Sentences with phrase «outer stars»

Find the two outer stars on the Big Dipper's bowl and draw an imaginary line in between them.
Those outer stars seemed to be pulled by far more gravity than could be accounted for by adding up the contributions of the visible stars.
Why don't the outer stars move more slowly than the inner ones?
The surprise, Gebhardt says, was that the whirling rates of these outer stars were nearly perfectly correlated with the masses of the black holes.
Instead, the speed of the outer stars remained high, suggesting that some unseen dark matter was providing the extra gravitational force needed to keep them from flying into space.
That would enable the outer stars to circulate faster without dark matter and its extra gravity.
They look like a galaxy stripped bare: as if a normal elliptical galaxy — the sort that is a featureless mass of stars without a spiral structure — has had all its outer stars removed, leaving just the dense core of stars at its center.
Now, in the latest shot from the MOND side, Stacy McGaugh, an astronomer at the University of Maryland, College Park, reports that MOND can explain an observed correlation between the mass and the rotation speed of galaxies — that is, the speed of those outer stars — called the baryonic Tully - Fisher relation.
The researchers conclude that these outliers were originally in clusters like the others, but after having their outer stars stripped away while orbiting a larger galaxy (orbit shown in this simulation), they had a close encounter with a third galaxy (approaching from bottom) whose gravity flung them out of the cluster like a slingshot.
Those outer stars ought to move more slowly than the ones circling closer in — just as Jupiter orbits the sun more slowly than Earth.
Since the 1980s, they have imagined that these galaxies must contain some invisible substance (they call «dark matter») causing the outer stars to travel faster than the laws of physics would allow with the observed galaxy's mass.
«If it turns out that those outer stars aren't actually moving faster than the inner ones, then the galaxy could be in what's called dynamic equilibrium.
In the southern hemisphere, Alpha Centauri forms the outer star of The Pointers or The Southern Pointers, [36] so called because the line through Beta Centauri (Hadar / Agena), [37] some 4.5 ° west, [36] points directly to the constellation Crux — the Southern Cross.
This could not have occurred here; the outer star pair would have disrupted outer planet formation.
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