Sentences with phrase «outcome of infection»

As with any disease, there is variability in the clinical signs and the eventual outcome of the infection.
The researchers showed that a two - day treatment regimen with partial or selective PPAR - γ agonists (Telmisartan and Rosiglitazone — both FDA - approved drugs) ameliorated the pathological outcomes of infection in mice by inducing expression of glucose transporters.
«We can count changes in numbers of bacteria, but if that doesn't change the outcome of the infection — change the number of [animals] that die — it's not worth it.»
Using reverse genetics, we showed that a mutation at position 627 in the PB2 protein influenced the outcome of infection in mice.
This causes anemia and influences the outcome of infection leading to human African sleeping sickness and the cattle disease nagana.
Consequently, despite the extensive and highly successful efforts of many researchers to develop infection models in Drosophila, the outcomes of infection are often measured by end - points such as insect death (survival of a cohort of insects over time) or changes in cell morphology at fixed periods throughout infection (often monitored by staining different elements of the cytoskeleton).
In addition, they showed that once a virus breaches one of the barriers, early events in the body's response to that virus can play a key role in determining the outcome of an infection.
The film focuses on what latent TB infection is and how the immune system plays a role in the outcome of infection.
These findings underscore the difficulty of detecting non-cultivable B. burgdorferi following antibiotic treatment, as interpretation of xenodiagnosis depends upon timing and number of ticks tested, and the outcome of infection must be measured by analysis of multiple tissues at appropriate intervals.
The virus also affects intestine, but the outcome of infection is even worse and reactive: bloodstream may bleed and already contaminated dead cells provoke sepsis that results in quick death — in a matter of several days only.
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