Sentences with phrase «outcome of therapy»

Whether or not the anxiety or depression is caused by family, identification of negative patterns and increase of support can contribute to successful outcomes of therapy.
I believe in working together collaboratively towards the desired outcome of therapy to help you achieve greater happiness, stability and a more meaningful life.
The body's natural balance of other hormones is very important to maintain a better outcome of therapy, both short and long term.
Researchers studying outcomes of therapy are beginning to focus attention on this approach as a family therapy.
Crucially, to obtain even this small dataset, the authors have included reports of the effect of personality disorder on outcome of therapy for other mental health problems, such as depression and eating disorder.
Relational factors in music therapy can contribute to a positive outcome of therapy for children with autism.
Ultimately, it doesn't matter how many degrees a therapist or psychologist has under their belt, if you don't feel good about sitting in a room with that person; it is vital to the positive outcome of your therapy or coaching experience that you feel comfortable enough with your therapist to be vulnerable and open.
The successful outcome of therapy is becoming a balanced and a capable person.»
I individualize treatment and choose the specific type of therapy that meets your needs that target the desired outcome of therapy
Outcome of therapy for sexually abused children: A repeated measures study.
So occupation, then, can be both the intervention AND outcome of therapy.
And as Courchesne observes, «the earlier the intervention, the better the outcomes of therapy
The variants, however, were not associated with a particular ethnicity or outcome of ALL therapy.
The outcome of therapy - induced inflammation can have tumor - promoting functions that accompany rapid tumor growth, while on the other hand killing off some of the weaker cancer cells.
With any therapeutic interaction it is the combination of the therapist's knowledge of his tools and his ability to see and understand the person with whom he is interacting that will determine the outcome of the therapy.
Conversely, sometimes the outcome of therapy is not always what you had planned, but difficult decisions get made.
Erla aims to create a comfortable atmosphere during her sessions and puts a great emphasis on monitoring the progress and outcome of therapy to ensure that therapy is benefiting her clients and serving their best interests.
If you are reporting happiness or satisfaction with the outcome of therapy, for many, ending therapy is the next move.
«In this therapy, the therapist takes responsibility for the outcome of the therapy.
The outcome of this therapy is shifted perspective and refreshed outlook on life.
The counseling process is unique to each individual depending on the issues presented and the type of renewal and restoration desired as an outcome of therapy.
While there are many theoretical and practical approaches to psychotherapy, research has consistently shown that regardless of the approach, the most powerful factor in predicting the outcomes of therapy is the quality of the therapeutic relationship between the psychotherapist and the patient.
I do not guarantee any specific results regarding the outcome of your therapy.
Mention a little bit about your training so that they know yes I'm in the right place, they can solve my pain, and here's the outcomes of the therapy.
These are not easy questions to answer because finding the right counselor is so important to your experience and outcome of therapy.
As with most approaches to therapy, the relationship between the therapist and those in therapy may have an impact on the outcome of therapy.
Not all therapists would agree with this, but it has been my experience that the more clarity people have about what they want to gain from therapy, and the more clear everyone is on the role of the therapist, the more effective the outcome of therapy will be.
But, it's become clear to me over many years of working with husbands and wives who are struggling in their relationships, that the stronger their focus on God's plan for the marriage, the more powerful and positive the outcome of therapy.
During our initial session we will strive to assess the immediate concerns you are facing and the goals you have as the outcome of our therapy together.
Because regardless of the outcome of therapy, your friends will not be there to warm the bed at night when therapy is complete.
Again, the relationship between the therapist and clients tend to determine the outcome of therapy.
Graduates of the program are expected to exhibit a beginning level of competence with a variety of presenting problems, utilize the Integrative Systemic Therapy (IST) framework to integrate knowledge from the field into practice, demonstrate multi-cultural sensitivity and ethical competence in their work, and have an appreciation for research, particularly research on family relationships and the process and outcome of therapy.
The outcome of therapy is usually greater self - knowledge, a re-integration of de-pressed thoughts, emotions, and beliefs, and a new relationship with self, others, and the world.
The outcome of therapy depends on many factors, but psychotherapy researchers have evidence to show that these 13 qualities in a therapist play a key role in increasing the odds of a successful outcome.
At one time in my career, I'd have considered divorce as an outcome of therapy to be a failure — by the couple and by me.
Research has shown that the most important and best indicator of a successful outcome of therapy is the rapport or «connection» between the clients and the counselor.
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