Sentences with phrase «out to the side while»

From here, bring both elbows out to the side while rotating your palms so they face outwards.
Set up as if you were going to squat, then push your knees out to the sides while at the same time pushing back your butt.
Now begin by swinging one leg directly out to the side while swinging the opposite arm out at the same time.
While maintaining the same posture we defined in the first drill, you will lift your leg directly out to the side while prioritizing the ankle projecting upward.
Slowly lift the right leg out to the side while maintaining a 90 - degree angle at the knee joint.
Bend your knees and let them fall out to the side while you bring the soles of your feet together into Badha Konasana.
With your spine long, slowly push your hips out to the side while keeping your shoulders externally rotated.

Not exact matches

While an EMC has merchandise to sell and is using its energies to seek out buyers, an ETC attacks the other side of the trading coin.
But while the houses on either side had notices posted to their doors indicating they were off limits, this middle one appeared magically sound; just the windows had been blown out.
Acknowledging these concerns, Kuroda told lawmakers that while the BOJ is not out to weaken the yen specifically, it can be a side - effect if the central bank steps up its battle against deflation.
While there proven ways to make extra cash on the side, even if you have a full - time job, if those haven't worked - out for you in years past, then consider these 10 new ideas for earning some additional money on the side.
While the Wired contributing editor advocates for an out - and - out end to physical money, he talks with advocates on both sides of the ledger: those who see the waste, inefficiency and malfeasance of our cash - based economy; and those who think a turn away from the almighty dollar is unwise, unpatriotic or even ungodly.
And while early results have been promising, some skeptics have held out on the hype due to concerns over side effects and whether results will persist in later - stage trials.
While we never set out to take a side on that question in putting together the report, it just came out that way.
The left side of the brain, for instance, might have evolved to carry out routine operations — things like foraging for food — while the right side was kept free to detect and react rapidly to unexpected challenges in the environment — an approaching predator, for instance.
Instead of working on the demand side, attention has turned to stimulating business through tax cuts, entrepreneurship and innovation while phasing out excess capacity resulting from the previous stimulus.
The best accidental side effect of running a website and writing articles for Seeking Alpha is that it occasionally allows me to stumble into friends I haven't to in a while — the kind of people that you enjoyed being around, but then life happens, and for whatever reasons, things happen and you fall out of touch.
Circling back to the mall / REIT ticking time - bomb, while the Fed can keep the stock market propped up as means of preventing an immediate nuclear melt - down in U.S. pensions (all of which are substantially «maxed - out» in their mandated equities allocation), the collapse of commercial mortgage - back securities (CMBS) will have the affect of launching a nuclear sub-missile directly into the side of the U.S. financial system.
While the anonymously maintained blog tends to be on the hyperbolic side, many articles point out real concerns with everything from economies laden with debt to high - frequency trading dynamics.
While presumably cooler heads on either side should and will prevail, the war of words between «Rocket Man» and «the Dotard» risks allowing events to spiral out of control.
While tough times can often mean taking on more work, it's important to remember that too many responsibilities can lead to you burning out, especially if your side job isn't personally rewarding.
And while the show set out to reveal the human side of such families - not one sexed - up by Hollywood (think HBO's «Big Love») or sullied by allegations of under - aged brides (think the trial of Warren Jeffs)- it kept details about faith out of episodes.
While I can not myself question Julie based on my knowledge, I think it is fair to at least point out that there is legal documentation and testimony to support that Julie's side is not the only side of the story.
GW can be a christian yes but there are some people who are catholics and christians and jehovas and atheist and so on that don't understand their wrong doing, saying God is on my side to go ahead and kill millions of innocent woman and children based on lies while the truth is for oil, that's not a real christian in my book, There's plenty of serial killers out there that says they've heard God telling them to kill.
While most people are firmly in one camp or the other, roughly 3 to 4 out of 10 Americans either sympathized with both sides — or with neither — on issues of whether employers should be required to provide birth control (43 %), transgender people should be able to use the bathroom of their choice (37 %), or businesses should be required to serve same - sex couples (33 %).
