Sentences with phrase «out on dehydrator tray»

Lay sea weed out on dehydrator tray and dry at 115 for 8 - 12 hours until crisp.
Once the liquid is strained and safely put away in jars the leftover solids can be laid out on dehydrator trays and fully dehydrated.
Spread out on dehydrator trays (teflex works best for these) and dehydrate at about 115 degrees for about an hour.

Not exact matches

You won't be able to dehydrate these crackers on the regular trays; if you have a fruit leather tray, you can use that, but even better is to trace the dehydrator tray onto parchment paper, and cut out parchment paper bottoms for every tray that you'll be using.
You would take a few trays out and put your covered glass yogurt containers on the floor of the dehydrator near the front (not near the heating unit).
Spread out on a lined dehydrator tray.
Then spread the mixture on Teflex - covered dehydrator trays, dried for an hour or until the surface became dry and I could cut out the flowers with a cookie cutter.
Spread out about 1/8 inch thick on lined dehydrator trays that have been liberally coated with olive oil.
For dehydrating: Spread your leaves out on your trays and dehydrate according to the instructions for your dehydrator.
Spread the mix onto dehydrator sheets and dehydrate overnight at 115 ˚F (45 ˚C), or if you don't have a dehydrator, spread onto a baking tray and bake in the over on a very low heat or until the buckwheat dries out and gets a little crunchy.
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