Sentences with phrase «out of yarn»

The two main concerns here are achieving sizing that you'd be happy with, and at the same time, not running out of yarn if working to make a larger scarf.
In that case, it is possible that you could run out of yarn if you only purchased the amount of yarn specified in the pattern.
In that case, your scarf is likely to turn out really, really long; you also risk running out of yarn.
A Pekinese Princess Leia with buns made out of yarn stuck to a headband?
I have been knitting tighter than I normally would based on what you mentioned about using almost all the skeins, but I am almost out of yarn nevertheless.
In middle school we made our own pom poms out of yarn but at the Daisy Level, I think these Quiet Critters would make a nice DIY warm fuzzy craft that could be delivered to hospital patients.
I endured a last minute setback when I ran out of yarn with only about 50 stitches to go.
I have spied multiple versions of making Easter eggs out of yarn but they used Mod Podge, which isn't very kid friendly.
Primary Grades In, Out and All AroundDirectionality / Movement Make a large circle out of yarn or...
Wanda Kay Knight lives in the Pacific Northwest, teaches literature, strives really hard to keep up with her adventurous / competitive family, makes things out of yarn (mainly unique hats), enjoys collecting pretty rocks, and writes a lot.
-- See It On Amazon Unravel is a beautiful puzzle platformer about a character made entirely out of yarn, on a quest to uncover lost memories of life or love.
They are made out of yarns such as silk mohair, japanese silk, belgian linen and organic cotton.
If you omit fringe and knit until you're almost out of yarn, your scarf should measure about 75 inches.
At Paging Supermom, Bettijo offers a set of free Halloween printables, including the irises for this eyeball door garland made out of yarn and paper plates.
I remember abandoning it only because I had forgotten to bring another skein of yarn with me on the trip I started it on (running out of yarn - such a rookie mistake!).
Don't you hate it when you run out of yarn!
Why Yoshi and his entire world is made out of yarn isn't explained, nor should it have been.
After COD: Modern Warfare 2 and Halo Reach, you're probably not too excited for a game made out of yarn.
Unravel on the other hand was an announcement (more case studies on those to come), garnering extra attention thanks to this, and the incredibly emotional designer that presented the character on stage (a real doll made out of yarn) probably resonated well with the audience, while being at odds with the usually dry and corporate image that people have of EA.
Here players take control of a Yoshi made out of yarn.
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