Sentences with phrase «outdoor cats face»

Outdoor cats face dozens of dangers, including cars, other cats ready to fight for love or territory, and exposure to fleas, ticks, worms, as well as sickness or death from eating spoiled food or household poisons.
Outdoor cats face greater threat of accident and / or illness, and average roughly 10 years.
Whether they live in the city, in the suburbs, or in the country, outdoor cats face a multitude of risks.
Cats that roam free outside live an average of only 2 - 5 years, which reflects the precarious environment that outdoor cats face.
For instance, outdoor cats face more hazards than indoor cats, so their nine lives may not last quite as long.

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Cats love to loll in the sun outdoors or in windows, so the same goes for them — sunscreen on the face, nose, and ears, especially.
Cats who are free to roam outdoors have less of a home base, and face all kind of dangers on a regular basis: cars, predators, other cats, exposure to disease and poisons found from waste or natural substanCats who are free to roam outdoors have less of a home base, and face all kind of dangers on a regular basis: cars, predators, other cats, exposure to disease and poisons found from waste or natural substancats, exposure to disease and poisons found from waste or natural substances.
When outdoors, cats face the risks of being exposed to infections from other animals, getting into fights, being attacked by predators, or being run over by vehicles.
If you're the owner of an indoor - outdoor cat, you may be faced with a situation in which your kitty is suddenly missing.
As outdoor cats are faced with much more life - threatening situations.
Fairminded Fran does a nice job explaining what feral cats are and the plight they face living outdoors.
Just think about how most cats tend to look when they're sitting on the examination table at the veterinarian's office or when one outdoor cat comes face - to - face with another unfamiliar cat.
The good news is that with a little effort on your part, your cat can have everything she needs to be safe, happy and fulfilled, without leaving her to face the dangers of the outdoors alone.
However, cats with unpigmented (white) or lightly pigmented skin of the face and ears (pinna) that spend time outdoors in a sunny climate are predisposed to developing SCC.
Cats that spend time outdoors face greater risk of injury and illness, which can cut their lifespan to about four or five years.
FACE defines Community Cats as unowned stray and feral (unsocialized) cats who live outdoors in our neighborhoods without a particular home or owCats as unowned stray and feral (unsocialized) cats who live outdoors in our neighborhoods without a particular home or owcats who live outdoors in our neighborhoods without a particular home or owner.
The public awareness campaign educates people about the dangers faced by outdoor cats, and why it's important to keep cats from roaming unsupervised.
The conditions faced outdoors by both stray and feral cats can be very difficult at times.
Those who want to populate an outdoor pond with them will also face issues, as sliders don't stay put and may be eaten by a coyote, raccoon, opossum, dog or cat.
Most South African cats are indoor - outdoor cats though breeders are making buyers aware of the hazards that their cats can face there: rampant burglary / theft, cars, dogs, pigeon fanciers and their weapons and also razor wire.
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