Sentences with phrase «out of the posture»

Listen to your body and please come out of the posture at the slightest discomfort.
However, my encouragement is to move out of a posture of criticism and judgement and into a place of leading forward with encouragement, out of love and a clean heart.
Come out of the posture the same way you came into it.
The final arrival into lunge is still only one fleeting moment; the space and time spent within a lunge offers it's own kind of «in - between,» as does then releasing out of posture, moving into next shape.
You can also try working a pose like bridge that allows you to connect with many of your chakras at one time; flowing slowly in and out of the posture as you connect your breath and movement.
Support your back once more, and gently roll out of the posture, back into Savasana.
When you feel the urge to unwind, release out of the posture and lie flat on your back in Savasana.
If after you make this adjustment, your knees remain higher than the top rim of your pelvis, come out of the posture, increase the height of your blankets to create a more elevated throne for your hips, and sit in Sukhasana again.
«Outside of the clear physical benefits of practicing yoga, I am constantly in awe of my breath, the way my body dances in and out of every posture, and the way I am able to cleanse my mind.
You may already be in great shape, have amazing body awareness and excellent posture, but unless you know what trikonasana means and how to safely get in and out of that posture (and other basic poses), it's important that you start in classes that teach the foundations of yoga: breath, postural alignment and engagement versus disengagement of muscles.
With Brandy, yoga is less about moving your body in and out of postures and more about prioritizing joy on and off the mat.
It is the soft, steady, sibilant sound of the Ujjayi breath that we bring our mind to rest upon as we flow into and out of each posture.
Healing benefits accrue when we control breathing while getting in and out of postures and when postures are held.
In this video tutorial, yoga master Sharath Jois guides you how to move safely into and out of this posture.
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