Without an «Absolute Source» of truth, there is no absolute truth, yet you argue herein as if there must be, and you want us to «believe» that there is while arguing out the other side of your mouth that there isn't.
While you're looking, find out why you are so lazy that you'll buy into satan's lies that will send you to the other side of the divide when you leave this earth.
And while Scripture can be used to lead us toward the truth that all people are created equal, Scripture itself seems to lean more on the side of supporting slavery than speaking out against it.
And while out there on the battlefield, it will be equally instructive to keep an eye out for which army has Darth Vader or Luke Skywalker, Sauron or Gandalf, and Hades or Zeus on their side as well.
Justin says that, too often, outspoken Christians on the traditional side give the impression that the Bible supports hostility toward LGBT people, while pro-gay advocates reinforce this assumption by arguing that the only way to treat LGBT people with respect is to throw out the Bible altogether.
I often find that once you've taken it out the oven, leaving it on the side for a while helps for the loaf to set properly.
the gnocchi is light enough to be a side dish, but sturdy enough for a meal, while the pesto just brightens the flavor and brings out the anise essence of the fennel seeds.
While the sauce is simmering, spread the tortilla pieces on a baking sheet and bake for five to 15 minutes, until they begin to dry out and start to curl on the sides.
While they aren't full of the glitz and glamour of some more exciting recipes out there, they are a real reflection of how many of us (on either side of the screen) actually live and eat, and I find that authenticity to be important.
We had the downstairs futon decked out in blankets and pillows to prevent our backs from snapping in the other direction (said futon had a funny dip in it), and would sit our laptops side by side on the coffee table while we sardined on the couch.
I shredded it on the finer side of the grating disc and placed it in a small strainer, over a bowl, and weighted it down to squeeze out some of the water while I prepped the other ingredients.
Side note: I know that an hour seems like a long time to let the granola cook but in order to get a crunchy texture, it needs a while to dry out the moisture from the banana, maple and peanut butter mixture.
I did some research a while back and the best way seems to be to just let it sit out with the cut side down.
This filling mixture is kind of like playdough ~ very pliable... so to make my circles I just scooped up a tablespoon or so with a spoon into the palms of my hand, rolled into a ball, then pressed it down and then rotated it while pushing the sides around to even them out;)
I flipped it into my bread pan (so the slightly dried out side was down) and put it in the oven while it heated to baking temp.
While it can be fun to follow a recipe exactly, especially a complicated one, and come out on the other side with the perfect chocolate mousse or the perfect meringue, making your own way usually leads to the most memorable desserts.
Unfortunately I got home from the store and realized I forgot to buy the sprouts and then while I was making it I realized that I had thrown my sesame oil out because it was a little on the old side (like 2 years).
Return the saucepan over low heat and while stirring cook for 1 minute or two to pull out the moisture from the batter and until it pulls away from the sides of the pan.
(Side note: if while dipping the chocolate gets too thick, simply reheat over low on the stove to remelt the coconut oil, or add up to 2 more tablespoons of maple syrup to thin out.)
To ensure you don't lose half the ingredients out the side while eating your bunnuce burger, you can wrap a piece of baking paper around the bottom half enclosing the end.
Working with 1 piece of dough at a time and keeping other pieces covered in plastic wrap (it's important to keep the dough covered while you work because it dries out very easily), press your thumb into cut side of dough to flatten.
c. Working with 1 piece of dough at a time and keeping other pieces covered in plastic wrap (it's important to keep the dough covered while you work because it dries out very easily), press your thumb into cut side of dough to flatten.
The grains are spiralled inside a stone cavity, centrifugal force pushes the kernels out to the sides of the cavity, while the movement of air keeps the flour cool.
One little side note here: It took me forever to peel these apples, and as a result, I don't recommend letting your kids eat apples out of your measuring cup while you try to peel enough for you pie.
Iniesta's start to the season has seen him hit the first patch of poor form for many years, while Xavi is rapidly being phased out of the side.
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