Sentences with phrase «outdated books»

Don't use any abusive tactics floating around in outdated books and websites though.
Some of this is because of outdated books, poor quality writers who wrote those books, and because of the misconceptions that are taught through the mass media.
How do we inspire a love of reading with outdated books?
Since the late 1940s «concealed value» in the form of real estate carried at outdated book values that reflect low acquisition prices was a major factor behind corporate raiding, mergers and acquisitions.
Really... what kind of idiot would base philosophical, intellectual, sexual, financial, social, medical, and other lifestyle decisions on a musty, old, outdated book surrounded by such controversy?
The only people who seem to have an issue with that are christians and all christians base this off of is a 2000 year old outdated book that was written by man, inspired by man and that has been proven to b largely wrong (very few actual facts are contained within those pages).
«Outdated books keep stereotypes alive,» she said.
In Baltimore, library coordinator Della Curtis keeps examples of outdated books from the county's school libraries on a «shelf of shame.»
«Outdated books give students misinformation,» Selverstone told Education World.
Paper Writing Service suggests you forgetting about outdated books in your academic paper writing: they can be useful only if you're referencing to fundamental laws, but you should always analyze whether well - known facts can be useful for readers.
For outdated book marketing advice, who better to ask than a recently unfrozen caveman author?
I made them becuase I am fed of having loads of outdated books that are unsatisfactory and I wanted a basics guide to each religion.
My values and morals are not dictated by any ancient, outdated book or fear of going to «hell» by upsetting some invisible being.
If you want to believe in your god, then more power to you, but don't make yourself look stupid by trying to refute scientific fact based on what someone told you or what you've read in an outdated book written to scare and control mankind though fantastical and highly embellished stories meant to inspire fear and obedience to ancient laws and beliefs.
So you can buy some useless and / or outdated books or save your time and money and not buy any books at all until something else is offered?
Another danger of shelves full of outdated books is that they foster complacency.
Asked whether it is better to have outdated books or no books on library shelves, Shontz, Selverstone, and Curtis all replied, emphatically and without hesitation, «No books.»
Booktowns are small and rural villages that happen to have a fairly high concentration of book shops or sellers who specialise in second - hand and rare or outdated books.
For our Joshua's Law classes, we have replaced the traditional driver's education curriculum of using old, outdated books with the latest in software - based interactive teaching tools.
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