Sentences with phrase «outcome of the process»

On the contrary, we have but one entity, first existing as in the process of realizing itself, and then existing as the static outcome of that process of self - realization.
The pictures show the changing outcome of this process as the temperature is lowered.
Their contributions extend well beyond budget control — the predictable outcome of a process that legal departments seek.
Major outcomes of this process included trust and increased communication between the family and criminal systems.
But the lesson is not the primary outcome of the process, as it usually is in curriculum development.
One exciting outcome of this process was the engagement of faculty across each campus — not just in the teacher preparation programs — in the implementation effort.
The expected value of a randomly decided process is found by taking all the possible outcomes of the process, multiplying each outcome by its probability, and adding all those numbers.
The ALRM sees a useful outcome of the process so far has been the SA Government's acceptance of the authority and governance structure established through the native title management committees.
Thus he does not know in advance the precise outcome of any process of concrescence, including his own.
Process labels, by definition, focus on the production of a food, but largely ignore important outcomes of the process such as taste or healthiness.
There is an increasing awareness that a significant outcome of the process will be a move towards student - centred higher education and away from teacher driven provision.
Learning outcomes of this process include interpersonal communication, pitching, problem solving, concept mapping, process flow and sequence, and critical thinking.
But, they add, «Cash levels are a residual outcome of our process rather than a reflection of a bearish market view.
The expected value of a randomly decided process is found by taking all the possible outcomes of the process, multiplying each outcome by its probability, and adding all those numbers up.
The Oneida Indian Nation, which runs the Turning Stone Casino & Resort in Central New York, vowed to sue to block a Finger Lakes casino just moments after the state awarded the casino licenses, saying the decision was «a predictable outcome of a process that was predetermined to reach this result.»
But for all of the theatrics, one useful outcome of this process is already apparent: It has surfaced an important debate about the appropriate contours of school - choice policy.
Whatever the outcome of that process, Nordstrom should not be tarred with the same brush as other department stores.»
The past few weeks and months have brought report after report that Russia's ruling regime has sought to introduce chaos and suspicion into America's democratic process, and possibly even influence the outcome of that process, by working through multiple channels, among them Facebook.
Once the process is complete, the investor will use the outcomes of the process to finalize the internal approval process and complete the investment.
If I had to choose which one I would spend time watching on the tube, if I were at home surfing the channels, watching the Liberals announce the outcome of a process that has taken months, instead of a couple of days, it would be like choosing to watch a rerun of a so - so hockey game.
«I think it is too soon to predict the outcome of this process,» she said.
Still waiting the outcome of a process of complaint I have made in which the official line is that this procedure is in place in order to learn and improve and put things right for the complainant.
Thus, on the one band, the analysis of what an occasion is qua subject requires a reference to what the same occasion will be qua superject; for the subject is not an aimless, creative process, but is guided instead by its ideal of what the superject or outcome of that process is to be (PR 130).
It satisfies the learned, because it agrees that the sensations experienced are the outcome of a process involving and conditioned by the sense organs and other physiological factors.
But power may be defined more broadly as the capacity to influence the outcome of any process of actualization, thereby permitting both persuasive and coercive power.
The actual entity is only process, the outcome of its process, and the beginning of new processes.
The more serious difficulty with this counterargument, at least for our present purposes, is its identification of the subject with the being which is the outcome of the process, i.e., with the superject.
A statement regarding the outcome of this process will be made available before the upcoming Austrian Grand Prix.»
For many parents, the outcome of this process is the ultimate assessment of how they have performed as caregivers and how their children have repaid them for the sacrifices, efforts, and investments they have made over the years.
Today is a super simple craft that you will be able to set up within a minute and the outcome of this process is simply beautiful!
An outcome of this process has been to launch the first ever Play Therapy Awareness week, designated to be February 2nd through 8th 2014, which is bound to educate others about Play Therapy.
They have an obvious and immediate interest in the outcome of the process.
The proposed Bill is the outcome of a process of constitutional review which began in January 2010 with the appointment by then President John Atta Mills of a nine - member Constitution Review Commission (CRC), pursuant to the Constitution Review Commission of Inquiry Instrument, 2010, C.I. 64.
Levels of BDNF are important in determining the outcome of these processes.
«We're imagining that Mercury would be the lone, highly dense, eccentric planet that's the outcome of this process,» Volk says.
«We hope that the outcome of this process will be that the genomic sequence of the HeLa cell line will be publicly available for scientific research; however, our first priority are the privacy concerns of the family.»
The outcome of this process is to determine if students have reached our learning targets.
The outcome of that process and of the House's parallel bill which left committee already and which failed to adopt a Democratic sponsored amendment to require states to adopt «college and career ready standards» and to use standardized test results in accountability systems, will play a significant role in the current policy environment that is best summarized as «test and punish».
And the outcome of that process, at least in the long term, is likely to be lower e-book prices.
If you are not satisfied with the outcome of this process, then you can explore whether you are entitled to a chargeback.
Al - Hadid's large - scale sculptures and wall hangings are the outcome of process - based investigations into materials, including fiberglass, polymer, steel, and plaster.
The cycle repeatedly returns to those moments during early sexual development in which the outcome of the process is still unknown.
The outcome of that process seemed to suggest that the polymer could be put to use as both a building and insulation material.
«This apparent disregard for the care and attention to detail required for a thorough review of contracts will affect both the quality and the outcome of the process,» said Patrick Alley.
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