Sentences with phrase «outdoor sleeping spots»

Consider treating sheds, cars and any outdoor sleeping spots.

Not exact matches

Warm car engines are an attractive sleeping spot for an outdoor cat or small wildlife.
«Providing shelter for outdoor cats may lessen the risk they will use your car engine as a sleeping spot
Walk into the houses of most dog owners and you'll easily spot one — that is unless the dog has been relegated to sleeping in the garage, laundry room, outdoors or some other hidden - from - view place.
The next thing you can do in your outdoor flea control efforts is to «sterilize» any spots of sandy or bare earth where your cat may like to sleep or hang out.
Heat recovery systems, recirculate interior air mixed with fresh outdoor air, to lower costs of having to heat all fresh outdoor air, while exhausting old air through building ventilation.Insulated sliding shutter doors is simply an attempt to increase the R - Value of the weak spots (doors and windows) either when you're not at home, or when you're going to sleep and those windows serve only to leak heat out.Geothermal heating / cooling depends on your geography.
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