Sentences with phrase «outdoorsand physical labor»

We started out like Lucy and Ethel, bootstrapping, with minimal equipment... there was a lot of physical labor.
Business Insider decided to look into how the new plan will affect blue collar workers — people in jobs that center around non-agricultural physical labor — in particular.
About 80 percent of the workforce has a job that requires no physical labor.
Erudite enough to write reviews for The New York Times and to quote Wallace Stevens from memory, he also had a strong affinity for physical labor and a history of writing stories for and about men.
A start - up called Desktop Metal has developed 3 - D printers that can produce metal objects safely, in smaller spaces and for a lower cost than traditional manufacturing, which requires expensive machinery, lots of floor space and risky physical labor.
It goes beyond the sleepless nights; it includes the hard physical labor of making products and moving things around on a daily basis.
I have worked in management, physical labor on my feet, for 22 years.
The more than 200 jobs that remain, while they pay well for the area, are grueling ones, often 16 hours of physical labor in temperatures reaching 140 degrees.
For Eusebius of Caesarea, the perfect Christian life was one devoted to serving God, untainted by physical labor.
Physical labor, animal labor and craftsmanship should again be accorded respect within our culture and should be encouraged along with intellectual pursuits.
The hard physical labor and the unhealthy conditions lead many miners to spend their paychecks on liquor and drugs for escape.
A politics of using immigration to increase the ranks of the low - skilled, and then reducing the programs they will depend on when they are old and unable to do physical labor, might seem like good business to the affluent.
Was the lesson of Vilcabamba simply one of natural diet, pure water, clean air, physical labor and quiet living?
The point was, on one hand, to eliminate financial barriers to education and, on the other hand, to remove the stigma attached to physical labor.
The men of Scripture — Abraham, Isaac, Sampson, Daniel, Jesus, Peter, Paul — are men of action whose occupations centered around physical labor like farming, shepherding, carpentry, tent - making, and fighting animals with their bare hands.
So men who wish to honor God with their lives and humbly submit to His will should make physical labor their primary occupation, and resist the urge to give in to our culture's glorification of «white collar» work, which is a departure from biblical principles of masculinity.
Berrigan and his ideological confreres can hardly have such persons in mind when they speak of the «settler ethos»; nor can they mean people like Aaron David Gordon, «the Jewish Tolstoy,» for whom settlement and Zionism meant working the land with one's own hard physical labor, usually with fellow pioneers in a kibbutz.
I know I've written it here before, and I've even blogged about it on my own blog, but in this period of my life, I really related to what you wrote here: ``... the grueling hours and the physical labor involved is one of the main reasons that I'm permanently damaged, both physically and psychologically.»
«the grueling hours and the physical labor involved is one of the main reasons that I'm permanently damaged, both physically and psychologically» I've only worked in 1 hotel, 2 bakeries after i became a baker.
The result of outsourcing is an improved quality of life for the farmer because they can focus more time on growing higher quality coffee and turning a higher profit with less physical labor.
Coconut water not only prevents dehydration caused by disease, but also by hot weather or extreme physical labor.
She had a degree in botany from Michigan and liked plants, the outdoorsand physical labor (her father was a mason), but she wasn't a tomboy.
Most of them look horrible, many because they did physical labor for years, and this ages the body.
As studies have shown, and as women know from experience, while Thanksgiving Day is considered a day of rest for men, in most households it's a «day of both ritual and physical labor for women.»
If they are not involved in an organized sport, encourage him to ride his bike, take up running or join the local Y. Don't forget to include physical labor around the house — cleaning gutters, cutting grass, stacking wood, etc..
From the physical labor to the emotional work, from showing them how to tie their shoes to potty training them to helping them practice reading to talking about current events and helping them interpret the big themes.
Women's nutritional status is threatened by repeated, closely spaced pregnancies, inadequate energy intake, micronutrient deficiencies, infections, parasites, and heavy physical labor.
While most posterior babies do eventually rotate, that can still mean there is quite a long wait - and a lot of physical labor during that wait.
Applicants should have worked at least one season on a farm, be comfortable with physical labor in all weather condition
It was a physical labor of love.
It's not all about physical labor and assisting your spouse, though.
The short play, which incorporates music, video and dance, centers on critical moments in the life of Mandela, including his marriage to Winnie Mandela and the hard physical labor and loneliness of his incarceration.
Compared to the hunter - gatherers who preceded them, the farmers had a nearly 50 per cent increase in enamel defects indicative of malnutrition, a fourfold increase in iron - deficiency anemia (evidenced by a bone condition called porotic hyperostosis), a theefold rise in bone lesions reflecting infectious disease in general, and an increase in degenerative conditions of the spine, probably reflecting a lot of hard physical labor.
Instead of doing backbreaking physical labor in the field, humans could do the easier work of supervising robot workers.
This is not just a case of automated machinery eliminating human jobs; many younger workers in developed countries prefer to avoid the «dirty, heavy, not prestigious work» of physical labor on a farm, van Henten says.
Cognitive fatigue is fatigue resulting from mental work rather than from physical labor.
Cognitive symptoms, including cognitive fatigue, are a common but under recognized complication of MS. Individuals with MS often report experiencing cognitive fatigue, (fatigue resulting from mental work rather than from physical labor) as one of their most debilitating symptoms.
«There is historical data to show that temperatures in the southern United States have risen,» she said, «and over the long term, warmer temperatures are going to strain workers who do a lot of physical labor and affect their productivity.»
Physical labor develops strength and could even be a solid form of conditioning.
Above all, these drinks were considered superior to plain water in their ability to relieve thirst during physical labor
Unless you have a penchant for strenuous physical labor, I think you know the answer.
The hard physical labor of the «good old days» is mostly gone.
This mental focus during strenuous exercise is very useful for anyone who has to do physical labor in tough conditions, namely firefighters, soldiers, and athletes.
For example, if you have been doing hard physical labor all day, you are unlikely to come home and run ten kilometers for fun.
I would rather be in nutritional ketosis but I have to do physical labor and need my muscles and I need to keep my water.
You could probably get away with eating a bunch of eggs if you also did physical labor or walked all day.
If you are exercising strenuously or doing hard physical labor, get 3 or 4 quarts.
They get less results from working out, have a harder time doing physical labor, and have more difficulty performing sexually in the bedroom.
The quality and quantity of your physical activity (such as fitness training, strength training, or physical labor) matter.
When I came out of medical training and started practicing in Southern California, I could easily estimate how old my patients were by looking at them since many of them were working jobs involving physical labor, often outdoors.
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