Sentences with phrase «out of the lungs»

Then feel your body shift as it pushes the air out of your lungs.
Contract your abdominal muscles fully to push as much air as possible out of your lungs.
Air will be sucked out of your lungs immediately, and trying to hold your breath will be futile against the pressure.
The muscles around the lungs move the air in and out of the lungs by a process of contraction and expansion.
Then move attention to the feeling of air flowing into and out of the lungs for three breaths — usually «felt» in the chest.
Some commentators suggest that after the puppy is fed that it should be held nose down so that any formula will flow out of the lungs if some did make its way there.
Management of CHF may include diuretics such as furosemide to help move fluid out of the lungs and abdomen, certain medications that increase the strength of the heart's contractions and supplemental oxygen in a home - made oxygen chamber as needed.
If there's one thing you can take away from this, it's that doing a long exhale and, as I said, metering the amount of air coming out of your lungs through your teeth or your lips, will allow you to relax.
This would make it less likely that the H5N1 virus could be coughed out of the lungs and transmitted from person to person.
Exhale your breath out of your lungs while simultaneously lifting your legs up towards the sky, bending your knees.
The gypsy women told him to make an onion poultice and put it on her feet to draw the infection and congestion out of her lungs.
In the lung, the larvae develop into fourth stage larvae, and when they are ready they break out of the lung, climb up the trachea (windpipe), get coughed into the throat, and swallowed.
When she dissected the animals, she pulled out of their lungs white clots called casts that looked like «tree branches,» she says.
COPD is diagnosed by having people blow as hard and as long as they can into a device called a spirometer, which measures how much air they can blow out in one second and how much total air they can force out of their lungs.
Subjects also have to forcefully exhale as much air out of their lungs as possible (to reduce potential for error) and sit submerged completely underwater, which might be uncomfortable for some individuals.
souls of the dead go, and they scream (one wonders how a person screams without lungs and without a larynx and, well, air of some sort to go into the lungs and then out of the lungs and — wait — that would require a diaphragm to power the lungs, and nerve endings so that the souls would feel pain and — hang on) and those screams get recorded?
Cells in the airways have mobile cilia which sweep mucus and dirt out of the lungs, but almost every cell in the body has a primary (sensory) cilium.
Ingo Titze, a physicist at the University of Iowa and director of the National Center for Voice and Speech, says that air rushing out of the lungs creates a wave motion in the cords.
«There were a lot of toxins in the air, a lot of things that are very hard to clean out of the lungs, things like fiberglass and asbestos.
Some add a Sixth Tibetan Rite claimed to improve sexual endurance, which involves standing straight up and exhaling all air out of the lungs before bending over toward your knees or toes until returning straight up (I practice this one too).
The chassis is capable of wringing the breath right out of your lungs.
In the diagram you can see that more air moves freely in and out of the lungs in the normal dog's airway, but the dog with the collapsed airway has less air flowing through it.
I just hope we are not at the end of our options ¿ And last thing, if the fluid seems to stay out of her lungs (hoping once the Vetmedin starts working), can she also go down in Salix?
Bronchodilators — Bronchodilators are inhaled and used to open up the airways, allowing the cat to move air in and out of the lungs more freely.
«I jumped out of the van, tipped him down again and let all the fluid drain out of his lungs through the tube in his airway,» Allen said.
Rarely, these dogs should be given cough suppressants, but normally that is a bad idea as the goal of coughing is to get the junk out of the lungs.
However, some vets would rather let them cough as it is better to get the phlegm out of the lungs.
Yeah, we could take our vacation, yeah, we could say «no» to the injections - but when you're sitting poolside sipping a martini while your dog is laying in one of our kennels coughing blood out of his lungs and dying alone REMEMBER THAT YOU WERE WARNED.
While he massaged the drowning man's belly to encourage vomiting the water out of his lungs and stomach, he yelled at the other two men and a gathering few to run up and down the beach to find cellphone service to call the emergency number 2000.
Like if I'm cooking and Edouard comes in, I freak out because I feel claustrophobic, like I'm an infant and he's a cat who just wants to suck the oxygen out of my lungs.
Management may include diuretics such as furosemide to help move fluid out of the lungs and abdomen, certain medications that increase the strength of the heart's contractions and supplemental oxygen in a home - made oxygen chamber as needed.
These microbes can attack the larynx and lungs filling them with fluids and this will result in a gross cough as the baby makes serious attempts to get the fluid or mucus out of his lungs through coughing.
Alternatively, the onion poultice can be placed on the soles of the feet to draw the congestion out of the lungs to facilitate normalized breathing.
In the lung, the larvae develop into 4th stage larvae and when they are ready they break out of the lung, climb up the trachea (windpipe), get coughed into the throat and swallowed.
Eventually these small larvae are coughed out of the lungs and swallowed where they will make their way to the small intestine to grow to full sized worms.
Then, exhale all of the air out of your lungs as you draw your stomach in as if trying to move your belly button to your spine.
Green means healthy, yellow means a reduced ability to push air out of the lung's small air sacs, and red means severely reduced ability.
There's nothing but this, the sun painting patterns onto the trail, the sound of my husbands steps behind me, my breath moving in and out of my lungs, cool water quenching my thirst.
Your little one «breathes» amniotic fluid in and out of the lungs.
One path is for air to come in and out of your lungs, while the other is for food and liquid to go directly to your stomach.
Until now, most babies have been put on a mechanical ventilator which forces air in and out of the lungs.
Asthma is a chronic disease in which lung airways become swollen and narrow, making it difficult for air to move in and out of lungs.
In a Canadian trial involving 16 asthma patients, the procedure improved average air - flow rates in and out of the lungs, even when tested two years after treatment.
The breathing approach Breathing is an automatic bodily process of moving air in and out of the lungs.
This limits the amount of air that can flow into and out of the lungs.
By this, he meant that we should not restrict the breathing channel in the throat, but instead let the breath flow easily in and out of the lungs.
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