homes because of course you can't support their «alternative lifestyle»).
The church therefore would seem to have much to offer the New Urbanist enterprise out of its own long intellectual and spiritual traditions — not least a serious and sophisticated view of human nature and human community, a pastoral mandate to serve rich and poor, and a long history of urban and architectural patronage.
His Gifford Lectures at Edinburgh on The Presence of Eternity: History and Eschatology (Harper, 1957) and various books of essays — the most notable collections in English being Faith and Understanding (Harper & Row, 1969) and Existence and Faith (World, 1960)-- show over how long a period, and in relation to how many challenges, he worked out his own presentation of the Word of God to our time.
The long history of such out flow of resources from the southern nations and the accumulation of it in the colonial centres widened the gap between people and nations.
Within the very long range of human history, one might point out, the Berlin Wall is a small episode.
The First World War is one of the most iconic parts of our recent history: trenches and zeppelins, gasmasks and dug outs, It's a Long Way to Tipperary and Blackadder Goes Forth.
The fact that the idiom has had a much longer and more varied history should make it possible for it to be rescued from bondage to a narrow usage which not only turns out to be unwarranted, but which is in actual danger of obscuring, even obliterating, an important value of the idiom.
This verb makes us reflect on the course of history, that long journey which is the history of salvation, starting with Abraham, our father in faith, whom the Lord called one day to set out, to go forth from his country towards the land which he would show him.
The series of the seven seals, as we have seen, reveals human history as a history of war and disaster, in which the martyrs cry out: «How long
This is the more strange because the more deeply a concern is loaded with history, the past, things accomplished long ago, the more a church understands herself as a «pilgrim people of God» — that is, called, continuous, on the way, starting with a constitutive deed and living out her life in a hope which is both a given and an awaited consummation — the more clearly the church understands that, the more embarrassing her problem with a flat and impoverished language.
Then He brought forth His plan out of the darkness of mystery and revealed it to all the world: Jesus Christ, the Word of God in person, God's revelation of the meaning of universal history so that we need no longer walk in darkness but in the light.
Blessed are the Cheesemakers I have to agree with you as history and Jesus pointed out man (Priests in particular) twists the Word of God to the point it no longer is truth but dogma reflecting evil in man.
Modern Christianity says that Jesus is the only True Son of God, I Totally Disagree with this Concept, thru out History long before Christ was Born in different cultures there have been «Crusified Saviors» and alot of them had the same history as Christ, Born of holy Conception, confronted the «Devil», «Born December 25th suppossely, and CruHistory long before Christ was Born in different cultures there have been «Crusified Saviors» and alot of them had the same history as Christ, Born of holy Conception, confronted the «Devil», «Born December 25th suppossely, and Cruhistory as Christ, Born of holy Conception, confronted the «Devil», «Born December 25th suppossely, and Crucified.
Those who are indigenous to this land we call «The United States of America» have been long misrepresented and pushed out of American history textbooks in favor of glorifying those who now rule this nation and represent the dominant culture.
Reuters: Strong Swiss franc forces Reformed church group out of Calvin's city Geneva The Swiss city of Geneva has a long history of affording refuge to religious dissenters, most notably the 16th - century reformer John Calvin, but the strong Swiss franc currency has made it hard on his followers.
Some fell more deeply into the trap of imagining that pluralism could be written out of the script of history than others; some remained mired in that trap longer than others.
In his History of the Work of Redemption Jonathan Edwards sketched out a new version of the chosen people theme.29 No longer were the Puritans only a light and an example to the rest of the world with regard to a «due forme of Government both civill and ecclesiasticall»; now they had moved far beyond that.
Christians have a long history of trying to squeeze Jesus out of public life and reduce him to a private little Savior.
«We have a long history of strong grower returns and place an emphasis on food safety and quality, but what will really transform this company compared to other handlers is our branching out into the retail market with value - added products,» Nunes says.
