Sentences with phrase «outlet for one's energy»

Pit bulls can do well in an urban environment, provided they have enough exercise and other positive outlets for their energy.
By providing outlets for energy release, the cat has something to do so she doesn't need to engage in destructive behaviors.
If you don't have a farm, you'll need to find outlets for his energy levels and needs for mental stimulation.
The high energy stage does pass, but during this period you do need to provide proper outlets for their energy level.
This is not a golden being naughty, chewing is a completely natural release for bored dogs with no other outlet for their energy.
We must provide appropriate outlets for this energy, otherwise the dog will come up to their own devices on how to relieve this energy.
Your pets will have a healthy outlet for their energy in an open play environment.
Given a daily outlet for its energy, it makes a pleasant companion.
They must have physical outlets for their energy and mental outlets for their intelligent minds.
With so many puppies and young dogs needing a constructive outlet for their energy, the question of dog exercise surfaces once again.
Please Note None of these methods will be very effective unless you also give your kitten acceptable outlets for her energy, by playing with her regularly using appropriate toys.
Dogs who aren't given proper outlets for their energy will often find their own, less than ideal, outlets.
That's not to say that some working dogs don't also make great companions, but they need an appropriate outlet for that energy and drive.
But the good news is that there are ways you can play with your new pup that encourage the behavior you want while giving him a healthy outlet for his energy.
Pulling a cart or sled is a productive outlet for his energy, especially when children are involved.
If you don't provide your pup with outlets for energy, they may develop behavioral problems such as whining, excessive barking, digging, chewing, biting or playing too rough, according to WebMD.
Otherwise he will find outlets for his energy through destructive chewing and digging.
Nose work is great for building confidence in a shy dog, giving an active dog an appropriate and challenging outlet for its energy or helping a reactive dog overcome its environmental sensitivity.
When not provided a sufficient outlet for their energy, a Border Collie Australian Shepherd mix will become bored and frustrated.
Playtime activity counters obesity and addresses many behavioral issues, often providing important stimulation and a great outlet for energy.
Trying to suppress these «hardwired» behaviors, without providing alternate outlets for their energy, can be difficult and is not fair to the dog.
If bored, they can find outlets for their energy such as entertaining the neighbors with a barking, whining solo, digging for gold or other treasures in the yard or de-feathering a pillow (welcome home!).
Even with adequate outlets for their energy, border collies are herding dogs by nature and this often breeds into them an instinctive herding instinct which they will perform on anything and everything including young children.
Looking to learn more about training and to give India a structured outlet for her energy, Lisa and India began to train in the dog sport of agility.
I know for a fact that in Slaw's readership there is a very large contingent of assemblers, explainers, organizers, arrangers, and generally helpful people; this is a perfect outlet for these energies.
«I realized I just needed a different outlet for my energy, so that's why I decided to go into consulting.»
From the highly athletic border collie to the perky corgi, all herding dogs need outlets for their energy.
Pit Bulls are quite resilient and can do well in an urban environment, provided they have enough exercise and other positive outlets for their energy.
Pulling a cart or sled, herding, agility, fetching balls, playing Frisbee, and weight pulling are productive outlets for his energy.
The Pitbull needs a daily outlet for its energy, preferably in the form of a long walk on leash or a vigorous game in the yard.
Without proper outlets for their energy, a bored Flat - Coated Retriever may resort to digging in gardens, chewing or other nuisance behavior.
If Schnauzers don't get enough exercise, they will find other outlets for their energy and that could result in exessive barking!
Give your dog interactive toys to play with, such as Kongs that you can stuff with food, so he can be steered toward appropriate outlets for his energy.
The Akita side of this dog makes him a natural herder / hunter so mental stimulation and a physical outlet for his energy is important to keep him happy and healthy.
If you are able to make your dog WORK for some of their food, they're being entertained, receiving mental stimulation, and are provided with a healthy outlet for their energy and desire to chew on things.
Studying gives her another outlet for that energy.
Playing sports is a great way to give young people an outlet for their energy; however, many sports activities are rough - and - tumble events.
Take note: «The Lamont videos were far more effective than tendentious blog posts, and they gave energetic supporters an outlet for their energies (a person can only pound so many yard signs).
«The Lamont videos were far more effective than tendentious blog posts, and they gave energetic supporters an outlet for their energies (a person can only pound so many yard signs).
This is because there is a wide selection of activities, so much more than just paintball, which means that all couples should find an outlet for their energy.
This is an addict spiraling out (and down), with no impulse control and no outlet for his energy or need.
By creating an outlet for his energy and talent, Summa Options gave Yuan the support he needed to thrive.
They also decided he should sign up for a sport, so he has an activity to be involved in and an outlet for his energy.
Contact us so that we can begin developing a program for you that will establish an outlet for their energy and open them up to having their behavioral issues put behind them as a memory.
Our agility and obedience training centers are full and even the wait lists are full, so we're patiently waiting to get in line for both of these courses, mainly to give her an outlet for energy and to teach her to walk without tugging.

Phrases with «outlet for one's energy»

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