Sentences with phrase «out to the side just»

Does one foot flare out to the side just a bit?
When I see that hip fat pushing the jeans out to the sides I just loose my mind!

Not exact matches

Neutral reports on the Trump administration's trade policy tend to include a line advising readers that most economists disagree with just about everything that comes out of the mouths of the president, Ross and Robert Lighthizer, the U.S. trade representative and leader of the American side at the renegotiation of the North American Free Trade Agreement.
But while the houses on either side had notices posted to their doors indicating they were off limits, this middle one appeared magically sound; just the windows had been blown out.
On the bright side, that just gives your well - thought - out response more of a chance to shine.
Talk to just about any successful musician who started their career in the»60s,»70s, or»80s and you'll find out that their first contract was terribly one - sided.
If business is slow and you are just going to hang out in front of your computer next week AND your service leans toward the necessity side, then you may still want to meet with this person.
While we never set out to take a side on that question in putting together the report, it just came out that way.
So check out names for the sign before or after your due - date sign as well, just to be on the safe side.
Out on the streets, taxi drivers and Uber drivers held two separate protests in an attempt to rally support for their respective sides, but mostly just succeeded in clogging up traffic.
Why did Charlie Munger recently say: «The current US health care system runs out of control on the cost side and leads to behavior that's not just regrettable, but evil.»
Just because a stock is popular and everyone seems to be choosing sides doesn't mean that investors should force themselves into a bullish or bearish thesis for fear of missing out on a big move.
Although I am fully prepared to start making short selling profits IF the market convincingly breaks down, I am equally prepared to bang out gains on the long side of the stock market (just as my newsletter was doing before the recent cautionary shift).
If you're just starting out with limited help and resources, you may want to stick to the smaller side until you build up a substantial employee base and become an established company.
He would be here primarily not to lob friendly set - ups at the Finance Minister, nor to fill out the camera frame or clap or nod in affirmation of whatever his side just said.
«And of course the politicians on each side don't want to figure this out, they just hate each other and scream at each other, so it's a disgusting outcome.
yeah, I just took another mental / emotional / spiritual 2 x 4 to the side of the head from some Southern Baptists on Facebook... between that and their support of politicians who are trying to kill everything keeping me out of the cemetery....
Now, as a descendant of BOTH sides of «Americans» (White & Native) I just wish to point out that AMERICA ain't got a pearly clean reputation for not FORCING Christian conversion or die!
It does become culture just to turn up at church on a Sunday; you can go through worship time, sing the songs, and then you're out the other side without even knowing it.
Scholars of the doctrine point out that, when appropriately used, armed combat aims to bring about a peaceful and just social order for both sides of the conflict.
I had to make a choice to either cave in and just give up on life, or to press in and overcome, and I chose — probably partly because of my personality, but a lot of it just being God in me — that I was determined I was going to make it through and come out on the other side and do something.
His stance can be a little too conservative for my taste (mostly on social issues) but he is articulate and has some well thought out plans, not to mention he is pretty moderate and I think in this day and age we need a centrist, someone who isn't afraid to work with both sides of the aisle instead of just playing party politics and only pandering to one half of the country.
When you try to open yourself to all sides, it is amazing how things just by the Blessings of God... things can work out for peace.
I don't always come out on the side of the author but I always come closer to God — even if it's just to realize that I'm struggling with a particular truth Funny thing is, God always encourages me and loves me in my honesty.
I know, its the cowards way out but I just do not know because civil unions many folks agree with but folks having issues with using the term «marriage», I can see both sides to a point that I am stumped on an opinion.
It's funny how one person puts the cheese out there and all the «geniuses» jump at the bait to prove just how smart they are... regardless of the side they take.
1) most people haven't given serious thought to these issues and are just giving their «feeling»... it would not be hard for person with well - thought out positions (on either side of the issue) to expose the lack of logic in their position and get them to change their mind... most people just reflect their culture.
Do you suppose that I've gone through all I have, and come out on the other side and starred a life of my own which every day I'm thankful for, just to take charge of you and see that you don't go to the dogs because you're so weak and full of self - pity?