Out of all the natural sweeteners out there, raw honey may have the longest history in proving itself to be an incredible super foOut of all the natural sweeteners out there, raw honey may have the longest history in proving itself to be an incredible super foout there, raw honey may have the longest history in proving itself to be an incredible super food.
The beverage industry has a long history of helping out in times of crisis and natural disaster such as this (examples include the California wildfires and Hurricane Katrina).
a few of my grandchildren deciced they wanted to spend the weekend and while doing so decided to look for something they themselve could make for themand grandma for lunch while i was out doing things in the garden, so to make a long story short when asked if they could make lunch i said sure but no cooking on the stove.thinking that would save them geyying hurt in any way.i half exoecte beanut butter and jelly or ham and chesse sandwiches and chips or something but what got was This wonderful Taco Pizza., I always keep taco meat made up i the freezer along with all the other things in which to make easy fast dishes for them needless to say i was delighted and surprized., when i askes how they did it I was told thats for us to know and you to enjoy.well I did and i think that if a 14,10 and very very smart 3 yr old can make this its simply wonderful.thank you and it took some work but i bribed the 10 yr old into telling my where he found it thank goodness the computer has history, lol, and bookmarking.its something every mother or grandmother should try to make with their little taco lovers.thank you From a grandmother
The Arsenal and Chelsea managers have a long history of falling out, making comments about each other and their respective clubs and even pushing each other around on the touchline, even though they claimed that they had put all their differences aside before the last clash at Stamford Bridge.
«Two players worth a combined # 100million in today's market are heading out the door for free in two of the longest and potentially most ignominious goodbyes in the club's history.
Working out trades is hard and the Bulls front office has a long and pathetic history of overvaluing their own dudes and holding onto their cards too long.
In the midfield, (including RWB & LWB) we have a whole bunch of tweeners... none offer the full package, none make sense in our manager's current favourite formation, except for Sead on the left and Ox on the right, and all of them have never shown any consistency for more than a heartbeat... Sead, who I'm including in this category because of our present formation, looks like a positive addition, minus his occasional brain farts, but I would rather see what he could do in a back 4 before making my mind up... Ox, who has never played better, which isn't saying much considering his largely underwhelming play in previous seasons, seems to have found a home in this new formation; unfortunately, can we really expect this oft - injured player to handle the taxing duties that come with said position over the long haul, not to mention, it looks like he has no intention of staying... Ramsey has relied on the empathy that stems from his gruesome injury years ago and the excitement that was generated a few years back when he finally seemed to put in altogether, but on the whole he has been a big disappointment (neither he nor the Ox have scored enough to warrant a regular spot)... Wiltshire should be put on a weekly contract then played until he suffers his first injury, if and when that occurs he should be shipped - out and no one should very be allowed to say his name on club grounds ever again... Elnehy & Coq are average players who couldn't make any of the top 7 teams currently in the EPL... both have showed some great energy on the pitch, but neither are top quality and no good team can afford to have that many average players on their bench playing the same position, especially with Coq's injury history / discipline concerns and Elheny's headless chicken tendencies... as for Xhaka, his tenure here so far has been incredibly underwhelming... we know he has some skills to provide the long ball but his defensive work is piss poor and he gives the ball away too cheaply and far too often... finally, the enigma himself, Ozil, so much skill with his left foot but his presence has been more frustrating than uplifting... in many respects his failure has been directly related to the failure of this club to provide him with the necessary players up front, minus Sanchez of course, and unless something drastic happens very soon his legacy will be largely a negative one (much like Wenger's)
Whether it's a long drawn - out novel from your mate about his recent footballing endeavours, the unbelievable story of how Blackburn won the title in 1995 (yes, they actually won the EPL title), or that moment in history when Eric Cantona tried kung fu on a rabid Palace fan, there will always be stories from the past that allow us to reminisce about how great football was back then.
I generally don't like playing the school game, but LSU players have a long history of coming out raw with some work ethic issues.
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