I would just like to point out that at least as many comments coming from the supposed religious side of the argument are just as if not more «hostile and demeaning» towards those of different or no faith.
@david johson your long response offers no proof of anything, opinions and personal interpretation are not «proof «you admitted as much -LRB-, the old i can't prove a negative) but you impressed the heck out of martin t (not particularly difficult on that, as he appears to thrive on any bs that seems to support his «position») Just a side bar Santa does exist, or rather did, Saint Nicholas, Didn't know him personally and I don't think he was anything like the «Coke» version, but the persona is supposedly based on an actual person.
Maybe, just maybe, the confusion has something to do with Jim Wallis speaking out of both sides of his mouth.
You talk out of both sides of your mouth and paint this picture of yourself as some kind of open minded person who encourages dissent... and then, you just shut it down... or want to.
I'm trying to figure out a way to keep writing about mothering without using my children as fodder — and until I do, I'll just keep erring on the side of silence and protection.
Iraq is a big land and has many bordering countries and a population of many Races, and many Religions and Faiths that were known or unknown beliefs... all of those lived in harmony during S - adam regime and every body was practicing his rights with out fear or with just a little fear But now having messed up the whole setup and the control of this mixed nation that were under a secular umbrella has cleverly for some ended it to be handed to Religious extremes at all sides of borders who are now fighting each other for taking control over the country or having it divided in to pieces.
By cutting a piece out of the side of the trench, I was just able to stand in front of my tiny altar, a biscuit tin supported by two German bayonets.
And a proposal comes out that offends both sides (a healthy endorsement), and most just shrug and go back to whatever they were doing.
Without getting into a great deal of song and dance about a side topic, I'll just say that I believe our GDP growth would explode as companies rushed to establish operational headquarters in the US, and the changes in the individual income tax codes would have a chilling effect on both the Wall Street money churners (people would be rewarded for going long with their investments instead of shuffling money around to chase pennies) and the out - of - control executive compensation at the expense of the long - term health of the company.
On the positive side, the evidence will just be out here amassing should they ever decide to get a clue.
Hi Ella, just had another go at making these with the correct amount of bicarb and smaller chocolate chips and they came out perfectly this time (still didn't take as long as 20 minutes to cook but maybe my oven runs a little on the hot side if you know what I mean).
Just a note to self here, but thought it could serve as a nice reminder, in case someone out there is also dealing with a minor frustration and having trouble seeing any sort of bright side.
Sorry — it's late here, I've been up since 4:15 and I just drove all the way across the state after a full day of work so to take care of my nine mile long wedding to - do list (no really, the thing is comically long)-- my sense of propriety and decorum for discussing dead animals along side a epically delicious pancake has gone completely out the window.
I pulled out the Baked Chicken Egg Rolls I made a few months ago to have for dinner and just needed that perfect side dish to go along with it.
When you say line a springform with parchment, do you just mean to cover the bottom, then assemble the springform and leave edges sticking out all around the bottom, or do you put a big piece over the top once the springform is put together and then push it down into the bottom, with edges sticking out around the top, or cutting two pieces of parchment to line the bottom (with a circle) and sides (with a strip) perfectly?
Although anything too liquid seems to spill out the sides of my food processor so I'd start with just enough water to get it blending then add more to thin it out later.
If there isn't enough room in your blending device, or if it leaks out the sides (like a food processor might) blend with just enough water to blend until completely blended then stir in the remaining water to thin it out before straining.
Treat yourself to this rich and creamy baked macaroni and cheese made with blue cheese and bacon — delicious as a side dish to steak, a casserole for your pot luck or just straight out of the dish.
I won't stress about what will be on the menu beforehand and if I'll have to miss out on half the spread, or need to plan to take a side dish just in case.
Pour / spoon the batter into your prepared pan and bake for 45 - 55 minutes or until an inserted toothpick comes out clean and you can start to see the edges just pull away from the sides of the pan.
Mix to just combine, fold in optional add - ins if using and put into prepared baking dish and bake for 18 - 22 min until sides are pulling away from the dish and a toothpick inserted comes out clean.
Well, first you can always send me an email and I will force myslef to help you out and make a few batches, just to be on the safe side.
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